variable interest rate

[ˈvɛriəbəl ˈɪntrɪst ret][ˈvɛəriəbl ˈintrist reit]


  • As an economic variable interest rate gets a lot of attentions .

    利率的作用、地位如何,与其它经济 变量之间的本质联系又 怎样,却充满争议。

  • Interest is a most important variable in economics . The nature of the risk-free interest rate change with the term change is called the term structure of interest .

    利率是经济中最为重要的 变量之一, 利率的期限结构是指不存在违约风险时不同期限的零 债券到期收益 之间的关系。

  • Interest rates is an important variable in financial markets and almost all of the financial phenomenons financial assets associated with it . The variations of the whole financial market even the whole economy caused by the changes of interest rate can not be ignored .

    利率是金融市场中的一个重要 变量,几乎所有的金融现象、金融资产均与 利率有联系,利率变化对整个金融市场乃至整个经济生活都有不容忽视的影响。

  • Not only is interest rate one of the most important variables in the financial system but also one of the most basic variable interest rate in the market economic system . The impact of interest rate on real estate market is mainly on housing price .

    因为利率不仅是金融系统中最重要的变量,也是市场经济最基础的 变量之一, 利率对房地产市场影响集中体现为对房价的影响,因此利率政策可以成为政府调控房地产市场的重要政策工具。

  • When the international capital adopts the synopsis the way to enter the stock market The international capital may influence stock market indirectly through the macroeconomic variable such as the exchange rate the interest rate the foreign exchange reserve the capital formation and so on .

    当国际资本不能直接进入证券市场时,国际资本可以通过对汇率、 利率、外汇储备、资本形成等宏观 经济环境的影响,来间接影响证券市场。

  • Analysis on Pricing of Causal Compound Real Options with Variable Interest Rate

    利率 变化时的因果复合实物期权定价分析

  • And this paper uses error correction model ( ECM ) with four variables which are separately stock price index of commercial banks as explained variable and Renminbi exchange rate interest rate and market index as the explanatory variable .

    本部分选取的实证模型为四变量的误差修正模型,四个变量分别是,一个被解释变量:银行业股价指数;三个解释 变量:汇率、 利率和市场指数。

  • It is worth mentioning that this paper does not select the actual interest rate as the opportunity cost variable . It takes the degree of credit constraint as the proxy variable of effective interest rate instead .

    值得一提的是,本文没有选取实际利率作为机会成本变量,而是用信贷约束程度作为实际 利率的代理 变量

  • Please explain a variable interest rate mortgage .

    请您解释一下什么叫 可变 利率抵押贷款。

  • As a fundamental determinant economic variable the short-term interest rate directly affects the pricing models of financial products and the effective risk management so many term structure models of interest rates have been developed and estimated by academic researchers .

    由于短期 利率对金融资产定价和金融风险管理有着决定性的影响,所以对短期 利率的行为描述一直以来就是金融学研究的重点。

  • According to the current theory time is considered as the major variable while interest rate has been supposed as constant which however is uncomplying with the realistic society economy system .

    在现行资金时间价值理论中,时间被视为主要 变量,而 利息 则被假设为常数,这种处理方式与现实社会经济系统是不符合的。

  • At the same time this paper presents the general expressions of the first two order moments for the approximation of the average prospective loss random variable and the corresponding expressions under a certain interest rate model .

    对于平均未来损失额的 近似值,给出了其前二阶矩的一般表达式,以及一个具体的 利率模型下的表达式。