utility design

[juˈtɪləti dɪˈzaɪn][juˈtiliti diˈzain]


  • Utility Design Method of Free Beam Curve Bridge in Expressway

    高速公路上简支曲线桥的 实用 设计方法

  • The utility model has simple design and unique structure which can improve the success rate of the operation and the operation is very convenient and reliable is easy for promotion and application .

    实用 新型 设计简单,结构独特,可以提高手术的成功率,操作起来方便可靠,易于推广应用。

  • Utility System Design of 8098 Monolithic Computer

    8098单片机 实用系统 设计

  • Utility Design and Implementation of ISDN Multi Function Terminal

    实用化ISDN多功能终端的 设计与实现

  • Based on the characteristic of electrolyte analysis a novel utility design of intelligent instrument was proposed .

    针对电解质分析的特点,提出一种智能仪器的新型 实用 方案 设计

  • The utility model discloses a design scheme of sewing a pocket-size pocket in a front inserting pocket of a pair of trousers .

    实用 新型公开了一种裤子前插袋中缝制的袖珍式袋中袋的 设计方案。

  • Our awareness of the patent system is gradually improved . It will make the invention utility model and design the coordinated development .

    随着对专利制度的认识水平的逐步加深,我国将更加注重追求知识产权保护制度完善性,此举将有利于促使发明、 实用 新型、外观 设计三个方面的平衡协调发展。

  • An Utility Measurement System Design of Waveguide Modulus Decay

    一种 实用波导衰减系数测量系统的 设计

  • Utility Technical Design Requirements on Advanced Light Water Reactor NPP

    先进轻水堆核 电站的用户技术 设计要求

  • Utility design of plastic profile extrusion department

    塑料挤出型材车间 公用 工程 设计

  • The sum of money prize for a patent for utility model or design shall not be less than RMB 500 yuan .

    一项 实用 新型专利或者外观 设计专利的奖金最低不少于500元。

  • To test scheme of proof test of reliability on the micro-pressure dynamic transducer has been utility design . The reliability performance was calculated by the observed result of lifetime test its level of reliability performance MTBF is verified .

    对动态微压力传感器可靠性验证试验方案进行了 实用 设计,用寿命试验的观察结果对可靠性指标进行计算,以验证其可靠性指标MTBF达到的水平。

  • The patent right for utility model or design shall take effect as of the date of the announcement .

    实用 新型专利权和外观 设计专利权自公告之日起生效。

  • A persona without goals can still serve as a useful communication tool but it lacks utility as a design tool .

    没有目标的人物角色仍然能够作为有用的交流工具,但作为 设计工具是没有 的。

  • The figure included patent right of invention utility model and design .

    这个数字包括发明、 实用 新型 构思的专利权。

  • Elementary Introduction to Reliability of Utility Boiler Design

    浅谈 电站锅炉 设计的可靠性

  • Programming Skills in Utility Program Design of Single-Chip Microcomputer

    单片机 应用程序 设计编程技巧

  • Hangzhou Lake Front International Famous Work Street Public Utility Design Inquisition

    杭州湖滨国际名品街公共 设施 设计探究

  • In the system of the utility model the design is based on the computer control system more convenient ports are added to benefit the realization of the modernization of the furniture .

    实用 新型的系统中,在 设计上由于是基于计算机控制系统的,因此增加了较多的方便接口,有益于家居现代化的实现。

  • The utility model has reasonable design and structure convenient utilization easy assembly and maintenance and wide scope of application .

    实用 新型结构 设计合理,使用方便,安装维护简单,适用范围广泛。

  • In addition this machine has been granted with two patents including utility model and outline design .

    该机具已获得国家专利局批准 实用 新型与外观 设计两项专利。

  • The decision of the Patent Reexamination Board in respect of a request to declare invalid the patent right for utility model or design is final .

    专利复审委员会对宣告 实用 新型 外观 设计专利权无效的请求所作出的决定为终局决定。

  • In the descriptive statistics utility and design patents granted greater impact on firm performance the accumulation of patent invention are the fewest .

    其中,在原始数据的描述性统计中, 实用 新型 外观 设计授权专利对企业绩效的影响更大,而授权的发明专利的累计专利对企业绩效的影响则更小。

  • Study of Utility Design Formula for Membrane Structures

    膜结构 设计 实用表达式的研究

  • The utility model has rational design simple structure high accuracy and reliable performance .

    实用 新型 构思 新颖,结构简单,准确度高,性能可靠。

  • According to the unite level of structural design the utility design formula for membrane structures based on the probability design method of ultimate strength is studied and a new utility design formula for membrane structures is presented .

    按照我国《建筑结构设计统一标准》,进行了基于概率极限状态设计方法的膜结构 设计 实用表达式的研究,提出了一种膜结构设计实用表达式。

  • This paper investigates the necessity of anti-jamming design in the course of computer utility system design presents several valid anti-jamming measures in two aspect of hardware and soft - ware discusses the method of anti-jamming design with combining hardware with software .

    分析了在计算机 应用系统 设计中有关抗干扰设计的必要性,从硬件和软件两个方面给出了多种有效的抗干扰措施。并在此基础上探讨了硬件和软件相结合进行抗干扰设计的方法。

  • The findings of this study imply a utility for the design of stage-tailored interventions for promoting college students'fruit and vegetable intake .

    研究结果支持卫生教育 可依目标对象所处的蔬果摄取改变阶段 设计合适的介入方案。

  • The utility model has reasonable design and vaporization is divided into two sections .

    实用 新型 设计合理,分二段汽化。