vacuum cooling

[ˈvækjuəm ˈkulɪŋ][ˈvækjuəm ˈku:lɪŋ]


  • This paper has introduced the main method on controlling-system for the important part about the vacuum cooling equipment and presented the testing system in the control panel and control flow and VB6.0 program in detail .

    本文对其主要设备的控制方式、 VB6.0测控软件的开发、测试系统所用的控制模块、控制流程作了详细介绍。

  • Effect of pressure fluctuation on vacuum cooling performance of cabbage

    压力波动对卷心菜 真空 冷却效果的影响

  • Theoretical simulation and experimental study on vacuum cooling

    真空 冷却的理论模拟与实验研究

  • Investigation on characteristics of moisture movement of cooked meat during vacuum cooling

    真空 冷却过程中熟肉的水分迁移特性的实验研究

  • The concept of relative water loss rate is advanced to judge the degree which actual water loss is higher than theoretical water loss in the process of vacuum cooling .

    提出相对失水率的概念,作为比较 真空 冷却过程中实际失水高于理论失水程度的判断依据。

  • Vacuum Cooling Technology on Food and Equipment Design

    食品 真空 冷却技术及其设备的设计

  • The influence of vacuum cooling on the quality of cooked beef was studied as compared with conventional cooling methods including air-blast cooling and slow-air cooling .

    本实验研究了 真空 冷却方式与冷风冷却,自然冷却方式对白煮牛肉品质的影响。

  • Application of Infrared Thermography System in Studying the Cooling Characteristics of Different Vegetables during Vacuum Cooling Process

    红外热成像技术在研究不同果蔬 真空 冷特性中的应用

  • Study on Air Temperature of Vacuum Cooling

    真空 冷却中的气体温度变化特性研究

  • Vacuum cooling has been used as a rapid cooling method for vegetable to enhance their quality and shelf life .

    真空 是一种能提高果蔬贮藏品质并可延长其货架期的快速预冷方法。

  • Theoretical analysis of heat and mass transfer of fruits and vegetables during vacuum cooling

    果蔬 真空 过程中热质传递的理论分析

  • Based on the theory of phase change of moisture this paper presents a new refrigerating technology ── the vacuum cooling system .

    依据液体的相变理论,论述了一种新的制冷手段& 真空 蒸发制冷技术。

  • A mathematical model is developed for the heat and mass transfer of spherical foods during vacuum cooling based on elementary principles and concepts .

    从基本理论和基本定义出发建立了描述球形果蔬在 真空 冷却中传热、传质的数学模型。

  • The reference blackbody cavity was employed to calibrate the system and the vacuum cooling water bath system was used to decrease the influence of surroundings .

    参考黑体用于对系统的标定, 水浴环境腔体和 真空系统用来消除环境和大气的影响。

  • Numerical simulation of moisture movement during vacuum cooling process (ⅱ): validation of mathematical model

    真空 冷却过程中水分蒸发沸腾的数值模拟(Ⅱ):模型的验证

  • Analysis of Affecting Factors of Vacuum Cooling Process of Different Vegetables

    不同蔬菜 真空 冷却过程影响因素分析

  • Temperature Detection of Cut Flower during Vacuum Cooling with Thermal Infrared Image

    鲜切花 真空 过程温度的红外热成像检测

  • A vacuum cooling system provided by the utility model can improve the operation efficiency of cooling and air exhaust processing equipment thereby lowering the cost .

    本实用新型提供的 真空 冷却系统,可以提高冷却抽气处理设备的运行效率,从而降低成本。

  • From outward appearance and quality the paper studied MAP techniques with O3 humidity-cool vacuum cooling for Artemisia storage .

    从外观、品质方面研究了气调包装、臭氧湿冷和 真空技术对芦蒿的保鲜作用。

  • In this paper the mechanisms technics and energy consumption of vacuum cooling have been studied comprehensively .

    本文试图从以上角度出发,通过实验与分析手段对 真空 制冷的机理,工艺以及能耗进行了较为全面的研究,把对 真空 制冷的认识向前推进了一步。

  • Effect of Condenser Pipe Temperature on Vacuum Cooling of Vegetables

    凝水管温度对蔬菜 真空 过程的影响分析

  • The matching of the catcher and the vacuum pump determines the pre-cooling quality during vacuum cooling processes .


  • On the effect of condensing worm on vacuum cooling

    凝水器对 真空 冷却效果的影响分析

  • Influence of Automatic Air Compensating Valve on Process of Cabbage Vacuum Cooling

    自动补气阀对卷心菜 真空 冷却过程的影响

  • Analysis of some thermal phenomena in vacuum cooling process

    真空 冷却过程中的一些热现象分析研究

  • Study on Quality and Freshness of Royal Jelly in Storage Process ; Temperature Detection of Cut Flower during Vacuum Cooling with Thermal Infrared Image

    蜂王浆贮藏过程中品质和鲜活度的变化研究鲜切花 真空 过程温度的红外热成像检测

  • This paper introduces the technology processes and analyzes the future application of Vacuum Cooling Infrared ray Drying System .

    介绍了 真空 冷却红外线干燥技术的加工工艺流程,并对其应用前景进行了分析。

  • Study on Optimization Matching of Catcher and Vacuum pump in Vacuum cooling

    真空 中捕水器与真空泵的优化匹配研究

  • The quality changes of pakchoi in cold storage with vacuum cooling and air cooling at2 ℃ for7 days 10 days 14 days 19 days and29 days were studied .

    试验研究了小白菜采后 真空 冷却和空气冷却后,在2℃条件下冷藏7天、10天、14天、19天和29天的品质变化。

  • Analysis on the mechanism of vacuum cooling process

    真空 冷却过程的机理分析