variable resistor

[ˈvɛriəbəl rɪˈzɪstɚ][ˈvɛəriəbl rɪˈzɪstə]


  • The three terminals of the potentiometer are available for use as either a variable resistor or a resistor divider .

    电位器的三个码头可供无论是作为 可变 电阻或电阻分压器使用。

  • Analysis of the mechanical property of the wound rotor asynchronous motor in series with the frequency variable resistor

    绕线式异步机串频 变阻器的机械特性分析

  • The Al / PAR / Al structure could be described as a simple circuit equivalent to parallel connection of a variable resistor and a capacitor . Annealing and natural placement will lead the film more steady .

    Al/PAR/Al结构可以简单等效为 电阻与电容的并联,而退火与自然放置将使薄膜结构趋于稳定。

  • The model of the pulsed corona reactor that is a parallel connection of the static capacitor and the variable resistor is constructed and a way to evaluate the energy efficiency is proposed and a program is worked out .

    建立了脉冲电晕反应器的电学模型,即静态电容和 变化 电阻的并联模型,并根据此模型建立了脉冲电晕反应器能量注入效率的评估方法、编制了相应的计算程序。

  • This paper deals with the calculations and design of a ballast variable resistor with working current as high as 1700 A and presents a set of generally applicable engineering calculation methods .

    本文讨论工作电流高达 1700A的镇定 变阻器的计算和设计,给出普遍适用的工程计算方法。

  • The Analysis on Characteristics of Thermosensitive Basic Element Composed of Diode and Variable Resistor and Its Application in Transducers

    二极管、 可变 电阻器并联热敏基元特性分析及其在传感器中的应用

  • The second function of the blower switch is to perform the role of a variable resistor .

    鼓风机开关的第二个功能是它相当于一个 可变 电阻

  • Calculations and Design of a Water-Cooled Ballast Variable Resistor for Strong Current

    强流水冷镇 变阻器的计算和设计

  • A bicycle handle is provided with a variable resistor for adjustment of bicycle speed .

    车把上设有可调节车速的 可变 电阻

  • The author analyzes common ways to inspect the air throttle position sensors of linear variable resistor ' switching and decoding .

    对线性 可变 电阻型、开关型、编码型节气门位置传感器常用的检修方法进行分析和探讨。

  • A symmetrical variable resistor structure was used to further reduce the non-linearity from the MOS switch .

    提出了一种对称的 可变 电阻结构,它降低了MOS管开关带来的非线性。

  • This paper has concluded an equation of the balanced torque about the electrical shaft system with open variable resistor and has analyzed the Characteristic of the balanced torque .

    本文导出了带公共 变阻器电轴系统的平衡转矩方程,并分析了平衡转矩的特点。

  • The spark resistance before switching nonlinear use fixed resistor or a variable resistor discharge simulation in place of the actual discharge process there is a big error presents a simulation method based on Pspice .

    针对以往开关放电模拟中使用固定电阻或 线性 可变 电阻代替实际放电过程中非线性的火花电阻,存在较大误差的情况,提出一种基于Pspice的模拟方法。

  • A variable resistor with a chopper and Its Applications

    斩波式 可变 电阻器及其应用

  • Carbon film rotary variable resistor

    碳膜旋转 可变 电阻器

  • Represents a fixed or variable resistor . Alternate form and type of resistor can be specified .

    表示固定或 可变 电阻器。可指定替代形式和类型的电阻器。

  • The Analyses about the Balanced Torque of the Electrical Shaft System with Open Variable Resistor

    带公共 变阻器电轴系统的平衡转矩分析

  • This FET transistor used here as variable resistor it 's part of reaction circuit of IC2 .

    这FET晶体管,这里用作 可变 电阻的电路IC2的反应的一部分。