vagus area

[ˈveɡəs ˈɛriə][ˈveiɡəs ˈɛəriə]

[医] 迷走神经区(第四脑室底)

  • Immunoreaction positive fibers and terminals were very dense in the nucleus solitarius nucleus vagus and its root fibers nucleus cuneatus externus and its adjacent area nucleus intercalatus and nucleus hypoglossus only occasionally in the nucleus olivaris inferior and nucleus trigeminus radicis spinalis .

    SP样纤维或终末在孤束核、 迷走神经背核、迷走神经根内、外楔束核及其毗邻 、中介核和舌下神经核比较密集,而下橄榄核和三叉神经脊束核则较少。

  • Most of the fibers form the solitary tract and distribute bilaterally to the nuclei of solitary tract the dorsal nuclei of the vagus nerve and the area postrema .

    大量纤维形成孤束,主要分布于两侧孤束核、 迷走神经背核及最后

  • Also some changes were found in vestibulum inferior olivary nucleus vagus nerve nucleus superior colliculus basal ganglion pons Cerebellumand motor area of cortex .

    前庭、下橄榄核、 迷走神经核、上丘、基底节、桥脑、小脑、皮质运动 也有组织学改变。