vacuum treatment

[ˈvækjuəm ˈtritmənt][ˈvækjuəm ˈtri:tmənt]


  • In influence of the treatment temperature residual gas pressure and vacuum treatment time on separation effects were completely investigated .

    主要研究了 蒸发温度、 真空 蒸发时间等因素对 阳极 蒸发率的影响,并对冷凝物的形态控制及 铅的后续 处理进行了探讨。

  • The vacuum treatment steps and process control are analyzed in detail .

    剖析了VOD 真空 处理工艺过程以及工艺过程的合理控制;

  • Development of new type desulphurizer for RH vacuum treatment

    RH 新型脱硫剂的开发

  • The oxygen regulation is sum up which is used for the RH TB vacuum treatment and the proper parameters are found out after several operational tests .

    对RH-TB 真空 处理设备的氧气使用工艺进行了总结,并在实践的基础上探索了合理的工艺参数。

  • Design of the Simulating Test Device of the Technical Parameters of Vacuum Treatment for Electric Products

    电工产品 真空 处理工艺参数模拟试验装置的设计

  • Taking the new design concept - three high and one low a new desulphurizer in possession of higher desulphurization capacity has been developed for RH vacuum treatment .

    采用三高,一低的设计思路,开发出了一种 RH用新型脱硫剂。

  • The authors suggest that the modern steel-making processes of hot metal pretreatment ( KR ) converter ( BOF ) ladle refining ( LF ) vacuum treatment ( RH ) continuous casting ( CC ) should be applied for the medium capacity converter shop .

    认为对于中等容量的转炉车间,应采用铁水预处理(KR)转炉(BOF)钢包精炼炉(LF) 真空 处理(RH)连铸(CC)的现代炼钢生产工艺流程。

  • The Development of Less-fluoride or Free-fluoride Desulphurizer for RH Vacuum Treatment

    RH 少氟或无氟脱硫剂的开发

  • Vacuum treatment of the liquid steel

    钢水的 真空 处理

  • Concrete Construction of RH Vacuum Treatment Installation in Winter

    RH 真空 处理装置混凝土设备的冬期施工

  • Selection of vacuum treatment processes for liquid steel

    钢液 真空 处理法的选用

  • The effect of sulphuring vacuum treatment and soaking on the quality of candied apples was studied .

    本文研究了苹果脯生产中护色、 抽空 处理、浸渍等关键工序对产品质量的影响。

  • A New Method of Instrument Transformer Vacuum Treatment by Using Vapour Phase Drying Technique

    气相干燥技术应用于互感器 真空 处理的新方法

  • In addition the vacuum treatment is necessary to the steam - injection pressing .

    真空 处理对喷蒸热压是必要的。

  • Enrichment of γ - aminobutyric acid in tea by vacuum treatment and extrogenous sodium glutamate

    真空及外源谷氨酸钠 处理对茶叶中γ-氨基丁酸富集作用研究

  • The effects of water temperature dynamic vacuum treatment and ultrasonic treatment on desulphurization technique of candied brittle plum processing were investigated in this paper .

    文中研究了水温、 真空动态 处理、超声波处理在脆梅加工脱硫工艺中的应用效果。

  • Study on Paper-based Fiberboard and Vacuum Treatment

    纸质纤维板及其 真空 处理的研究

  • For super low carbon IF Steel the RH-TB vacuum treatment was investigated . The effect of initial molten steel conditions and suitable methods for molten steel with different initial conditions were studied by natural decarbonization and forced decarbonization processes .

    在生产超低碳IF钢的RH-TB 真空 处理过程中,采用自然脱碳和强制脱碳的工艺方法试验研究了不同初始碳氧含量钢水的脱碳效果。

  • Preliminary investigation in refractory material for RH vacuum treatment apparatus

    RH 真空 处理装置用耐火材料初探

  • Developed by using the combination molding process of sand mold and metal mold and by vacuum treatment after refining processing vacuum treatment the low pressure casting large size aluminium piston can conform to the technical standards in every respect .

    采用砂模和金属模相结合的造型工艺;精炼剂与 真空 处理相结合的精炼方法及低压铸造工艺,研制的大型铝活塞,达到各项技术指标。

  • Application of Heat Accumulator in the Process of Vacuum Treatment in AISC No.3 Steelmaking Plant

    蓄热器在鞍钢第三炼钢厂 真空 处理工程中的应用

  • On the techniques of vacuum treatment for the concrete pavements

    混凝土路面 真空 处理技术

  • Analysis was made on the general characteristic of secondary refining technologies of various kinds and a conclusion was drawn from it that approaches being taken to these technologies are nothing but slag washing vacuum treatment stirring reheating and injection .

    本文分析了各种炉外精炼方法的共性,归纳出了它们所采用的 精炼手段不外乎渣洗、 真空、搅拌、加热、喷吹等五种。

  • The vacuum treatment for simultaneous desulphurization and dephosphorization of hot metal with premelting CaO based slag was carried out . Results show that both the De S and De P rates have been raised along with the increase of the CaO content in the pre melting slag .

    开展了铁水用石灰基预熔渣进行同时脱硫脱磷 真空 处理研究,试验结果表明,随着石灰基预熔渣中CaO含量增加,脱磷率和脱硫率均增大;

  • Summary and Research on Oxygen Regulation Used for RH TB Vacuum Treatment

    RH-TB 真空 处理用氧工艺总结与研究

  • Design and Practice of Using Converter Afterheat Steam as Steam Source for Vacuum Treatment in Steelmaking

    采用转炉余热蒸汽作为 真空 处理汽源的设计与实践

  • Must in order to produce quality steel some raw steel in a vacuum treatment process carried out under .

    为了生产一定品质的钢,一些生钢的 处理过程需在 真空下进行。

  • By using NaOH as catalyst span-80 is synthesized at the following conditions : 1:1.2 the ratio between sorbitol and 9-octadecenoic acid 180 ~ 190 ℃ the temperature vacuum treatment by water and 4 hours the heating time .

    以NaOH为催化剂,山梨醇与油酸之比为1:1.2,在温度180~190℃、水抽 真空的条件下,加热4h合成 Span-80

  • Increment of refining efficiency for RH vacuum treatment

    提高RH 真空 处理的精炼效率

  • Control System for RH-MFB Vacuum Treatment Equipment

    RH-MFB 真空 处理装置控制系统