
[医] 变种(生物),种类,品种(生物)

  • The ultrastructure of the blepharoplast and the multilayered structure ( MLS ) in the fern Osmunda cinnamomea var.

    精子发育过程中的生毛体和多层结构的超微结构 进行了研究。

  • The related data should be located in / var / opt / ibm / abc and not simply / var.

    相关的数据应该位于/var/opt/ibm/abc中,而不是简单的位于 /var

  • The extraction conditions of a natural red pigment from flesh of Hylocereus undutus var.

    对从台湾 祥龙火龙果果肉中提取天然红色素的方法和条件进行了研究

  • This paper states the biology characteristics sexual and asexual breeding method management measure in raise seedling of Pinus sylvestris var.

    论述了钻 天松的来历、生物特征、有性和无性的繁育方法及育苗时的管理措施

  • Incrementing a global variable is 2 times slow than a local var.

    递增一个全局变量要比 递增一个局部 变量慢2倍

  • There exists a phenomenon of different variance in curve equation of tree height of Pinus kesiya var.

    运用残差图法和戈德菲尔特&夸检验 方法 检验思茅松树高曲线方程中存在异方差现象

  • Different growth hormone and the proportioning were studied about the influence of Daphne odora var.

    研究了不同生长刺激素及其组合对金边 瑞香扦插生根的影响

  • Another unique variable is var.

    另一个独一无二的变量是 var

  • This study provides the experimental foundation for the further research of Aster ageratoides var.

    本研究为长毛三脉 紫菀的进一步研发奠定了实验基础

  • Study on Biomass Distribution and Taxol Content in 3-year Taxus chinensis var. mairei

    3年生南方 红豆杉生物量和紫杉醇含量的积累分配研究

  • The characteristics of leaf structure and photosynthesis of4 Salicaceae species Populus szechuanica var.

    叶片结构和光合特征进行了比较 研究

  • Taxol and 10-DAB Contents of Taxus Chinensis Var. Mairei and Related Affecting Factors in Fujian Province

    福建省南方 红豆杉中紫杉醇和10-DAB含量及其影响因子

  • The soil hydrology effect of Pseudosasa amabilis var.

    对福建茶 竹的土壤水文效应进行了分析研究

  • Studies on the DNA Fingerprinting of Taxus Chinensis Var. Mairei

    南方 红豆杉DNA指纹图谱技术研究

  • This will mount a new tmpfs filesystem at / var.

    这将在 /var上挂装一个新的tmpfs文件系统

  • The anatomical structure of the aerial adventitious roots of Taxus chinensis var.

    自然 状态 南方 红豆杉 向下萌生的气生不定根 进行解剖学观察

  • Effects of basic medium and plant growth regulator combination on the multiplication and differentiation of rhizomes of Cymbidium ensifolium var.

    以素心 建兰茎尖诱导产生的根状茎为材料, 研究不同基本培养基和几种生长调节剂组合对其增殖与芽分化的影响

  • Objective : To study the chemical constituents from Delphinium honanense var.

    目的:研究毛 梗翠雀花化学成分

  • AIM : To study the diterpenoid alkaloids of the radix of Aconitum carmichaeli var.

    目的:对黄山 乌头中二萜生物碱类化合物进行研究

  • Objective To study chemical constituents of the roots in the Aster ageratoides var.

    目的研究卵叶三脉 紫菀根部的化学成分

  • Infectivity of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici on the Seminal and Secondary Roots of Wheat


  • Effects of Different Phytohormone Treatments on Taxus chinensis var. mairei Cuttings

    不同激素处理对南方 红豆杉扦插苗的影响

  • This changes the thread local value of the var.

    这改变了 var的线程本地值

  • Objective : To study the chemical constituents of Incarvillea mairei var.

    目的:研究 紫葳科角蒿属植物大花鸡肉参的化学成分

  • Analysis and Extraction of Paclitaxel and Study on Fingerprint Chromatograph from Cultivated Taxus Chinensis Var. Mairei

    栽培南方 红豆杉紫杉醇分析提取与指纹图谱研究

  • Mailboxes log files printer queues and databases can be found in / var.

    可以在 /var中找到邮箱、日志文件、打印机队列和数据库

  • Impacts of leaf fertilizer application on taxol and 10-DAB contents in the needles of cultivated Taxus chinensis var. mairei

    叶面施肥对南方 红豆杉针叶中紫杉醇和10-DAB含量的影响

  • In PHP V4 properties had to be declared with the keyword var.

    在PHPV4中,属性必须用关键字 var 调用

  • Determination of taxanes in different parts of Taxus Chinensis var. Mairei with HPLC

    HPLC法测定不同部位南方 红豆杉中紫杉烷类化合物的含量