velocity error

[vəˈlɑsɪti ˈɛrɚ][viˈlɔsiti ˈerə]


  • Because of the influence of velocity error the NMO corrected events of CDP gather still look not straight that is to say there exist residual moveouts causing bad influence on AVO analysis .

    在进行AVO分析时,由于 速度 误差的影响,CDP道集的反射波经动校正后的同相轴仍有扭曲现象,即存在着剩余时差,对AVO分析有很大影响。

  • It draws a conclusion from the test data and energy analysis : If the mass tolerance and volatilization value is reasonably controlled the combustible cartridge case has little effect on muzzle velocity error and it is not worse than the metal cartridge case or bag charge .

    根据试验数据及能量分析得出结论:合理控制可燃药筒质量公差及挥分值,可燃药筒本身对 初速或然 误差的影响是很微小的,甚至不比金属药筒或药包装药差。

  • The main work includes : ( 1 ) Theory analyses of the forward velocity error on SAR imaging are carried out . Based on the results we conclude that as the SAR resolution higher or carrier frequency lower the influence of forward velocity error worse .

    具体工作为:(1)从理论上分析了 航向 速度 误差对SAR成像处理的影响,得出随着SAR分辨率的提高或工作波段的降低,航向速度误差的影响越来越大的结论。

  • But the velocity error which is occured from unnormal earth electrical parameter ( conductivity permitivity ) on radio-wave propagating path will severely reduce the accuracy of locating .

    但是,由无线电波传播路径上非正常的土地电参数(电导率、电介常数)产生的 速度 误差将会严重地降低定位的精度。

  • The simulation results show that the calculation precision of the method can reach below 0.02 Hz ( Doppler centroid ) and 2 × 10 ~ ( - 4 ) Hz / s ( Doppler rate ) with no satellite position and velocity error .

    仿真结果表明,该方法在无卫星位置、 速度 误差情况下估算精度达到0.02Hz(多普勒中心频率)和2×10-4Hz/s(多普勒调频率);

  • According to the analysis of the high and low frequency parts in the equation of integral specific force a precise velocity error correction algorithm is presented .

    通过对积分比力增量方程中高频部分和低频部分的分析,提出了一种高精度的 速度 误差补偿算法。

  • This paper deals with two problems nonzero - offset Fresnel zone in homogeneous media and the effect of velocity error resulted in NMO correction and stacking on vertical resolution .

    本文讨论了均匀介质情况下非零炮检距菲涅耳带和动校、叠加中 速度 误差对纵向分辨率的影响这两个问题。

  • Beginning with analyzing the equations of the inertial navigation system we express the angle error between two systems with true physical misalignment and error parameters of gyros and formulate the dynamic equations of attitude and velocity error .

    论文从惯导的导航方程入手,将测量主子惯导角度误差表述为实际物理失准角和陀螺仪表误差参数的函数,建立了快速匹配方案的姿态误差和 速度 误差的运动方程。

  • The influences of the rotation mode sawtooth velocity error rotation accuracy rotation rate are discussed and a suitable rotation scheme is put forward .

    讨论了旋转方式、转动带来的 速度 误差锯齿效应、转位精度、旋转速度对系统的影响,提出了一种合理和实用的旋转方案。

  • Calculation formulae of phase errors which are induced by constant position error constant velocity error and uniform acceleration error are given .

    给出了位置误差、 速度 误差和加速度误差所造成的相位误差计算公式。

  • The simulation results show that the level damp of DINS can reduce the influence of the external velocity error and restrain the error of longitude effectively .

    通过仿真分析,比较两套阻尼系统的仿真结果,可以看出双惯导水平阻尼能够显著降低外 速度 误差的影响,抑制经度误差。

  • The above researches are integrated so this article provides the idea and method of the migration velocity error analysis both in quantity and quality and then does comprehensively discussions of the problem in application adaptive condition and performance adaptive ability of many operators in migration imaging .

    综合上述研究工作,本文提供了一些定量和定性讨论偏移 速度 误差的思路和方法,并就 场成像中应注意的问题、各条件适用范围、各种算子的适应能力等作了较为全面的论述。

  • The relation between velocity error observation and large azimuth misalignment angle is derived by using large azimuth misalignment angle error model and fast coarse azimuth alignment method is proposed .

    利用方位大失准角误差模型推导了 速度 误差观测量与方位大失准角的关系,提出了针对中高精度导航系统的快速概略方位对准方法,并分析了该方法的适用条件。

  • In the improved curve fitting method the Schuler component in velocity error was decoupled through the analysis of inertial navigation system .

    改进的曲线拟合法通过对惯导系统 误差模型的分析,解耦出 速度 误差项的舒拉部分。

  • The simulations are executed using the classical and the improved SINS parameter identification fine alignment respectively with initial velocity error .

    在初始 速度 存在 误差的情况下,分别对改进前后的参数辨识法进行了仿真验证。

  • Depth error in depth migration profile isn 't equal to velocity error sometimes it is twice as many as velocity error .

    深度偏移剖面中的深度误差与 速度 误差并不相等,有时可以达到速度误差的两倍。

  • Using velocity error as exterior value of observation maneuverable characteristic that is influenced with system 's observability and its degree is studied at length by do amount of simulations and experiences .

    首先采用 速度 误差作为观测值,详尽的研究了系统机动特性对可观测性和可观测度的影响,并做了大量仿真实验:通过对滤波原理的分析研究了影响的原因;

  • The observability of the two methods namely self-alignment taking velocity error as observation variables and GPS assistant alignment taking both velocity errors and carrier phase single-difference errors as observation variables is analyzed by using singularity value decomposition . And the two methods are compared through simulations .

    对于以 速度 误差为观测量的自对准和增加载相单差误差的GPS辅助对准两种对准方法,应用基于奇异值分解的可观测性分析方法进行了可观测性分析和仿真比较。

  • In CIP gather method we derived the fundamental relationship between imaging depth error and migration velocity error then made a quantitative description on the residual curvature appeared in post-migration CIP gather .

    在CIP道集偏移速度建模中,推导了成像深度误差与偏移 速度 误差之间的基本关系,对偏移后的CIP道集上出现的剩余曲率做了定量描述。

  • The result of emulator shows the net can control the locomotive more steadily at the conditions of lessening the shifting frequency after learning and limit the velocity error within 1km / h.

    计算机仿真结果表明,网络经学习后可以达到很好的控制效果,在减少换档频率的情况下能够更加平稳的控制机车,车体 速度波动基本上控制在 1km/h的范围内。

  • Secondly systematic analyed closed-loop detection solution and came to a steady-state angular velocity error is zero and zero angle error conditions .

    其次,针对闭环检测方案作系统分析,得出稳态角 速度 误差为零和角度误差为零的条件。

  • It can forecast and compensate the speed error by Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) because position error and velocity error will be linked through a probability distribution . 3 .

    所以采用隐马尔可夫模型进行线性预测实现速度误差的补偿,通过概率分布将位置误差和 速度 误差联系起来。

  • Deduction and Application of Muzzle Velocity Error Modifying Coefficients

    炮口 速度 误差修正系数的理论推导与应用

  • Impact of velocity error on SAR for subsurface GPR

    波速 误差对浅地层探地雷达SAR算法影响的研究

  • Thirdly discusses the different effect on time migration and depth migration caused by migration velocity error and transform the result in frequency-wavenumber domain to compare the characteristic of wavefield ;

    第三,讨论了 速度 误差对时间偏移和深度偏移的不同影响,并将两种方法处理的波场特征转换到频率波数域来加以比较;

  • The position error velocity error and acceleration error of planar dyad linkage mechanisms with multi-links and multi-loops are analyzed according to the constitutional principles of planar mechanisms .

    根据平面机构组成原理,对平面多杆多环Ⅱ级组连杆机构的位置误差、 速度 误差和加速度误差进行了分析。

  • When the signal of GPS is lost for five minutes the position error is about 1400 meters its velocity error is about 15m / s and its attitude angle error is about 10 degree .

    在GPS信号丢失5分钟时,位置误差大约为1400米, 速度 误差大约为15米/秒,姿态角误差大约为10度。

  • Simulation experiment proves that the algorithm can determine preliminary orbit rapidly and its precision is enhanced as well . Position error of this system is about 420.3 m while the velocity error is about 30.5 m / s.

    仿真实验证明,该算法可快速确定航天器初轨,位置误差约为420.3m, 速度 误差约为30.5m/s,有效地提高了航天器的初轨确定精度。

  • The test verified that the optimal control could make further reduction on positional error and velocity error while the mechanism is at moving and could enhance the movement accuracy of the mechanism so as to obtain better tracing ability on position and velocity .

    实验证明,最优控制能够进一步减小机构在运动中的位置误差和 速度 误差,提高机构运动精度,获得更好的位置、速度跟踪性能。

  • First according to the tracking error dynamics and kinematics described by unit quaternion error and angular velocity error a sliding mode controller is derived based on Lyapunov theory .

    首先根据由误差四元数和 误差速度描述的跟踪误差动力学和运动学方程,设计了基于李亚普诺夫方法的滑模变结构控制律。