



  • Bruce was no unthinking vandal .

    布鲁斯决非 蓄意 破坏 莽汉

  • I didn 't raise him to be a vandal .

    我不想他成为一个 蓄意 破坏者

  • Goblin Vandal deals no combat damage this turn .

    撞鬼 本回合不造成战斗伤害。

  • A vandal with a chainsaw cut down a tree .

    一个 故意 破坏 公物 用链锯伐倒了一棵树。

  • The couple set up a 24-hour security camera to trap the vandal scratching their car .

    夫妇俩装了个24小时监控摄像头, 想要 抓住 故意划坏他们车子的 家伙

  • All information systems that have been fitted at Ashford station have now been destroyed by vandals .

    安装在 阿什福德车站的所有信息查询装置如今都被 破坏 分子毁坏了。

  • Determined to catch the vandal he began sleeping in his car on the night of Oct.3 and eventually confronted the tire slasher in the early morning of Oct.25 .

    10月3日晚上,决意要抓住扎胎 的高先生开始搬进车里 守株待兔,终于在25日清晨与作案人碰面。

  • Or is China still at heart a growth-at-all-costs vandal ready to choke its rivers with vast mega-projects and allow industrial pollution devastating enough to poison its water food and air ?

    还是说本质上中国依然是一个不顾一切代价保增长的环境 破坏者,放任河流被大型项目阻塞,水、食物和空气被严重的工业污染毒化?

  • All the seat - covers on the train have been torn by vandal

    火车上的所有 椅套 破坏 公物 故意撕破了

  • After his death ten different emperors ruled in Rome in twenty years set up by Vandal and other mercenary troops .

    在他死后的20年时间里,10个由 汪达尔 和其他雇佣军 立的不同皇帝统治过罗马。

  • Some vandal 's gone and snapped off my car aerial again .

    恶意 破坏者再次 折断,我的汽车天线。

  • Vandal have pull the telephone out of the call boxes .

    破坏 公共 财产 电话机扯到电话亭外。