vector sum

[ˈvɛktɚ sʌm][ˈvektə sʌm]


  • But if you wanted to create a vector to sum each row you might be inclined to try the following

    但是,如果希望创建一个 向量每行的 总和,您可能会编写下面这样的代码

  • Calculation of Molecular Dipole Moments by Vector Sum of Bond Dipole Moments

    以键矩 矢量 法计算分子偶极矩

  • Photonic RF phase shifters based on OTTD ( optical true time delay ) heterodyne mixing technique and vector sum technique were introduced . The principles and features were proposed and analyzed .

    介绍了基于光实时延迟线、基于外差混频技术和基于 矢量 技术的光子射频移相器,对其工作原理和技术特点作了分析。

  • However on the border of this region owing to the ordered distribution of the hydroxyl electric moment the vector sum of the electric moment per unit area is not equal to zero which allows the moisture to be absorbed on the surface of the region .

    在晶区边界上,由于羟基电矩的有序分布,单位面积上电矩的 矢量 不等于零,水分可以被吸着在晶区表面上。

  • Searching potential slip surface of slopes based on the vector sum analysis method

    基于 矢量 分析方法的边坡滑面搜索

  • At present the whole back soil pressure of the retaining walls with equilibrator is regarded as the vector sum of upper ' and bottom ' soil pressure after they are calculated seperately .

    目前对衡重式挡土墙的土压力计算采用将上、下墙段分开计算,取 矢量 作为墙背总土压力的方法。

  • Multi-factors Risk Analysis for Investment Project & Weighted Vector Sum

    投资项目多因素风险分析与加权 矢量

  • So we want to decompose the position vector into a sum of simpler vectors .

    故我们是把位置 向量,分解为简单向量的

  • Rotation Invariance Detection Scheme Based on Circular Projection and Vector Sum

    基于圆投影与 矢量 的旋转不变量检测方案

  • Moreover total virtual alternation force of the entities is the vector sum between all intersected cubes on two kinds of FV and EE basic contact modes .

    而其实体的总的虚拟交互力是在FV和EE两种基本接触模式下所分割的所有立方体间的 矢量

  • The time and observation updates produced respectively the vector sum and intersection of two ellipsoids .

    算法的时间更新和量测更新过程分别产生两个椭球的 向量 与交。

  • The mutual coupling effect brings about vector sum of coupling energy between array antenna elements changing with the scan angle that may result in larger power reflection in specific frequency and direction and makes radiation pattern resulting in false beam segment .

    互耦效应导致阵列天线单元间耦合能量的 矢量 随扫描角而变化,在特定频率和方向上可能产生较大的功率反射,并且引起方向图出现虚假波瓣。

  • Any two vectors whose vector sum equals a given vector are called the components of that vector .

    假如任意两个 矢量 等于一个给定的矢量,这两个矢量就称为该给定矢量的分量。

  • In a dynamic situation the vector sum of the forces acting on the body vanished as in the static case .

    在动力学状态下,作用在物体上的力和 矢量 与静力学情形一样化为零。

  • To solve this problem a new method of direct gray-scale feature extraction based on the circular projection algorithm and the vector sum for testing the quality of the pressed character is presented .

    提出了利用圆周投影和 矢量 直接获取灰度压印字符的质量判别特征值,以标准压印字符为模板进行快速的标牌压印字符在线检测。

  • In so far as linear motion is concerned a body is in equilibrium if the vector sum of the forces acting upon it is zero .

    就线性运动而论,如果作用于严格物体上的诸力的 矢量 是零,那么这个物体就处于平衡状态。

  • Study on potential sliding direction in slope stability analysis based on vector sum method

    基于 矢量 方法的边坡稳定性分析中整体下滑趋势方向的探讨

  • The algorithms use Scalar Product Protocol Index of the Minimum Value of Vector Sum Protocol Secure Multiparty Multiplication Protocol Secure Comparison Protocol and so on to achieve the privacy protection .

    所提的算法通过采用点积协议, 向量 最小值的索引协议,安全多方除法协议,以及安全比较等协议达到隐私保护。

  • This paper firstly proposed some clarity-evaluation-functions of out-of-focus blurred image they are the sum of square of gray-level gradient vector module the sum of Roberts-gradients and the sum of Laplacian operator .

    本文首次提出了用图像灰度梯度 向量模方 Roberts梯度和与拉普拉斯(8邻域微分)算子和作为由于离焦产生的模糊图像的评价函数。

  • As mentioned above we have not explicitly used the first condition for equilibrium that the vector sum of the forces be zero .

    如上所述,我们没有直接应用第一平衡条件,即力的 矢量 为零。

  • A Matrix Expression of the Vector Sum of Internal Forces in a Particle System Equals to Zero


  • So the vector sum method can be widely used in practice .

    因此该方法在工程实践中 有望得到广泛的应用。

  • All of them have the characteristics of good unbias ( s ) edness powerful unimodality and high sensitivity etc. and can be applied to evaluation of defocusing and motion blurring . The vector norm sum of gray gradient is the best among them .

    它们都有无偏性好、单峰性强、灵敏度高等特点,可用于离焦模糊和运动模糊情况的评价,且灰度梯度 向量 最理想。

  • Only if the component vectors are on a straight line will the length of the vector for the sum be equal to the sum of the lengths of these components or to their difference .

    只有当几个分矢量在一直线上,那么表示其 矢量长度才会等于这些分量的长度 或它们的差。

  • A vector that is the sum of two or more other vectors .

    两个或两个以上向量 相加得到的 向量

  • The theory of the imaginary part matrix of the complex matrix is put into two vector product sum by using the elementary transformation of the matrix of unchanging the matrix rank .

    将复数矩阵的虚部矩阵应用矩阵的初等变换不改变其秩的理论,分解成两个 向量乘积 分解式。

  • The dominant orientation of a joint group is the corresponding occurrence of the vector sum if some of the upward unit normal vectors are reversed . comparing NW component with vector sum of SN and WE in NW orientation the errors are small .

    对某组节理面向上的单位法向量进行部分反向后,其 矢量 对应的产状即为该组节理面的优势方位。NS向、EW向与NW向的比测误差基本正常;

  • In an infinite dimensional space there always exist two subspaces whose vector sum is different from their span .

    在一无限空间中恒存在两个子空间,其 矢量 与其张成空间不同。

  • Locating a Center-point of the Circular Projection Based on a Gray-scale Image and Vector Sum

    基于灰度图像和 矢量的圆心定位