

n.价值价值观念对价值的看法准则标准值( value的名词复数 )价值标准(货币、邮票等的)面值

v.估价( value的第三人称单数 )重视给…定价评价

  • We can only try to hold fast to the age-old values of honesty decency and concern for others

    我们只能努力坚守那些古老的 价值 :诚实、正派、关心他人。

  • Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals .

    宗教 价值 常常和人本主义道德观相去甚远。

  • Their marriage is a delicate balance between traditional and contemporary values

    他们的婚姻在传统和现代 价值 之间保持着微妙平衡。

  • The National Party is lifting its profile as socially conservative guardian of traditional values .

    国家党正在提升自己作为持社会保守立场的传统 价值 捍卫者的形象。

  • In 1990 we were all earnestly assured that property values could only go up .

    1990年时我们都得到信誓旦旦的保证说房地产只可能 升值

  • The Health Secretary called for a return to traditional family values .

    卫生部部长呼吁传统家庭 价值 的回归。

  • This reflects attitudes and values prevailing in society

    这反映了社会上盛行的态度和 价值

  • Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education .

    哈尔西被认为是进步教育 价值 的主要拥护者。

  • Moral values cannot be taught in a vacuum

    道德 价值 的教育不能脱离实际。

  • They do agree Africa could teach America a thing or two about family values

    他们一致认为,在家庭 价值方面,非洲可以教给美洲很多。

  • We need to offer young people drifting into crime an alternative set of values

    我们需要给那些无意间犯了罪的年轻人灌输另一套 价值

  • I realize there 's no consensus on what are male or female values .

    我意识到人们对什么是男性 价值 和什么是女性 价值 并无共识。

  • Free enterprise he argued was compatible with Russian values and traditions

    他认为自由企业制并不违背俄罗斯的 价值 和传统。

  • The regime served as a crucible for the forging of right-wing ideas and values .

    该政权成为右翼思想和右翼 价值 形成的熔炉。

  • If you 've owned property for several years the probability is that values have increased

    如果一处房产已经拥有多年,有可能它已经 增值

  • Assign the letters of the alphabet their numerical values — A equals 1 B equals 2 etc.

    给字母表里的每个字母赋予相应的 数值——A等于1,B等于2,等等。

  • I never had any toys my father thought that they would warp my personal values

    我从来没有任何玩具,我父亲认为它们会扭曲我的 价值

  • America values its economic leadership and the political and military strength that goes with it

    美国 重视其经济领导地位以及随之产生的政治和军事实力。

  • Its cash crisis has been fostered by declining property values .

    地产 贬值引发了现金危机。

  • Great care was taken to inculcate the values of nationhood and family .

    花费了很多心力反复灌输国家与家庭 观念

  • Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean .

    取120个 计算平均数。

  • They mouthed the values of family religion and charity but demonstrated the opposite in their private lives .

    他们大谈家庭、宗教和慈善的 价值,但他们在个人生活中的表现却恰恰相反。

  • New York is the ultimate manifestation of American values .

    纽约是美国 价值 的终极体现。

  • She lived entirely by spiritual values in a world of poetry and imagination .


  • Most media coverage disapproves of the travellers ' lifestyle and values .

    大多数媒体报道都不赞成那些旅行者的生活方式和 价值

  • Victorian values are much misunderstood

    维多利亚时代的 价值 受到了严重误解。

  • They want to work in an organisation whose values are congruent with their own .

    他们想在一个符合自己 价值 的机构里工作。

  • She has some old-fashioned values and can be a strict disciplinarian .

    她的 观念比较保守,有时过于严格地奉行纪律。