vanillic acid

[vəˈnɪlɪk ˈæsɪd][vəˈnilik ˈæsid]


  • Study on synthesis of glycosyl esters of vanillic acid

    香草 糖酯的合成研究

  • Frontal analysis was performed to determine the adsorptive capacity of four drugs paeonol ferulic acid chlorogenic acid and vanillic acid on HSA column . The experiment data were analysed by using one-site model two-site model and double-reciprocal frontal analysis plot respectively .

    通过采用前沿分析法测定丹皮酚、阿魏酸、绿原酸和 香草 在HSA柱上的吸附量,应用单、双位点模型以及单位点中的双倒数模型对实验结果进行了拟合及数理分析。

  • The conditions of TLC were : the 2.5 % silver nitrate folium developer agent : cyclohexane-ethyl acetate-acetone ( 8 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 ); Developer : the solution of 5 % vanillic aldehyde-concentrated sulfuric acid displaying color in 105 ℃ .

    薄层色谱条件:2.5%硝酸银薄层板,展开剂环己烷-乙酸乙酯-丙酮(8∶1∶1),喷5% 香草醛-浓 硫酸溶液在105℃烘至显色。

  • The phenolic acids used were vanillic acid vanillin and P-hydroxy benzoic acids for studying the effects of phenolic acids on the growth and activities of protective enzymes of muskmelon .

    以嫁接在云南黑籽南瓜砧木上的伽师甜瓜为试 ,探讨 草酸、香草醛和对-羟基苯甲酸为代表的酚酸类物质对嫁接伽师瓜植株和保护酶活性的影响。

  • The Inhibitory Effect of Vanillic Acid on Tyrosinase Activity

    香草 对酪氨酸酶 催化活性的抑制作用

  • Vanillic acid is the third monomer suitable for modifying PHB / PET binary copolyester .

    香草 是最适合于PHB/PET体系共聚改性的第三单体。

  • The results show that PHB / PET / VA ter-polyester with vanillic acid has faster copolycondensation rate lower melting temperature typical thermotropic liquid crystallinity and better spinnability .

    发现含 草酸第三单体的 PHB/PET/VA三元共聚酯具有较快共聚反应速率、较低熔融温度、典型热致液晶行为和良好成纤性。

  • Root stem leaf contained some kinds of phenolic acids such as p-coumaric acid ferulic acid vanillic acid and stem and leaf contained cinnamic acid .

    西瓜根、茎、叶在腐解过程中均产生香豆酸、 香草 、阿魏酸等酚酸化合物,茎和叶 产生苯丙烯酸。