


  • Determination of Vanillin in Chocolate by Rapid Column High Performance Liquid Chromatography

    巧克力中 香兰素的快速分离柱高效液相色谱法测定

  • Varietal herbal tomato leaf characters are supported by riper notes of spicy fruitcake earthy complexity and an infusion of cinnamon and vanillin French oak .

    草本植物和西红柿枝叶的特色融合了水果蛋糕和土壤的气息, 更有法国橡木的肉桂和 香草味道交汇其间。

  • But a recent market survey found spices like vanilla materials and ethyl vanillin in many well-known infant milk powders .

    然而 记者近日走访市场发现,多种知名婴儿奶粉 加入 香草味 用料 、“乙基 香兰素 等。

  • Bouquet : Stone fruits and melon aromas with a hint of walnuts and buttery yeast notes followed by subtle vanillin oak .

    气味:有水果和柠檬的芳香,隐约有胡桃木和酵母的香味,以及微妙的 香草橡木气味。

  • Synergistic Inhibition Effect of Rare Earth Ions and Vanillin on Corrosion of Cold Rolled Steel in H_2SO_4 Solution

    稀土离子和 香兰素在H2SO4溶液中对冷轧钢的缓蚀协同效应

  • Ingredients : milk chocolate sugar co-co full-milk powder lecithin vanillin toast almond .

    主要成分:牛奶巧克力,糖,可可脂,全脂奶粉,蛋黄素, 香草荚,烤杏仁。

  • Flavan-3-ol and proanthocyanidin were determined by vanillin assay expressed by catechin equivalents and flavan-3-ol determined by HPLC .


  • Palate : A full-bodied wine that is solidly structured on the palate with intense varietal flavours of capsicum black currant and mint up front tannins layered with balanced vanillin oak .

    口感:丰满的酒体,美好的结构感,带有凝聚的多变的青椒,黑醋栗和薄荷风味,良好的单宁感,伴有层次感的橡木 香草味道。

  • Rapid Evaluating of Antimicrobial Activity of Vanillin with the Microplate Reader in 96-cell Plate

    酶标仪法快速评价 香兰素的抑菌活性

  • Vitamin B12 is destroyed by oxidizing and reducing agents by aldehydes ascorbic acid ferrous salts vanillin and acacia .

    维生素B12可被氧化剂和还原剂、醛类抗坏血酸、二价铁盐、 香草醛和阿拉伯树胶破坏。

  • Buy : Vanillin Agar-agar Citric acid .

    采购: 香兰素,琼脂,柠檬酸。

  • Determination of Vanillin from Tincture and Extract Products of Vanilla by Using Reversed Phase High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Optimizing of Supercritical Extraction Techniques for Vanillin from Vanilla Bean

    反相高效液相色谱法检测香草兰豆酊、浸膏中 香兰素均匀设计优化香草兰中香兰素的超临界萃取工艺

  • Theresults show : vanillin has strong inhibited effect to the microorganism .

    结果表明, 香兰素具有较强的抑菌作用。

  • The conditions had been applied to direct ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of vanillin in foodstuffs using β & CDP resin with satisfactory results .

    所拟定的条件直接用于树脂相紫外分光光度法测定食品中的 香兰素 含量,结果满意。

  • Effects of Grafting on Soil Microbe Amounts and Enzyme Activities of Eggplants under Vanillin and Cinnamic Acid Stress


  • It embraces the vibrant red fruit tones raspberry and cherry that predominate in this vintage layered with mocha cocoa vanillin notes .

    此酒酒香以红色水果味为基调,还有覆盆子,樱桃的味道,摩卡咖啡,可可豆和 香兰素的芬芳更是层次分明地表露无遗。

  • Buy : Dehydrated vegetables Dried seafood Citric acid Vanillin .

    采购:干制蔬菜,水产干货,柠檬酸, 香兰素

  • The phenolic acids used were vanillic acid vanillin and P-hydroxy benzoic acids for studying the effects of phenolic acids on the growth and activities of protective enzymes of muskmelon .

    以嫁接在云南黑籽南瓜砧木上的伽师甜瓜为试材,探讨香草酸、 香草醛和对-羟基苯甲酸为代表的酚酸类物质对嫁接伽师瓜植株和保护酶活性的影响。

  • The Syntheses and Properties ef Polymeric Crown Ethers Synthesis of vanillin propylene glycol acetal over different molecular sieves catalysts

    2二羟甲基酚类与苯并冠醚缩聚合成酚醛型冠醚聚合物不同类型分子筛催化剂上 香兰素丙二醇缩醛的合成

  • Any organic compound formed by adding alcohol molecules to aldehyde molecules . Synthesis of vanillin 1 glycol acetal by ferri postassium sulfate

    在乙醛分子中加入乙醇分子形成的任何有机化合物。硫酸铁钾盐加合物催化合成 香兰素1丙二醇缩醛

  • Palate : The palate is spicy and savoury with some vanillin oak and a drying finish .

    口感:辛香可口,有 香草橡木味,后味干而有力。

  • Introduces the method to extract total saponin in sisal hemp with supercritical CO2 and determination of total saponin by vanillin colorimetry .

    采用超临界CO2萃取法萃取剑麻中的总皂苷,用 香草醛比色法测定 萃取 产物中总皂苷。

  • Adsorption Performances for Vanillin from Aqueous Solution by the Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Macroporous Polydivinylbenzene / Polyacrylethylenediamine IPN Resin

    疏水/亲水大孔PDVB/PAEMIPN树脂对 香兰素的吸附性能

  • Buy : vanillin spice white pepper many ingredients .

    采购: 香草香料,白胡椒,配料。

  • Research on the Allelopathy and Its Mechanism of Vanillin on Lettuce


  • Synthesis of vanillin propylene glycol acetal over different molecular sieves catalysts

    不同类型分子筛催化剂上 香兰素丙二醇缩醛的合成

  • Preparation of inclusion complex of vanillin with β - cyclodextrin and its fixing on cotton fabric

    β-环糊精与 香兰素包合物的制备及其在棉织物上的固着

  • Bouquet : Blackberry with the vanillin and savoury aromas of new oak .

    气味:有黑莓 香草、和很好的橡木香味。