


  • Result : Vaporous atomization has a great antiinflammatory effect on swelling caused by .

    目的: 考察 利咽雾化液抗炎抑菌作用效果。

  • Hydraulic Calculation for Hot Water Heating systems with Vaporous cavities

    热水供热系统中有 的水力计算

  • The vaporous and particulate organic pollutants were simultaneously sampled by GDX 101 and glass fiber filters ( GF ) respectively After organic pollutants in GDX 101 and the filters were separately extracted they were analyzed qualitatively with GC MS.


  • The case for reserving American gas for American buyers is vaporous however .

    不过, 美国的天然气留给美国人 这种 想法 不切实际

  • The pump exhaust should lead to the open air or a fume hood . Exhaust vaporous wastes through a pipe .

    气泵的排气管应该导向室外空旷 导向一座通风橱。

  • Water in a vaporous form diffused in the atmosphere but below boiling temperature .

    在沸点以下弥散在空气中的 蒸汽状态的水。

  • Foreign cigarette makers such as British American Tobacco and Japan Tobacco International also have stakes in the industry while other firms are working on their own vaporous offerings .

    还有一些公司也在竭尽全力生产自己的 电子 香烟,同时,英美烟草、日本烟草国际等国外香烟制造商也 加入到这一行业的竞争中。

  • Safety Control System of Vaporous Equipment


  • The Characteristics of Vaporous Water Diffusion in Soil

    土壤 气态水扩散特征初探

  • Exhaust vaporous wastes through a pipe .

    通过管道 蒸汽 排空

  • This paper examines the present situation of Studies of water hammer with a low gas content describes the character and critical conditions of a few flow regimes involved for example gaseous cavitation flow vaporous cavitation flow as well as column seperation etc.

    剖析了含气水锤的研究现状,阐明了 流态即 单相流、 空穴流及液柱分离等特征及判别条件;

  • Through the analysis on the migration course of the vaporous water in the air and the genetic classification of the precipitation of Shanxi this paper forms the systematical knowledge of the rain-bearing system in Shanxi Province ;

    通过分析山西空中 气态水的运移过程和降水成因分类,形成了对山西省降水天气系统的认识;

  • But the thing that gets you hooked on the whole vaporous cocktail is nicotine .

    但是让你沉迷于这种 气体鸡尾酒的是尼古丁。

  • Conclusion : Vaporous atomization has a great antiinflammatory and antiblastic effect .

    结论: 利咽雾化液具有较好的抗炎、抑菌作用。

  • Tear secretion was within normal . Conclusion In blepharitis grease secretion is reduced and its composition is changed . Thus stability of tear film is damaged and the patients are subjected to vaporous dry eye .

    结论睑缘炎引起脂质分泌减少及成分异常,破坏泪膜稳定性,导致蒸发过强 干眼。

  • The square tower of a church loomed through the gloaming . the imponderable mysterious and vaporous illusions of twilight ( John C. Powys ) See Synonyms at airy

    在薄暮中隐约可以看见一个教堂的方塔。薄暮时分神秘空灵的幻象(约翰C. 波伊斯)参见

  • And what vaporous birds do you hunt in the sky ?

    你在空中捕捉的又是哪 臆想中的飞鸟?

  • Aiming at the high vaporous pressure and easy cavitation occurrence of water the cavitation flow in orifices using water as working media is analysed theoretically by applying cavitation model .

    针对水的 汽化压力高、容易发生气穴的特点,应用气穴模型理论对阻尼小孔中以水作为工作介质时的流动特性进行理论分析。

  • Conversely if there is more free water in soil vaporous water transferring quantity is less than liquid water transferring quantity .

    当土体存在较多自由水时, 水量 梯度 影响下的 气态水迁移量小于液态水迁移量。

  • Cylinder plate method was used to test the antiblastic effect of vaporous atomization to46groups bacteria in vitro .

    采用杯碟法测定 利咽雾化液对临床分离的46株临床常见细菌的体外抗菌作用。

  • Growth of SiC Crystal by High Temperature Chemical Vaporous Deposition ( HTCVD )

    高温化学 相沉积法生长碳化硅晶体(HTCVD)

  • Both candidates have their flaws and their admirable points ; the doughty but sometimes cranky old warrior makes a fine contrast with the inspirational but sometimes vaporous young visionary .

    两位候选人各有利弊。勇敢但有时脾气不好的 越战老兵同有强大感召力和远见卓识但有时 流于 空谈的年轻 领导者形成了鲜明对比。

  • Her red rimmed eyes were partially closed by yellowish crusts ; her hands were covered with layer upon layer of grime and the stale smell of sweat rose in a thick vaporous cloud from her clothes .

    她眼圈通红,黄 的眼屎 几乎遮住了眼睛,双手积满了一层层厚重的污垢,衣服上散发的一阵阵 强烈的汗 臭味 扑鼻而来

  • The system not onlyimproves the vaporous quality but also is more suitable to combustible and explosive materials .

    不仅使 汽化品质有所提高,而且对易燃、易爆物料更为适宜。

  • The excess of sodium are probably caused by the high background value of recharging source and the dissolution of vaporous deposition of sodium-sulphate in the aquifer .

    其钠离子的超出部分可能是因为地下水补给源的背景值较高以及硫酸钠 蒸发沉积物在地下水径流过程中的溶解。

  • The factory exhausts vaporous wastes through a pipe .

    工厂通过管道将 蒸气 排空

  • Experimental study on vaporous water transference in Loess and sandy soil

    非饱和土体 气态水迁移试验研究

  • Having the nature of vapor ; vaporous .

    蒸气 的具有蒸汽的特点的; 蒸汽的。

  • We think of ghosts as wispy and translucent & a vaporous woman perhaps who floats down the stairs her dress trailing in the languid air behind her .

    我们如今觉得,鬼魂轻盈飘渺&也许是个朦胧的 女鬼,从台阶上飘然而下,衣裙悠悠地在身后摇曳。