vanilla bean

[vəˈnɪlə bin][vəˈnɪlə bi:n]


  • Study on the components released from glucoside in vanilla bean of different curing stages

    不同生香阶段 豆荚中糖甙水解成份研究

  • About Vanilla Bean Topic ⅰ Overview of Global Vanilla Bean Industrialization Market

    专题 系列之一&世界香荚兰产业及市场概况

  • About Vanilla Bean topic ⅱ & The Development History and Quality Evaluation of Oversea Vanilla Bean

    专题 系列之二&国外香荚兰豆的发展史话及品质评价

  • This Pinot Grigio exudes aromas of apricot peach pear and mandarin fruit with creamy vanilla bean character from lees aging .

    这款 皮诺格利德散发着杏儿,桃儿和梨的果香,与葡萄籽的接触有赋予了它 香草的奶油 气息

  • The building 's scent is meant to evoke that same atmosphere combining notes of sandalwood vanilla bean oak and clove .

    为了配合这样的氛围,大楼的香味融合了檀香、 香草 豆荚、橡树和丁香的气味。

  • We have ice-cream of all flavours such as vanilla double flavour red bean and pineapple sundaes .

    各种口味的冰淇淋我们都有,例如有 香草雪糕、两色雪糕、 红豆和菠萝圣代等等。

  • About Vanilla Bean topic V & The Application of Vanilla Bean Derivatives in Tobacco and Food Industry

    专题 系列之五-香荚兰豆在卷烟及食品中的应用

  • The Research of Improving Vanilla Bean Quality Under Vacuum and Oxygen-free Conditions

    在真空厌氧条件下改进 商品 质量的研究

  • The nose is remarkably intense showing marzipan boiled raspberry drop water cracker and vanilla bean .

    一阵阵 软糖的香气袭鼻, 香草和煮沸了的红树莓的气味时而若现。

  • Determination of Vanillin from Tincture and Extract Products of Vanilla by Using Reversed Phase High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Optimizing of Supercritical Extraction Techniques for Vanillin from Vanilla Bean

    反相高效液相色谱法检测 香草 酊、浸膏中香兰素均匀设计优化香草 中香兰素的超临界萃取工艺