

vt.& vi.(使)蒸发,(使)汽化


  • Function of Air in Drying-Air conveys heat to the food causing water to vaporize and is the vehicle to transport the liberated moisture vapor from the dehydrating food .

    干燥过程中空气的功能&空气将热传送给食品,使水分 汽化,同时,它又是将正脱水的食品中释放出来的潮湿蒸汽带走的载体。

  • The General Research Situation on Vaporize Technology of Biological Material in Our Country

    我国生物质 气化技术研究概况

  • Vaporize and then condense right back again .


  • We plan to vaporize the Wraith as they sleep .

    我们打算在幽灵沉睡之时 蒸发

  • The volatile solvent may vaporize into the pores of the membrane and condense out on the other side .

    挥发性溶剂可 蒸发进入膜的孔隙并在另一侧凝析出来。

  • The interaction quantitative relation and character of energy that moisture vaporize from soil nitrogen fertilizers transform crop grows and crop absorbs nitrogen are discussed systematically in this paper through lab and field trial .

    本文通过室内和田间试验研究对土壤水分 蒸发,肥料氮素挥发转化及谷苗生长和氮素吸收的 耦合效应及其定量关系和能量特征进行了系统探讨。

  • The coating has water-resistant and high free-breathing performance makes the moisture inside the stone-made building vaporize freely ;

    度牌氧化改性矿物涂料具有防水性及高度之呼吸力,使 石造建筑内部之水分自由的向外 蒸发

  • When the beam is focused to a small spot its power density is raised to produce sufficient heat to vaporize any material .

    当光束在一个小点上聚焦时,其功率强度得以提高,并产生足够的热量来 汽化任何材料。

  • The steam produced in vaporize pan reached the condense pipe through guide plate .


  • Chemicals in showering water vaporize at a much faster rate than the actual water .

    淋浴水中的化学物质比实际的水 蒸发速度要快。

  • A diode or argon laser was used to vaporize areas of hypertrophic mucosa and submucosa along the cartilaginous eustachian tube .

    用二极管或氩激光沿软骨性咽鼓管 汽化肥厚的粘膜和粘膜下层。

  • The heat from the water is used to vaporize a low-boiling liquid .

    从水中得到的热用来 使一种低沸点的液体 蒸发

  • It of the mission completes will vaporize to after to go to in the air .

    当它的使命完成之后就要 挥发到空气中去。

  • The pudding results from the failure of all the fuel to vaporize and from the sorting effect of the intake manifold .

    洼是全部燃料 蒸发 充分和进气歧管 类似影响的结果。

  • It points out that the pulse discharging between tooth and work pieces on tool plate can make the surface to melt or even vaporize thus to process the eclipse divided by metals .

    工具盘上的轮齿与工件间的脉冲放电可使工件表面熔化甚至 汽化,从而达到加工蚀除金属的目的。

  • By analysis abnormity data which come from locale verify ultrasonic vaporize sensor validate analyse ; find out the reason of abnormity data at the same time put forward method to avoid this error .

    对现场校验超声波 蒸发传感器 所得的异常数据进行分析,并对分析进行验证,找出了数据异常的原因,同时提出避免此类错误的方法。

  • The flux coatings major task is to vaporize and form a shielding gas to protect the weld puddle from nitrogen hydrogen and oxygen .

    通量涂料主要任务是 蒸发,形成保护气体保护焊水坑由氮气,氢气和氧气。

  • Meteorites striking land usually vaporize instantly .

    陨石撞到地面往往立即 汽化

  • Another instrument will collect and vaporize solid particles so that they can also be identified by the GCMS .

    另一具仪器会收集并 气化固态粒子,以便供GCMS鉴识。

  • The area of cultivated soil has been through many a salt and to take off your salt or irrigation wash with salt and vaporize a salt . 5 .

    这说明耕地区土壤经历了多次 盐和脱盐 过程,即灌溉洗盐和 蒸发 过程

  • The pieces of the comet 's nucleus appear to have been loosely assembled so that they broke apart soon after the icy glue in between began to vaporize .

    慧星的核心部位结合得很松散。当粘着它们的冰开始 汽化时,它们很快就解体了。

  • If the withdrawal rate of the gas is such that the energy required to vaporize the liquid cannot be recovered from the surrounding air the liquid phase will begin to cool .

    如果气体提取速度太 使得 蒸发液体所需要的能量不能从周围空气中得到 补充,液相会开始冷却。

  • That is why heat can melt ice vaporize water and cause bodies to expand .

    这就是为什么热能使冰融化, 使蒸发,使物体膨胀的原因。

  • E-cigarettes vaporize liquid containing nicotine .

    而电子香烟是利用 气化 内部含有的尼古丁的液体的原理 制成的。

  • D-8 demolition charges from the reapers vaporize several roaches while most of the Terran infantry are annihilated by banelings .

    收割者发射 D-8爆破弹将几只蟑螂炸 蒸发了,但大多数的人的总称步兵连却也被毒爆虫给歼灭了。

  • The benzene vaporized and formed a huge cloud of gas


  • Some liquid will vaporize to fill the additional space but usually not enough to excessively sub-cool the cylinder .

    一些液体会 蒸发,以填充额外的空间,但通常不足以过分次冷却钢瓶。

  • Supposing the sun gets closer the sea would vaporize completely and gone .

    假若太阳靠近,海便会 马上 蒸发而消失。

  • How does a laser beam vaporize steel ?

    激光束是怎样 使气化的?

  • Liquid will vaporize to replace the gas that was removed absorbing the heat of vaporization from the remaining liquid and the container .

    液体会从剩余液体和容器吸收蒸发热, 蒸发来代替被提取的气体。