valence number

[ˈveləns ˈnʌmbɚ][ˈveiləns ˈnʌmbə]


  • The local fabric evolution ( void number the valence and the coordination number ) and macroscopic mechanical behavior were investigated under quasi-static biaxial loading at small deformation .

    在准静态、小变形条件下,研究了试样的微观 织构变化和宏观力学行为。

  • Through the ionization energy of the valence shell and the energy of the valence bond orbital the new scale of the electronegativity of 90 elements in the Periodic Table has been established by the effective nuclear ~ charge number method .

    通过价层电离能、 键轨道能量用有效核电荷 法建立了周期表中90种元素的电负性新标度。

  • According to dilution principle the same or high valence ions could be replaced which was equal to decreasing the number of alterable and diverse valent ions consequently resistivity of materials increases .

    当需要提高材料电阻率时,根据稀释原理,可引入同价的或 高价的离子,这相当于降低了 单位体积内的可变价的异价离子的含量,从而提高了材料的电阻率。

  • This article introduces a new method of classifying elements into metal and nonmetal in the periodic table according to the ratio of the number ( m ) of valence electrons of various atoms to their principal quantum number ( n ) . ( m / n )

    根据各种原子的 电子数目(m)与它们的主量子 (n)之比值(m/n),将元素划分成金属与非金属。

  • A new method is proposed to distinguish the valence number of soluble manganate ( + 5 or + 6 ) .

    本文还找出了一种鉴别+6、 +5 可溶性锰酸盐的方法。

  • The result shows that the transition from vibrational to rotational spectrum is mainly caused by the increase of valence nucleon number .

    结果表明,从振动能谱向转动能谱的过渡主要是由 核子 增加引起的。

  • Determination of trace arsenic from water sample by hydride atom absorption and effect of valence number of arsenic and varied coexisting ions on the determination were discussed .

    采用氢化物原子吸收法测定样品中痕量砷,对于样品的前处理及采用氢化物法测定砷含量时,砷的不同 及共存离子的影响,分别进行了探讨。

  • Influence of valence nucleon number on the low - lying collective spectrum

    核子 对核低能集体谱的影响

  • Study on QSPR of the Average Valence Number and Average Principle Quantum Number

    平均 电子 和平均主量子数的定义及其QSPR研究

  • Using X-ray absorption fine structure ( XAFS ) the author analysed the valence and coordination number changes of Ni atoms in the process of lithium-ion inserting inferring the possible process of lithium-ion reducing transition metal oxides .

    采用X-射线吸收精细结构(XAFS)分析在锂离子嵌入过程中Ni原子的 化合价和配 位数的变化,推测金属锂还原过渡金属氧化物的过程。

  • The results showed that the tensile strength and elastomeric character of ionomers increased with the increasing of valence number of ions .

    结果表明:随金属反离子 增加,离聚物的力学强度和高弹特性增强;

  • The density of state of valence electron of La and O ions increase during activation processes . The 6s higher energy valence electrons of La ions with unsaturated coordination number is easy to emit . It is clear that the processes is beneficial to thermionic emission .

    激活过程促使La,O离子的价电子态密度增加,配 不饱和的La离子外层6s高能 电子易形成电子发射,即这一变化过程对热电子发射具有积极作用。

  • The Multiple Centre d-p π Bond and the Configuration of Molybdenum Cluster Compounds in Higher Oxidation States (ⅱ) The Rule of Cluster Valence Electron Number and Distortion of the Configuration

    多中心d-pπ键与高氧化态钼簇合物的几何构型&(Ⅱ)簇 电子 规则与构型畸变

  • PROFESSOR : five & there 's five valence electrons but the atomic number is actually seven .

    教授:5,有5个 电子,但原子 序数是7。