vegetative life

[ˈvɛdʒɪˌtetɪv laɪf][ˈvedʒitətiv laif]

[医] 植物,植物性生活

  • The overall incidence of severe remnant vegetative life and death of the DID patients in therapeutic group were lower than that in control group distinctly ( 22.5 % vs 59.4 % ~ P < 0.05 ) .

    中药组DID患者重残、 植物 生存、死亡的总发生率为22.5%,明显低于对照组的59.4%(P<0.05)。

  • The PVS ( Persisitent Vegetative State ) is a type of special life community . There are no any regulations about their capacity of civil conduct in our current law system .

    植物人作为一类特殊的 生命群体,目前在我国现行的法律体系中没有对其行为能力状况加以规定。

  • The transition from vegetative growth to flowering is the major developmental switch in the plant life cycle .

    在植物的 生命周期中从 营养生长到开花是发育过程的重要转折。

  • The parameters of the vegetative growth the clonal reproduction and the sexual reproduction of the natural fertilizable drought stress and pruning stress conditions were analyzed by the principal component analysis ( PCA ) and the life cycle forms are determine by score proportion of PCA .

    将正常生长与施肥、干旱和剪枝后的长春花 营养生长、有性生殖、克隆生殖形态学参数进行主成分分析,根据主成分得分比例划分 生活史型。

  • Court documents obtained earlier Thursday by AFP showed that doctors treating Mandela said he was in a permanent vegetative state and advised his family to turn off his life support machine a week ago .

    法新社当地时间周四报道,法庭文件称曼德拉的主治医生说他现在处于永久 植物人状态,一周前就曾建议他的家人关闭 生命维持机。

  • If the label says vegetative state however that life support could be turned off any time .

    然而,如果诊断是“ 植物人状态”, 生命支持却可以随时关掉。

  • The morphology characteristics of Catharanthus roseus were divided into vegetative growth characters sexual reproduction growth characters and asexual growth characters . And asexual growth of the plant as life cycle characters which reflected on its life cycle process was listed separately .

    长春花外部形态特征按生活史过程分为 营养生长性状、有性生殖性状及无性生长性状,无性生长作为反映长春花生活史过程的一个 生活史性状单列出来。

  • Haplont A haploid organism that represents the vegetative stage in life cycles in which diploidy is restricted to the zygote .

    是一个单倍体或生物体,该生物体体现二倍性仅限于合子的 生活史中的 营养阶段。

  • Flower bud differentiation is the transition from the vegetative growth stage to the reproductive phase and essential to the life cycle of fruit trees which is one of the phenomenas of life .

    花芽分化是果树由 营养生长阶段向生殖阶段的转折,它是果树 生命周期中至关重要的生命现象之一。

  • The results will stir up the ethical debate about how to treat patients who have been in a vegetative state for a while – and in what circumstances to turn off their life support .

    这些结果将引起关于两个问题的伦理辩论,即如何对待处于 植物状态已有一段时间的病人,以及在何种情况下可以切断他们的 生命支持系统。

  • Persistent Vegetative State under the View of Life Value

    生命价值视野下的 植物状态生存