

  • Since heat leak is always present vaporization takes place continuously .

    由于热泄露总是存在, 蒸发不断地发生。

  • Vaporization : Add10 drops of undiluted essential oil to the water unit of a vaporizer or humidifier .

    喷雾 :在喷雾器或加湿器的水格中滴加10滴纯精油。

  • Lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue ; evaporate milk .

    蒸馏 使失去液体只留下更浓缩的残留物;蒸牛奶。

  • The utility model has reasonable design and vaporization is divided into two sections .

    本实用新型设计合理,分二段 汽化

  • Harm of vaporization of water in hot water boiler and preventive measure

    热水锅炉锅水 汽化的危害和预防措施

  • The atomization process is more sensitive to disturbance than vaporization .

    雾化过程比 汽化过程对扰动更为敏感。

  • The utilization of LNG as city gas in China is introduced and LNG transportation storage and vaporization are also discussed in detail .

    介绍了液化天然气(LNG)作为城市气源在我国的利用情况,并介绍了液化天然气的运输、储存、 气化 技术

  • The vapor pressure and heat of vaporization have been shown to be significant properties in nonsteady droplet vaporization . The taxi 's metre was ticking away .

    在非稳态的液滴汽化中,蒸气压和 汽化热是重要的性质。出租汽车的计程表在滴答滴答地走着。

  • The Effect of Interfacial Vaporization Heat Sink in Pool Nucleate Boiling Process

    池式核沸腾中的界面 汽化热阱效应

  • This design reduces heat leak and vaporization of liquid helium during transportation .

    这种设计减小了运输过程中的热泄漏和液氦的 蒸发

  • Study on The Relation Between Vaporization Heat of Aliphatic Alcohol and Its Molecular Structure Graph Theory

    脂肪醇 气化热与分子结构关系的图论方法研究

  • Sublimation or vaporization and this is the Clausius-Clapeyron equation .

    升华或者 蒸发,这就是克劳修斯&克拉珀龙方程。

  • Experimental study of As and Se ′ s vaporization during coal combustion and pyrolysis

    煤燃烧和热解过程中As和Se的 挥发实验

  • Water has a high heat of vaporization resulting in perspiration being an effective method of cooling the body .

    水的 蒸发比热很高,产生排汗这种有效的使身体降温的方法。

  • Vaporization of the liquid level and pressure of the size of the high and low temperatures .

    液体的 汽化程度与压力的大小、温度高低有关。

  • Per mole which is just the Gibbs free energy of vaporization .

    每摩尔吉布斯自由能,就是 汽化的吉布斯自由能。

  • The variations of vaporization rate of Micro T - Vaporizer under various working conditions were studied .

    研究了微小尺寸“T”型蒸发管燃油 蒸发率在不同工况下的变化规律。

  • Liquid water is still hydrogen bonded at 100C as indicated by its high heat of vaporization and dielectric constant .

    由于 蒸发比热及绝缘系数较高,液态水在100℃时仍然存在着氢键。

  • The heat of vaporization of pure Kb A this is K sub b up here .


  • Also the mechanism of this process has been analyzed with the concept of interfacial vaporization heat sink .

    本文还运用界面 汽化热阱概念对传热机理进行了分析。

  • This action produces some premixing of the air and fuel so that better atomization and vaporization result .

    它有使空气和燃油提前混合,而得到更好的雾化与 蒸发的作用。

  • The high heat of vaporization also prevents water sources in the tropics from getting evaporated quickly .

    很高的 蒸发比热还可以防止赤道地区的水资源被很快地蒸发掉。

  • Three factors affect ignition fuel vaporization sparkplug location and spark energy .

    影响点火的因素有三个,即燃油的 蒸发、火花塞的位置和火花能量。

  • Liquid will vaporize to replace the gas that was removed absorbing the heat of vaporization from the remaining liquid and the container .

    液体会从剩余液体和容器吸收 蒸发热,蒸发来代替被提取的气体。

  • And I 'm freely dropping the sublimation and the vaporization because we know that 's what I mean here .

    这里我不再强调,升华和 蒸发,因为你们知道我要表达什么。

  • The system main craft has the liquid chlorine vaporization and adding the chlorine .

    系统主要工艺有液氯 汽化和加氯工艺过程。

  • Treatment of bladder cancer by transurethral electroresection and vaporization ;

    目的探讨浅表性膀胱肿瘤经 尿道电切手术的方法。