vanishing point


  • When drawing two-point perspective manually the problem is always occurred that vision point and vanishing point is out of the drawing board .

    在手工绘制两点透视图时,都会碰到图幅过大造成 灭点 视点 在图板之外而难以操作的难题。

  • Stitch underarm shoulder and neckline darts from the outer edge of the fabric to the vanishing point .

    腋下省、肩省和领省从面料的外边缘开始缉缝到 消失 为止

  • Firstly the relation between the attitude and the vanishing point of runway was analyzed .

    通过分析跑道 人机 姿的关系,得到 点的 图像 坐标与姿态角的关系。

  • In vertical ground objects based approach vertical vanishing point and the plane vanishing line can be obtained by top-points and bottom-points of vertical objects ( always human ) .

    基于地面垂直目标的标定方法,由垂直目标(人体)的头顶点和脚底点得到垂直 消失 和水平消失线。

  • Experimental results show that this method can extract vanishing point reliably and the estimated attitude is accurate .

    实验结果表明该方法能可靠地检测出 ,直接解算得到的姿态值是准确的。

  • In Single Point Perspective the designer can also determinate Vanishing Point anywhere on the horizon with the need of design 's expression effect .

    在一点透视中,确定 直线长度 也可以是设计者根据设计表达效果的需求任意确定;

  • Adds an additional vanishing point that you can use to change the perspective of individual shapes .

    添加可用于更改单个形状的透视 效果

  • The vanishing point may have been known to the Greeks and Romans but had been lost until Filippo Brunelleschi rediscovered the principles of linear or mathematical perspective early in the15th century .

    希腊人和罗马人可能早已会使用这种 消灭 的概念,但后来失传,一直到15世纪初意大利的布鲁内莱斯基才再度发现透视画法的直线或「数学」规则。

  • However the vagueness of the vanishing point also holds a thin thread tightly pulling the skin like a hair being pulled accidentally .

    相对于 消失 的模糊,由一条细索紧紧拉扯的表皮,像是无意的拉扯一支毛发之类的触感。

  • Research on the method of single image building measuring based on vanishing point ;

    提出了 任选 辅助 灭点 绘制建筑物透视图的方法。

  • A method was introduced for horizontal vanishing point detection of perspective document image and a vertical vanishing point detection method is proposed .

    提出了一种 数码 相机 拍摄的文本图像的 化方法,该方法是全局阈值、局部阈值与灰度梯度方法的结合。

  • By 1973 this gap had narrowed almost to vanishing point


  • According to this algorithm coordinate calibration can be implemented with knowledge of the vanishing point and the position of scaled objects .

    该算法只需要知道 消失 和已知尺寸物体在 图像中的位置就可以实现坐标校准。

  • Though the auroral rays are parallel perspective makes them appear to radiate from a vanishing point at the zenith .

    虽然极光本身是平行的,但透视效果却使它们看上去似乎是从天顶的一个 集中 上辐射而出。

  • After stitching to the vanishing point leave enough thread to tie a tailor 's knot ( tacking or back stitching thickens the point of a dart so that the fabric will crush when pressed ) .

    留足够线,打一个线结( 粗缝与倒回针使得省道的尖变厚,所以熨烫时,面料会有压痕)。

  • A linear camera calibration method with vanishing point and the invariance of cross-ratio is proposed .

    已知一个消 的情况下,利用交比不变性及 的知识对摄像机进行标定。

  • A vanishing point . The illusion of convergence . The same is however not true for cross-rotation .

    那相交 正在 消失,是对会合的幻觉。然而这对于正交转动是不成立的。

  • After the careful research of main Road Recognition algorithms this paper proposes two improvements from the points of Image Segmentation and Vanishing Point detection respectively .

    本文研究了当前主要的道路识别算法,并分别从图像分割和 消失 计算两个角度提出了具体的改进方案。

  • Everybody accepts that the threat has now shrunk to vanishing point .

    现在每个人都认为,威胁已 几近 消失了。

  • So we can measure the angle of revolving turntable by solving the vanishing point .

    所以可以通过计算 来求解工作台的旋转角度。

  • After that steep climb my strength reached vanishing point .

    那陡坡之后我再也 了。

  • This dissertation studies the perspective distortion of the images and presents a method of distortion rectification based on the vanishing point for that there is few text lines in scene images lack of paragraph information or the edge of document is incomplete .

    本文对场景图像的透视变形问题进行了研究,并针对自然场景图像中文本行数少,缺乏段落信息,文本边缘不完整的特点,提出了一种基于 消失 的变形矫正方法。

  • In this paper linear feature of the runway and the vanishing point are used to estimate the attitude angles of the unmanned air vehicle ( UAV ) .

    通过提取 视频 图像上跑道的线性特征以及利用 消失 定义来估计无人机(UAV)的三个姿态角。

  • He also received a $ 490 sterling silver engraved bowl a $ 350 silver apple made by Fornari and Fornari as well as a $ 120 Namiki Vanishing Point Black Carbonesque pen .

    切尼还收到一个价值490美元的纯银雕花碗;一个由 Fornari&Fornari制作的镀银苹果,价值350美元;还有一只120美元的“并木”牌黑色碳素钢笔。

  • Approach for Determining Camera Intrinsic Parameters Based on Radial Consistency Constraint of Vanishing Point

    基于 灭点径向一致性约束的摄像机内参数求解

  • Both methods are deduced from the principles of vanishing point and vanishing line of perspective geometry .

    这两种方法依据中心投影 线和 灭点的原理推导。

  • I found that the less I cared whether I spoke well or badly the less badly I spoke and gradually the nervous strain diminished almost to a vanishing point .

    就这样我发现,我越是不在乎自己讲的如何,我的表现就越好,极度紧张的感觉也渐渐 消失了。

  • The highway stretched out ahead of me until it narrowed to a vanishing point some miles away .

    公路在我面前延伸开去,直至在几英里外的远处 变成一个 小点