vaporization heat


  • Vaporization Heat and Internal Pressure for Liquids

    液体的 蒸发 与内压

  • The principle of heat transfer augmentation by interfacial vaporization heat sink and Its Applications

    界面 汽化 阱增强传热的原理及其应用

  • Vaporization heat data of 359 compounds were predicted with a mean deviation 1.27 % compared with the experimental data and the predicted results are more accurate than those predicted by some others equations .

    应用该方程式,验算了359种各类物质的 沸点 汽化 .与文献中的实测值相比较,总的绝对平均误差为1.27%。

  • Water has higher melting point boiling point heat of vaporization heat of fusion and surface tension than comparable hydrides such as hydrogen suiphide or ammonia or most liquids .

    与氢硫化物、氨水或其他大多数的液体相比,水具有较高的熔点、沸点、 蒸发 比热、熔解热和表面张力。

  • The Vaporization Heat of the Triple - Component Solution

    三元溶液 发热

  • In this paper we present a method for the calculation of the vaporization heat of the triple solution by using the date for binary solutions .

    本文提出了一种由二元溶液 气压数据来计算三元溶液 发热 经验方法。以苯 - 丙醇 -环已烷三元溶液为例计算并与实验值比较,得到了较为满意的结果。

  • Description of Molecular Structure and Estimation of Heat of Vaporization and Heat of Atomization for Alkanes

    烷烃分子结构表征及其 热力学函数的估算

  • Calculation of Vaporization Heat of Pure Substances at Non-Normal Boiling Point

    非正常沸点下纯物质 汽化 潜热的计算

  • Study on The Relation Between Vaporization Heat of Aliphatic Alcohol and Its Molecular Structure Graph Theory

    脂肪醇 气化 与分子结构关系的图论方法研究

  • For improving heat supplying ability of condensing bleeder turbine we carried out low vacuum modification in turbines raised exhaust parameters and utilized vaporization latent heat of exhaust to heat circulating water of condenser to supply heat to user .

    为提高抽汽凝汽式机组的供热能力,对汽轮机组进行低真空改造,提高排汽参数,利用排汽的 汽化 潜热 加热冷凝器冷却循环水,向热用户供热。

  • The Effect of Interfacial Vaporization Heat Sink in Pool Nucleate Boiling Process

    池式核沸腾中的界面 汽化 阱效应

  • Considering the water film flash vaporization and the heat exchange between water film and solid surface volume equation has difference for nuclear power steam turbine dynamic modle and routine unit .

    考虑核电站汽轮机所具有的水膜 闪蒸和水膜与壁面换 后,核电汽轮机动态模型和常规火电机组的差别仅在于容积方程。

  • Study of the measurement of vaporization heat of low ice point liquid

    低冰点液体的 汽化 测定实验研究

  • The method applying the Limiting Diffusion Current Technique ( LDCT ) and heat transfer measurement together is used to separate the effect of interfacial vaporization heat sink in pool nucleate boiling process .

    采用扩散极限电流技术(LDCT)与传热测定同时进行的实验方法分析了池核沸腾中的界面 汽化 阱效应。

  • Based on the Clausius-Clapeyron equation the Virial equation and the newest phase equilibrium equations of helium-3 two important properties on the phase equilibrium curves that is the vaporization heat and the melting heat have been calculated .

    基于Clausius-Clapeyron方程、维里方程和最新开发的氦-3相平衡曲线方程计算了氦-3在平衡曲线上的两个重要性质: 汽化 (0K~3.3157K)和熔解热(0.001K~35K)。

  • Vaporization heat and melting heat of helium-3

    氦-3的 汽化 热和熔解热

  • Prediction of Vaporization Heat for Alkenes at Normal Boiling Point by Graph Theory Method

    图论法预测链烯烃的常沸点 汽化

  • Based on the thermodynamic theory of thermal pressure the equations for vaporization heat of pure substances were derived and then used to calculate the vaporization heat data for thirty two substances including some strongly polar compounds such as methanol ethanol and acetic acid etc.

    基于热力学热压理论,推导出了纯物质的 气化 方程,用此方程计算了32种物质,其中包括某些强极性化合物,例如甲醇、乙醇和乙酸等的气化热数据。

  • The boiling hysteresis mechanism has been analyzed on the base of the interfacial vaporization heat sink effect and the change in activation way of boiling nuclei .

    另外,依据泡核激活机制的转变并结合界面 汽化 阱效应对沸腾滞后进行机理分析。

  • It shows that the new equations of vaporization heat herein are well suited to describe the property of vapor liquid phase change .

    表明此新 气化 方程非常适合于描述气液相变化的特性。

  • Improvement of devices for measuring specific vaporization heat of water

    水的比 汽化 测量装置的改进

  • The vapor pressure and the vaporization heat of DMA at 25 ℃ were estimated according to the molecule structure the deviations of results of calculation and measurement were 9.1 % and-22.0 % respectively .

    从分子结构角度对25℃时单甲脒的饱和蒸气压及其升华 进行估算,估算值和实验测定值相对误差分别为9.1%和 &22.0%。

  • The formula proposed by the author to calculate vaporization heat of pure substances at normal boiling point can also be used tocalculate that of pure substances at non-normal boiling point .

    利用作者提出的正常沸点下纯物质 汽化 潜热计算式,可以计算非正常沸点下纯物质 汽化 潜热

  • Also the mechanism of this process has been analyzed with the concept of interfacial vaporization heat sink .

    本文还运用界面 汽化 阱概念对 传热机理进行了分析。

  • Vapor-Flow Calorimeter & The Determination of Heats of Vaporization and Vapor Heat Capacities of Benzene

    汽体流动量热计&苯 汽化 与苯汽体 热容的测量

  • Vaporization heat and vopor pressure of binary solution

    二元溶液的 蒸发 及蒸汽压

  • The experimental results show that in the pool nucleate boiling process the effect of interfacial vaporization heat sink obviously increases with the heat transfer flux .

    实验结果表明,沸腾时,界面 汽化 阱效应随热流率的提高而显著增大。

  • The normal boiling point of water is 372 . 4K vaporization heat 42.93kJ/mol . Compared with documented values the relative errors are respectively 0.03 % and - 0.07 % .

    水正常沸点为372.4K,水的平均 汽化 为42.93kJ/mol,其与文献值的相对误差分别为0.03%、-0.07%。

  • The heat transfer enhancement mechanism is analyzed by the idea that both the effect of increased turbulence and that of the interfacial vaporization heat sink caused by air bubbles contribute significantly to the total heat transfer enhancement .

    本文以扰动增强和界面 汽化 阱效应增强传热的观点阐述了这一沸腾传热强化机理,解释了空气湿度对传热增强作用的影响。

  • Condensing heat-exchanger can utilize vaporization heat from steam condensing to promote heat efficiency .

    冷凝式换热器是通过冷凝烟气中的水蒸气,使得其中的 汽化 潜热得以利用,从而提高热效率的换热器。