vector computer

[ˈvɛktɚ kəmˈpjutɚ][ˈvektə kəmˈpju:tə]


  • For the study Mackey 's team used a linear support vector machine a computer algorithm invented in 1995 to classify patterns of brain activity and determine whether or not someone is experiencing pain .

    研究过程中,麦基博士的团队使用了一个线性支持 向量机发明于1995年的一个 计算机 程序法将大脑活动的模式进行分类,从而诊断一个人是否正在经受着疼痛。

  • The application of hef-4752v module in vector control of computer

    HEF-4752V组件在 微机 矢量控制中的应用

  • Combining application of supporting vector computer with information merging can simultaneously reduce the uncertainty caused by multi-factors and improve oil / gas-predicted precision .

    将支持 向量 与信息融合两者结合应用,能同时减小多种因素引起的不确定性,提高油气预测精度。

  • Add Vector Processing to Dataflow Computer

    向量处理引入数据流 计算机

  • Numeral calculation have been carried out on vector computer with FORTRAN language .

    数值计算是采取FORTRAN语言程序在 向量 计算机上进行的。

  • The speedometer was touching 120 mph . the fast and constant velocity vector generator for computer information display

    速度计显示时速达120英里. 计算机信息显示快速恒速 矢量产生器

  • We also discuss their algorithmic similarity to bit-masks and local index registers in an array processor and the similarity to operation control vectors and indirect control vectors in a vector computer .

    最后,讨论它们与阵列机的屏蔽位和与处理单元有关的局部变址算法上的相似性,以及它们与 向量 的运算控制向量和间接控制向量的相似性。

  • If the data processing is performed by vector computer the vector Fourier transform program is preferred ;

    若在向量 上运行时,可选用本 向量傅氏变换程序;

  • Oil / gas-predicted method by seismology based on supporting vector computer and information merging

    基于支持 向量 与信息融合的地震油气预测方法

  • Usual scalar calculation method can not be well used to make parallel operation on a vector computer .

    传统的标量计算方法不适应在 向量 计算机上并行运算。

  • The ore fragment size for block caving is predicted by means of topology vector field conception and computer simulation technology .

    运用拓扑学、 体概念以及 计算机模拟等技术对矿石崩落块度进行预测。

  • In this paper we discuss how to use Support Vector Machines to computer vision and then realize itIn this paper man-machine chess game system for target identification utilization of image processing computer interface software programming and pattern recognition technology .

    本文以 人机 对弈系统中的棋子识别为目标,综合利用了图像处理、计算机接口、软件编程和模式识别技术。

  • Application on Management System of Vector Measure Data with Computer

    电子 计算机媒介 生物监测资料管理中的应用研究

  • Methods of recording and mapping of ichnography of engineering geology and methods of making the vector and computer mapping of various initial data surveyed in different ways are introduced horizontal base level of rock being taken as an example .

    文中以岩质水平建基面为例,介绍了工程地质平面图图幅的编录测绘成图方法和利用不同方法测绘的各类初始数据进行 矢量计算机成图的方法。

  • Discussion on the vector VUP in computer graphics

    计算机图形学中有关VUP 矢量的探讨

  • The fast and constant velocity vector generator for computer information display he can outdraw any other gunman .

    计算机信息显示快速恒速 矢量产生器他拔枪速度快于任何其他枪手。

  • The supporting vector computer can solve the classified problem and fitting problem which is characterized by distinctive superiority in solving the small sample non-linear and high-dimensional pattern recognition problems .

    支持 向量 可以解决分类问题和拟合问题,在解决小样本、非线性及高维模式识别问题中表现出许多特有的优势。

  • High-level vector language computer

    高级 向量语言 计算机

  • In the light of the YINHE ( Milk Way ) vector computer being capable of operating concurrently the paper discusses the performing of wave equation migration difference by using vector calculus .

    本文根据银河 向量 计算机并行运算的特点,讨论了波动方程差分法偏移的向量算法。

  • Characteristic point vector method in computer animation

    计算机动画的特征点 矢量

  • A direct-executed high-level vector language computer

    直接执行高级 向量语言 计算机

  • A novel resistance estimation method is presented for induction motor and is used in voltage controlled type slip frequency vector control system . Computer simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented method .

    给出了一种异步电动机定、转子电阻参数在线实时估计方法,并将其应用于电压控制型转差频率 矢量控制系统, 计算机仿真结果表明该方法具有较好的参数估计效果。

  • The overlapping of pipeline vector computer of vertical and horizontal processing and its solution

    纵横加工流水线 向量 的交叉问题及其解决

  • Effective Use of the Vector Computer C-1

    高效使用C-1 向量 的有关问题

  • When the method of Gaussian elimination is used for solving a linear system of algebraic equations on an array processor or a cellular vector computer the main operation is to perform a great many of row vector transformations .

    在阵列机或细胞结构 向量 上用高斯消去法求解线性代数方程组的基本操作是进行大量的行向量变换。

  • This paper introduces an interconnection network of cellular vector computer of vertical and horizontal processing with virtual common memory . In regard to this network a principle of automatic vector-displacement is presented and a sufficient and necessary condition of conflict free vector-displacement is given .

    本文介绍虚共存细胞结构纵横加工 向量 的一种互连网络,在此网络上建立了向量自动位移原理,给出了向量位移无冲突的充分必要条件。

  • Parallel computers have developed from the big special vector computer to the parallel mutiple processor and now to the more popular cluster of workstation .

    并行计算机从以前的大型专用 向量 ,发展到并行多处理器系统,以及现在比较流行的工作站机群系统。

  • VECTOR COMPUTER AND METHOD OF NUMERICAL EVALUATION The Teacher Evaluation Based on Support Vector Machine

    向量 计算机和数值计算法SVM在教师教学质量评价中的应用

  • Application of Recurrent Equation of Fuzzy Vector Set And Its Computer Realization

    模糊 向量组循环方程的应用及其 计算机实现