


  • The digestive vacuole was more numerous in rats mice rabbits and monkeys than in dogs and cats .

    消化 以大鼠、小鼠、兔和猴的数量最多,狗和猫的较少。

  • Zn concentration and relative proportion in the cellwall and the vacuole were the highest in most phenological periods annually .

    周年大部分物候期内锌在细胞壁和 液泡的绝对浓度和相对比例均为最高。

  • Organelle invagination and formation / degradation of nuclear vacuole

    细胞器向核凹入与 核液 的形成和降解

  • The emergence of AVI can enhance color intensity and results in the blueness of color in the vacuole .

    花色 液泡 包涵 存在可增加 液泡色彩的强度并导致“蓝化”。

  • The cells have a cell wall made predominantly of the polysaccharide cellulose and a vacuole in addition to the cytoplasm .

    细胞具有主要由纤维素多糖组成的细胞壁,细胞内除细胞质外,还有 液泡

  • In a wide range of plant species and in most cases anthocyanins dissolve completely in vacuole .

    在大多数植物中,花色苷在绝大多数情况下完全溶解在 液泡

  • Volcaniclastic reservoir is high porosity-low permeability vesicular reservoir and its diagenesis is mainly packing action of vacuole and fracture .

    火山碎屑岩储层的成岩作用类型主要为 气孔及裂缝的充填作用,为气孔状高孔低渗储层。

  • After the vacuole of the vegetative cell has disappeared the generative cell begins to divide .

    生殖细胞分裂是在营养细胞的 液泡消失后开始的。

  • Carcinous bronchiologram vacuole and nodule sign were major internal features .

    癌性支气管充气征、 空泡征和结节征为主要内部表现;

  • Electron microscope show structure turbulence and miss out of myelin sheath loosen of neurofilament mitochondrion swell and vacuole change and dissolve of axis-cylinder and myelin sheath .

    电镜下示髓鞘结构紊乱、脱失,神经丝疏松,线粒体肿胀, 空泡化,有轴索髓鞘溶解。

  • Anaplastic large cell lymphoma Pathologic observation the tumor cells were necrosis and vacuole degeneration .

    间变性大细胞性淋巴瘤病理切片可见癌组织大片坏死,及癌巢间大片 空泡变性;

  • This apparatus which spans the membrane of the entry vacuole serves as a conduit between the bacteria and the cytoplasm of the host cell .

    分泌器横亘 膜层, 可做披衣菌与宿主细胞细胞质之间的通道。

  • Ca2 + mostly located in the intercellular space cell wall and vacuole .

    Ca2+在茎细胞中主要定位于细胞间隙、细胞壁和 液泡

  • In vacuole AVI is irregular and jelly-like in shape .

    液泡里的 花色 液泡包涵体形状不规则,象果冻;

  • This review sums up the reasons of anthocyanins being sequestered into vacuole the existent states of anthocyanins in vacuole and the corresponding coloration effects of anthocyanins on plant cells .

    综述了花色苷被摄入液泡的原因、花色苷在 液泡中的存在状态及其对植物细胞的着色效应。

  • Ion channels in plasma and vacuole membranes are targets of various stimuli that modulate stomatal aperture ; they are important components in charge of ion transport .

    保卫 细胞质膜和 液泡膜上的离子通道作为各种刺激因素作用的靶 位点,是保卫 细胞离子转运的关键组分,在气孔运动调控过程中扮演 关键 角色

  • Single contractile vacuole situated near ventral wall of infundibulum.28-33 pellicular striations from peristome to aboral trochal band and5-8 from aboral trochal band to scopula .

    单一伸缩 ,位于前庭腹面。口围缘到反口纤毛环之间的银线数约28-33列,反口纤毛环至帚胚之间约5-8列。

  • Results The basic CT features were as follows : vacuole or air bronchus-charging sign was found in31 cases ( 40.3 % ) in which 26 were moderately and highly differentiated ;

    ③结果周围型肺腺癌内部呈 空泡 或支气管充气征31例(40.3%),其中26例为中高分化的腺癌。

  • The emergence of ACP can provide intense coloration in the vacuole .

    花色 存在可导致 液泡的强烈色彩。

  • Our study certainly suggests that iron storage in the vacuole is a promising and before now largely unexplored target for increasing the iron content of seeds .

    研究表明, 液泡中铁的储存有希望增加种子中铁的含量。

  • After microspore mitosis calcium precipitates appeared in the big vacuole of 2-cellular pollen and then the vacuole disappeared .

    在小孢子分裂形成二胞花粉后,在二胞花粉的大 液泡中又特异性地出现许多细小钙颗粒。

  • Effect of boron deficiency on vacuole and space outside plasmalemma in meristematic cells of cucumber root tips

    缺硼对黄瓜根尖分生组织细胞中 液泡和质膜外隙的影响

  • Another drug might incapacitate the mechanisms the bacteria use to divert lipids from the host cell to the chlamydial vacuole halting the trespassers ' ability to hide .

    另一种药物,则是造成 披衣菌挪用宿主细胞脂质的机制失效,使得这些非法入侵者无法藏匿。

  • While the mechanism for exporting parasite proteins across the parasite membrane has been known for some time how they get out of the vacuole and into host cells has been less clear .

    虽然对疟原虫如何通过寄生膜向外传送寄生蛋白的了解已有一段时间,但通过 空泡膜进入宿主细胞的机制还不清楚。

  • Tonoplast The membrane that surrounds the large central vacuole of plant cells .

    液泡膜:植物细胞中包围中央大 液泡的膜。

  • The main characters for its identification are the body shape and the collecting channels of the contractile vacuole .

    对本种的鉴定应基于活体体形及伸缩 位置及其收集管特征。

  • Single contractile vacuole large situated underneath peristomial lip .

    单一、大伸缩 位于口围缘的下方。

  • Vesicle A small vacuole of variable origin and shape .

    泡囊:来源不同、形状各异的小型 液泡,其 细胞 分泌 产物

  • The microspore lacks a large central vacuole .

    小孢子缺中央大 液泡