vacuum supply

[ˈvækjuəm səˈplaɪ][ˈvækjuəm səˈplai]


  • In this paper based on the discussion about fundamental condition of vacuum sputter coating technology abnormal glow discharge the requirements for supply are expounded ;

    本文在论述 真空溅射镀膜的工艺基本环境&异常辉光放电的基础上,阐述了 电源的几点要求;

  • Electric control system is composed of temperature control system drive control system pressure control system vacuum safe warning system and other power supply control system .

    控制系统主要有温控系统、传动位移控制系统、压力控制系统、 真空安全报警系统及其它一些 供电控制系统等组成。

  • Resonance charging technology applies to the robots cars vacuum cleaners and other applications requiring high power supply in a short-range .

    共振充电技术适用于机器人、汽车、 真空吸尘器及在短距离需要大功率 电源的其他应用。

  • In this paper the principle system design characteristic technology performance of high voltage vacuum power supply in GNG series inverter type are briefly mentioned .

    本文就GNG系列逆变式高压 真空直流 电源的原理系统、设计特点、技术性能等做一简要论述。

  • Diverter valve vacuum supply hose

    紧急控制阀的 真空

  • Improvement on Vacuum Supply to Complete Aluminum Mold In this experiment the conclusions given hereinafter are obtained : ① Aluminum mold coated with MAO layer has sufficient mechanics performance to satisfy the requirement of being as amold .

    关于 真空整体铝模的改进①先后经过热处理、微弧氧化处理的ZL101具有优异的综合力学性能,满足作为模具对其力学性能的要求。

  • Investigate its reason : Appear financial vacuum while is the race region two is to credit supply to control seriously three is the credit environment of the race region bad four is the credit risk guarantee measure imperfection .

    究其原因:一是民族地区出现金融 真空,二是信贷 配给约束严重,三是民族地区信贷环境差,四是信贷风险保障措施缺失。

  • Application of Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breakers to Ensure Power Supply System Reliability of Intercity Network

    中压 真空断路器在保障城市电网 供电可靠性中的应用

  • Using Low Vacuum Circulating Water of Steam Turbine to Supply Heat

    汽轮机低 真空循环水 供热的应用

  • The experimental system includes a vacuum simulation section power supply section propellent feed section parameter measurement section and an arcjet .

    试验系统包括 真空模拟系统, 供电系统,推进剂供给系统,参数测量系统和发动机本体。

  • Vacuum Circuit Breaker ( VCB ) is widely used in power supply and distribution system which plays both contol and protection functions in electric network .

    真空断路器广泛应用于各种 配电系统中,在电网中起着控制和保护的双重作用。

  • Design Improvement on the Intelligent Protector in the Explosion-Proof Low-Voltage Switchgear with Vacuum feed Breaker Based on Redundant Technology and Powr Supply Security in Mine

    基于冗余技术对防爆低压 真空馈电开关中智能保护器的改进设计与矿井 供电安全

  • With the apearance of optical control of module vacuum circuit breakers some requirements on the capacitor charge power supply were raised .

    随着光控模块 真空断路器的提出,对其中的电容充电 电源提出了要求。

  • A presentation is given of the renovation plan and process flow for the hydraulic injection vacuum supply unit which is used to replace the former steam injector .

    介绍了采用水力喷射 真空装置代替原蒸汽喷射装置的改造方案及流程。

  • High Voltage Vacuum DC Power Supply of High Frequency Inverter Type

    高频逆变型高压 真空直流 电源

  • At present there is a great demand of Vacuum valves but getting them almost relies on importing from abroad . So some excellent domestic manufacturers begin to develop vacuum valves by themselves in order to avoid being a passive position in supply cycle and price .

    目前国内对真空阀的需求很大,但依赖于从国外进口,为了避免在 供货周期和价格等方面处于被动地位,国内一些优秀的阀生产厂家开始自主开发 真空阀。

  • A test system is developed which mainly includes a simulated space environment vacuum facility an electric-heat-gas simulated thruster a steady pressure gas supply system an axial movement device a radial movement device a test system and a temperature control system .

    研制了一套 流试验系统,主要包括空间环境模拟设备、电热气体模拟发动机、稳压 气源系统、轴向移动装置、径向移动装置、测量系统及温控系统。

  • AC 3 kV vacuum contactor for power supply of passenger cars

    客车 供电用AC3kV 真空接触器

  • Vacuum hot water boiler is an secure and energy-saving low temperature heat supply equipment .

    真空热水锅炉是一种安全节能的低温 供热设备。

  • Vacuum circuit breaker is one of the most important electric accessory in traction power supply control . Circuit Breaker ( CB ) on-line monitoring plays an important role in the safety operation of the system .

    真空断路器是牵引 供电控制中最重要电气设备之一,真空断路器的在线监测对保障供电系统安全运行具有十分重要的意义。

  • Economic Discussion about the Low Vacuum Heat Supply Network Transform

    真空供热 热网改造中的经济性探讨

  • For improving heat supplying ability of condensing bleeder turbine we carried out low vacuum modification in turbines raised exhaust parameters and utilized vaporization latent heat of exhaust to heat circulating water of condenser to supply heat to user .

    为提高抽汽凝汽式机组的供热能力,对汽轮机组进行低 真空改造,提高排汽参数,利用排汽的汽化潜热加热冷凝器冷却循环水,向热用户 供热

  • A novel technique has been successfully developed to calibrate the ultra high vacuum ( UHV ) and extra high vacuum ( XHV ) which consists of XHV / UHV chambers a flow separation and a gas supply .

    超高/极高真空校准装置由极高 真空(XHV)系统、超高 真空(UHV)系统、流量分流系统和 供气系统四部分组成。

  • A set of CVD / CVI equipment was successfully designed and fabricated to investigate the mechanism and processs of CVD / CVI amorphous SiO_2 . The equipment has four parts : vacuum system gas supply system reaction chamber and off gas treatment system .

    为探索CVD/CVI非晶氧化硅工艺基础,借鉴国内外资料,本文研制了一套CVD/CVI设备,包括 供气系统、 真空系统、反应系统和尾气处理系统。

  • Conclusion of Low Vacuum Heat Supply of No. 1 and No. 2 Turbo-generators

    太钢发电厂1~、2~汽轮发电机低 真空 供热总结