vanadium pentoxide

[vəˈnediəm pɛntˈɑkˌsaɪd][vəˈneidiəm ˌpenˈtɔksaid]


  • Experimental study of recovering refined vanadium pentoxide from waste vanadium catalyst

    从废钒催化剂中回收精制 氧化 的试验研究

  • Causticizing mud was used as a roasting additive of sodium chloride for extraction of vanadium pentoxide from stone coal .

    从石煤中提取 氧化 时,用苛化泥作焙烧添加剂,以取代氯化钠。

  • The main products of the company are No.1 Class vanadium pentoxide ammonium metavanadate Microsilica fused Quartz Quartz Glass Tuber and other raw material of quartz in all sizes .

    主要产品有 氧化 一流、偏钒酸铵、硅微粉、融熔石英、石英玻璃管和各种规格石英原料。

  • Vanadium pentoxide film is a good candidate of Li + storage layer in all-solid electrochromic device .


  • The study of the producing process of vanadium pentoxide from containing vanadium bone coal by composite additives roasting

    石煤复合添加剂焙烧法生产 氧化 钒工艺的研究

  • Preparation of Highly c-Axis Oriented Nano Vanadium Pentoxide Thin Films on Amorphous Glass Substrates by Sol-Gel

    溶胶-凝胶法制备高c轴取向纳米 V 2O 5薄膜

  • This shows that Vanadium pentoxide may only rarely be applicable as sole oxidizing agent .

    这表明 氧化 是很少用做单一的氧化剂的。

  • The Study on the Polyaniline / Vanadium Pentoxide Composite Electrode Material

    聚苯胺/ 氧化 复合电极材料的研究

  • Study on operating method of a melting furnace for producing vanadium pentoxide and its application

    氧化 熔化炉操作方法的研究与应用

  • Methods for chemical analysis of vanadium pentoxide & The barium sulphate gravimetric method for the determination of sulphur content

    GB/T7315.5-1987 氧化 化学分析方法硫酸钡重量法测定硫量

  • The principles and low pollution process in production of vanadium pentoxide with stone coal containing vanadium are introduced in detail .

    介绍用含 石煤生产 氧化 钒的原理和低污染生产工艺。

  • Study on the Extraction of Vanadium Pentoxide from Stone Coal Ore

    从石煤矿中提取 氧化 的工艺研究

  • Removal of carbon dioxide in multi-channel monolith contactors for gas-liquid concurrent two-phase flow Improvement of Determination Method of Vanadium Pentoxide in Decarburizing Solution of Ammonia

    多通道规整结构接触器气液并流脱碳研究合成氨脱碳液中 氧化 测定方法的改进

  • The X-ray diffraction pattern and spectral transmission at room temperature of vanadium pentoxide thin films deposited on glass by RF magnetron sputtering were measured .

    用磁控离子溅射法在玻片上沉积了 V2O5薄膜,并进行了X射线衍射和常温下光谱透过率测量。

  • The experimental results are analyzed phase transition principle and application in laser protection of vanadium pentoxide thin films are also introduced in this paper .

    对实验结果进行了分析并介绍了 V2O5薄膜的相变原理及其在激光防护上的应用。

  • Recent development of vanadium pentoxide xerogel as positive electrode materials used for lithium secondary battery

    锂蓄电池正极材料 V 2O5干凝胶的研究进展

  • It discusses the influences of temperature the types of sodium salt and the adding amounts of sodium salt to extracting vanadium pentoxide from high-silicon low-vanadium vanadium slag .

    讨论了温度、钠盐种类及钠盐加量对高硅低钒钒渣提取 氧化 的影响。

  • Study on the application of vanadium pentoxide thin films in continuous laser protection

    V 2O 5薄膜在连续激光防护中的应用研究

  • 2-Chloro-6-nitrobenzoic acid was prepared by oxidizing 2-chloro-6-nitrotoluene with nitric acid in the presence of sulfuric acid and vanadium pentoxide under atmospheric pressure .

    以2-氯-6-硝基甲苯为起始原料,在硫酸介质中, 氧化 催化下,滴加硝酸,常压氧化生成2-氯-6-硝基苯甲酸。

  • The effect of grade and impurities in vanadiferrous slag on yield and recovery of vanadium pentoxide are analysized in this paper .

    本文分析了钒渣主品位及其杂质含量对 氧化 钒生产的产量、 回收率的影响。

  • With the vanadium-rich material prepared pure sodium vanadate solution is obtained by baking soda leaching . Ammonium metavanadate is obtained after precipitating vanadium from ammonium salt which will turn to vanadium pentoxide after burning at 400 ℃ .

    获得含钒的富料后,采用苏打焙烧法,获得纯净的钒酸钠溶液,进一步铵盐沉钒后得到偏钒酸铵,灼烧后,即可得到 氧化

  • Studies on the role of sodium chloride in extracting vanadium pentoxide from the stone-like coal

    氯化钠在 石煤 中的作用四川广旺石煤 焙烧过程中 价态的变化

  • Study on the Process of Producing Vanadium Pentoxide from Bone Coal Vanadium Mine by No-salt-roasting and Acid Leaching ;

    采用铵 焙烧及机械力化学法对 铝土矿进行尾矿除钛和铁及其表面化学 性。

  • Vanadium pentoxide is mainly used in steel industry chemical industry vanadium battery biomedicine etc. About 90 % of the vanadium pentoxide is used in the steel industry.V-Ti magnetite is the major source of vanadium production in the world .

    氧化 主要应用于钢铁行业、化工行业、钒电池、生物医学等方面,其中约90%的 氧化 钒应用于钢铁行业。钒钛磁铁矿是目前国际上生产钒的主要资源。

  • Discharge recovery and utilization of sodium salt from vanadium pentoxide production

    氧化 生产中钠盐的排放与回收利用

  • Vanadium pentoxide sol was fabricated by melting and quenching with oxygen top blown technology .

    研究在熔融淬冷法中应用氧气顶吹工艺制备了 V2O5溶胶。

  • Vanadium pentoxide ( V 2O 5 ) thin films were grown onto quartz glass and silicon substrates by pulsed magnetron reactive sputter technique while sputtering power and oxygen partial pressure and substrate temperature are controlled accurately during experiment .

    研究中采用脉冲磁控反应溅射方法,通过精确地控制氧分压、基底温度等关键工艺参量,在石英玻璃和硅片上制备 V2O5薄膜。

  • Recovering of Vanadium Pentoxide from Vanadic Catalyzer Waste by Oxidizing Roasting


  • The Study of Vanadium Pentoxide Manufacturing Technology Using Counter-current Ammonium Washing

    逆流铵洗 红钒工艺研究

  • Preparation of High - Purity Vanadium Pentoxide from Spent Vanadium Catalyst by Solvent Extraction

    用溶剂萃取法从废钒催化剂制备高纯 氧化