vacuum still

[ˈvækjuəm stɪl][ˈvækjuəm stil]


  • 4 some vacuum belts still exist .

    存在某些 真空地带。

  • But some key issues such as the vacuum packaging process vacuum retention vacuum measurement have never been solved completely especially the vacuum measurement in wafer level vacuum packaging still have no effective testing methods .

    但真空封装工艺、真空保持性、内部真空度测试等关键问题一直未得到真正的解决,特别是圆片级 真空封装的真空度检测 至今没有有效的检测方法。

  • After 90 days you need to call the company that manufactured the vacuum to fix it because its still under their warranty .

    90天之后,您需要联系生产商来修理它,因为您购买的 吸尘 还在厂商的保修期内。

  • Assuming the electronics are not suspect if the plasma cleaner is run under vacuum but without the sample in the chamber does the smoke still appear ?

    假如电子部件完好,假如开启清洗机及 真空 ,而样本未放进舱内 还有白烟出现吗?

  • Study on automatic control system for vacuum mud still in gas logging

    气测录井中 真空 蒸馏脱气自动控制系统的研究

  • When the quantum electromagnetic field be in its vacuum state still its field quantities have the vacuum fluctuation .

    量子电磁场处在 真空态时,它的场量 仍然有“真空涨落”。

  • The result shows as a consequence of anisotropy of vacuum though the two dipole matrix elements orthogonal to each other quantum interference still exists .

    结果表明,由于 真空的各向异性,尽管原子的两电偶极矩阵元相互正交,量子干涉 依然存在。

  • The researches on basic theory and engineering practice of vacuum sewer system of foreign countries are relative mature but still not sufficient in china .

    国外 真空排水系统的理论研究和工程实践相对成熟,而国内关于对 真空排水系统的基本理论、设计方法的研究 并不充分。

  • However research on USM and its friction material ( FM ) in vacuum and low temperature was still incomplete .

    然而, 真空低温下的超声马达及其摩擦材料研究 不完善。

  • If a vacuum is still not established there is a blockage in the tool .

    如果 仍未形成 真空,则表明工具中发生堵塞。

  • Due to the fact that energy consumption of freeze-drying is much higher so the combined microwave vacuum drying method is still a good method to produce high quality garlic slices .

    但由于冷冻干燥能耗大,因此微波 真空干燥与真空干燥联合干燥法 仍是一种生产优质大蒜片的干燥方法。

  • Vacuum membrane distillation is widely applied in seawater desalination aqueous solution treatment solution concentration super pure water preparation and environmental conservation with its distinctive advantages . However the studies on vacuum membrane distillation are still quite scarce .

    真空膜 蒸馏技术以其独特的优点在海水淡化、水溶液处理、溶液浓缩、超纯水的制备、环境保护等领域得到广泛的应用,但这方面的理论研究 较少。

  • A vacuum UV electrodeless discharge lamp is designed . Even if he can start handing out loans this finance trust of his is still nothing but a hoax !

    本文介绍一种 真空紫外无极放电灯.尽管他当真要放款,那托辣斯 还是空炮!