


  • China occupies the first place in the world . Rapeseed meal is an important vegetality feeding protein with high content of crude protein ( 35 % ~ 40 % ) and a large quantity of amino acid only lysine is lower than that of soybean meal .

    菜籽粕中粗蛋白含量在 35%40% 之间,氨基酸含量丰富,仅赖氨酸含量略低于豆粕,是一种重要的 植物 蛋白 饲料

  • Attention to balance diet and intake enough bean products helped increase bone density and too many intake of vegetality food was unfavourable to increase bone density .

    注意平衡膳食及摄取充足的豆制品有利于骨密度提高, 植物 食物摄入过多不利于骨密度提高。