valve tray

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  • Study on Performance of 3D Round Valve Tray

    3D圆 性能研究

  • HTV tray is a new type of valve tray developed by our country .

    HTV船型浮 板是我国自行开发的一种新型

  • Arrow shaped valve tray which combines the advantage of rectangular valve and trapezoid valve is a newly developed valve tray .

    箭形 是综合了条形浮阀和梯形浮阀优点而开发的一种新型浮阀。

  • Development and industrial application of BJ valve tray

    BJ 的开发和应用

  • This results might also be a guide for the design of other elongate-type valve trays such as Nutter Valve tray and Tube Valve tray .

    研究结果亦可用于指导其它长条型浮阀塔板如Nutter浮 和管式浮阀等塔 的设计。

  • Development and Industrial Application of JF Complex Valve Tray

    JF复合 的开发和应用

  • Spiral valve tray The tail board the back part of the lorry can be raised and lowered .

    带螺旋叶片的 那辆运货卡车尾部的挡板可以自由升降。

  • Qwerty keyboard Glitsch ballast valve tray

    qwerty式健盘格利奇重盘式浮 塔盘

  • Study on hydraulics and mass transfer performance of new fixed valve tray

    新型固定 的流体力学和传质性能研究

  • Weeping of serrated valve tray was similar to that of F1 valve tray .

    齿边 的漏液量与F1型浮阀塔 基本相同。

  • A mathematical model was proposed to compute the interfacial area on the valve tray .

    同时根据 湍流 液体 气泡变形与破碎的机理,建立了计算 相界面积的理论模型。

  • The hydraulic behaviors of arrow shaped valve tray were tested with air-water system in the column of 1 200 mm in diameter .

    本文以水和空气为介质,在(?)1200塔内,对箭形 的流体力学性能进行了测试。

  • Medium weight waffle cushio Glitsch ballast valve tray

    格利奇重盘式浮 塔盘

  • A Preliminary Study on the Vertical Sieve Tray and T-Arrangement Rectangular Valve Tray

    垂直筛板和T形排列条形浮 塔盘的初步研究

  • The structural characteristics experimental results comparison with F_1 type valve tray and industry application of RCH jet float valve tray are presented .

    介绍了RCH型喷射浮阀塔板的结构特点、研究结果、与F1型 性能对比,以及工业应用情况。

  • Application of advanced micro-dispersion valve tray in large-scale atmospheric column

    ADV微分浮 塔盘在大型常压塔中的应用

  • Application of hot-film anemometer in the study on flow characteristics of valve tray

    热膜流速仪在 局部流动特性研究中的应用

  • CTST and F1 floating valve tray are all excellent trays each has its own characteristics studies on the two composite have just started .

    CTST塔板和F1浮 都是性能优良的塔板,各有自己的特点,关于两者复合的研究还刚刚起步。

  • Experimental Study and CFD Simulation of Novel Fixed Valve Tray

    新型固 流体力学性能研究及流场模拟

  • But for F1 valve tray which is used widely in practice there isn 't any CFD simulation reported .

    目前CFD模拟主要集中在 筛孔 ,而应用十分广泛的F1型 流场的CFD模拟研究却鲜有报道。

  • Experimental study on measurement of clear liquid height on valve tray


  • Typical application of the rectangular floating valve tray in revamping of fractopmatpr for quality upgrading of distillate cuts and enhancement of processing capacity were introduced .

    介绍为改善产品分割质量和提高生产能力,使用条形浮 器进行技术改造的典形实例。

  • Based on F1 valve tray ADV technology on high performance trays is invented and designed with many innovation and optimization for constructions of valve and tray plates .

    ADV高性能浮阀塔板技术是在F1浮 的基础上,对 阀及塔板结构进行了多方面的创新和优化。

  • Ray developed by Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corpo-ration combines the advantages of valve tray and sieve tray .

    由洛阳石化工程公司研制开发的 FSV浮动筛片 结合了浮 与筛孔塔板的优点。

  • The studies showed that BTV-3 floating valve tray had lower pressure drop and less weeping and entrainment .

    结果显示,BVT(3)浮 具有压降低、泄漏和雾沫夹带较少的优点。

  • It is indicated in the experiment that the rising processes of the guided trapezoidal floating valve tray have outstanding effect to hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance .

    实验结果表明,导向梯形浮 的升程对其流体力学和传质性能有显著的影响。

  • Abstrct : The structural characteristics of bubbling valve tray were analyzed .

    分析了 鼓泡器的结构特点。

  • Glitsch ballast valve tray offer subject to shipping space available

    格利奇重盘式浮 塔盘以有船只舱位为准的报盘

  • A new butterfly valve tray ( BVT ) was developed basis of HTV tray .

    在开发HTV船型浮阀塔板的基础上,研制了一种新型的BVT(ButterflyValveTray)浮 板。

  • Several methods for measuring clear liquid height on valve tray and their shortcomings are reviewed .

    评述了 清液高度的测量方法及存在的问题, 设计 测压结构。