value pointer

[ˈvælju ˈpɔɪntɚ][ˈvælju ˈpɔɪntə]

[计] 数值指针

  • That statement says get the value of x which is this link and give z a pointer to the same place .

    这个声明的意思是,取得x的 ,也就是连接指向的 ,然后给z赋予一个 指向同样位置的 指针

  • This specifies the system call 's offset value which is passed as an integer pointer .

    指定系统调用的偏移 ,以一个整数的 指针进行传递。

  • Measurement value memory electrical pointer locking device Electrical safety in accordance with IEC61010 .

    测量 的内存 指针锁定装置电电气安全和61010。

  • Highlight the value : Hold the left mouse button down and drag your mouse pointer over the value .

    高亮显示此 :按住鼠标左键向下,把您的鼠标 指针拖到此值上。

  • Methods can actually be declared on both value and pointer types .

    事实上,方法可以作为 数值 指针类型来声明。

  • In earlier versions it changes the return value of the generated function in_word_set () from its default Boolean value ( that is 0 or1 ) to the pointer to wordlist array type .

    在早期版本中,它将生成的函数inwordset()返回的默认布尔 (即0或1)修改为 pointertowordlistarray类型。

  • The return value is a pointer to the buffer allocated for the message . A NULL return indicates the message allocation operation failed .

    返回 是为信息分配的缓冲区的 指针。如果是NULL表明信息分配操作失败。

  • An index has an entry for each value found in the table 's indexed field ( s ) and pointer ( s ) to the row ( s ) having that value .

    索引对表的索引字段的每个 有一个入口,还有 指向具有该值的数据行的 指针

  • In order to make this generic data structure useful you have to come up with a typetag value for each type you want including pointer types .

    为了使这个通用的数据结构可用,您必须为每个需要的类型指定一个类型标签 ,其中包括 指针类型。

  • However remember that casting an integer value to a pointer value does not conform to the C language standard .

    但是将整 数值转换为 指针值并不遵循C语言标准。

  • Binary trees are represented by nodes that have a data value and a left and right pointer ; however there are many data structures that require trees with more than just a left and right branch .

    描述二叉树(binarytree)的节点有一个数据 、一个左 指针和一个右 指针;不过,很多数据体要求树不只有一个左分支和一个右分支。

  • This marker is usually called the null value the null list or the null pointer .

    这个标记通常称作空值(null value)、空列表(nulllist)或者空 指针(null pointer)。

  • These macros each take a value and a pointer to a variable .

    这两个宏都包含一个 以及一个 指向变量的 指针

  • Read the pressure value observation table pointer corresponding to the scale values and their relative units of value .

    读取压力 数值时,观察表上 指针对应的刻度值加上其相对的单位值 即可

  • Because structures also known as value types can appear on the stack it is not always possible to create a pointer to them .

    因为结构,也就是通常所说的 类型,可以被用在堆栈里,并不能总是为它们创建一个 指针

  • REF the value that that the left-hand-side pointer is pointing to after the assignment .

    REF分配后左端 指针(left-hand-side pointer)指向的

  • When strdup () is called in foo () the namestr variable value is overwritten thereby losing the pointer to the memory allocated in main () and that causes the leak .

    当strdup()在foo()中被调用,这个namestr变量 就会被覆写,从而丢失main()中内存分配的 指针,导致渗漏。

  • If the function succeeds the return value is a pointer to the first byte of the memory block .

    每一个内存块的内在结构中包含一个初始 为零的锁定 计数器