valuable papers

[经] 有价证券

  • If the information they 're giving is valuable and truthful like with Watergate or the Pentagram Papers and their motive don 't matter .

    如果他们提供了 宝贵且真实的信息,如同“水门事件”案或“五角大楼 文件”案,那么他们的动机就不重要了。

  • Many excellent and valuable research papers are produced which improve the translation theory and practice .

    产生了许多优秀而 价值的研究 论文,并推动了翻译理论与实践的发展。

  • This paper expounds how to write the high-level high-quality and valuable papers emphatically from three aspects of the reader consciousness the foreword and the conclusion .

    重点从 科技论文 写作时的读者意识、 科技论文的引言及结语3个方面叙述了如何写出具有领先水平、高质量、 价值 论文

  • It 's just right for securities and other valuable papers .

    它正好适用于证券和其他 贵重 票据 存放

  • The study in the Japanese journal of Clinical Oncology is only one of many valuable research papers that are on the World Wide Web .

    《临床肿瘤学》只是互联网上许多 价值的研究 期刊之一。

  • At present paper analysis usually gets information on the surface by counting the scores simply while overlooks a lot of valuable information which is hidden in the papers deeply .

    目前的试卷分析工作往往是对成绩做简单的统计得到表面信息,忽略了隐藏在 试卷深层中大量 价值的信息。

  • This paper detailedly introduces the retrieval modes retrieval techniques retrieval tips about the E-Journals Database and it is valuable for the professional searchers and scientific researchers to search science papers in journals .

    本文详细介绍了此平台电子期刊数据库的检索方式、检索技术、检索技巧等,对专业检索人员和科研人员检索 期刊 文献 具有 指导 意义

  • To date some valuable papers on the interactional rules of the entropy interaction for the colloidal congregation process were reported .

    其中以胶体等颗粒在耗散介质中为 研究对象,如聚合物溶液和液晶溶液中的聚集过程,对熵作用的研究在 国内 很多的报道。

  • Or the printing of materials which is not in itself valuable but contains information which might be such as public examination papers etc.

    或印制某类物品,其本身并无 价值,但因其内容需要保密者,例如公共考试的 试卷等。