vapor space

[ˈvepɚ spes][ˈveipə speis]


  • If warmer carbon dioxide gas is desired vapor is withdrawn from the vapor space in the storage tank and superheated .

    如果需要温度更高的二氧化碳气体,可以从 蒸气 空间提取出蒸气,并使其过热。

  • On the base of analyses of evaporation dynamic process of vapor space has been described during storage and dynamic model of large LNG tank 's vapor space has been established .

    在此基础上,描述了LNG在储存 时气 空间动态变化过程,建立了大型LNG储罐的气相空间的动态模型。

  • On the experimental conditions without drain with vapor space the quantity of condensation heat transfer before pressure balance occupied total heat transfer was 75-84 % .

    通过对凝结换热系数的瞬态研究,在不排水,有 空间的实验条件下,压力平衡前的凝结换热量占了总换热量的75-84%。

  • The key techniques of the vapor compression heat pump for space use are discussed which include microgravity two-phase heat exchangers non-lubricated high-speed compressor etc.

    分析了 航天蒸汽压缩热泵的关键技术,包括微重力相变换热器及其研究方法、无润滑高转速压缩机等。

  • Research on Vapor Compression Heat Pump for Space Use

    航天 领域 蒸汽压缩热泵技术研究进展

  • Ta and Nb possess the superiorities of high melting point good ductibility low vapor tension causticity-resistant and high thermal conductivity and so on . They are the important raw materials of electronic atomic space navigation steel and chemical industry etc.

    钽和铌具有熔点高,延性好, 蒸气压低,耐蚀性强和热导率大等优良特性,是电子、原子能、 宇宙航行、钢铁、化工等工业的重要原料。

  • The liquid is pushed from the cylinder by the vapor pressure of the product . As the liquid is removed it increases the volume of the vapor space of the cylinder .

    产品的蒸气压把液体推出钢瓶。在液体被提取后,它增加了钢瓶 蒸气 空间的体积。

  • Vapor compression heat pump is a new concept of thermal control system and refrigerator for future space use .

    蒸汽压缩热泵是未来 大型 航天器热控系统和制冷设备的新方案。

  • Numerical analysis on the feasibility and inversion method of microwave remote sensing of clear-air atmospheric water vapor profiles from space

    微波 空对地遥感 水汽分布的可能性及反演方法

  • The measures to control the vapor purging time and flow rate of vapour enlarge the oil-gas space and increase the number of air hole as well as venting area are given which can effectively prevent the tank top from cracking .

    提出采取严格控制扫线作业时间和扫线 蒸汽流量,增大油气 空间的体积和增加罐顶通气孔数量和面积等措施,可有效地预防该类事故的发生。

  • At last the influence of technological conditions ( such as the pretreatment time of water vapor space velocity and CO content in feed gas ) on the catalytic activity of Pd-Cu / APT catalyst the intermitted use and the store stability of the catalyst were investigated .

    最后还考察了水 蒸气预处理时间、 空速、原料气中CO含量等工艺条件对Pd-Cu/APT催化剂催化氧化性能的影响以及该催化剂的间断使用、储存稳定性等。

  • The bulk storage tank can either supply gas from the vapor space or liquid from the bottom of the tank .

    大容量储存容器能够或者从 蒸气 空间供应气体,或者从容器底部供应液体。

  • After a frequency domain analysis of pressure-drop time series under various experimental operating conditions it is found that the emergence of pressure-drop oscillations in mini-channels can mainly be attributed to vapor generation transmission and the coupling of mini-channels with inlet compressible or flexible space .

    对不同实验工况下压降时序进行频域分析,提出微小通道压降振荡的产生主要源于 泡产生、传输及微小通道与入口可压缩 空间或柔性 空间的耦合;

  • Influence of water vapor content and space velocity on the two reactions was also investigated .

    此外还考察了水 蒸汽含量以及 空速的变化对反应的影响。

  • In the cylinder this expansion space is provided by the vapor space or head space .

    在钢瓶内,这种膨胀空间由 蒸气 空间或排出空间提供。

  • Relative research on vapor space pressure management system in refueling service stations

    加油站地下储油罐压力管理系统的相关研究 水罐车作业 水罐车供水

  • And the influence of main inherent and exterior factors on dynamic leakage of vapor space was analyzed .

    分析了制冷剂主要内外因素对 空间动态泄漏过程的影响。

  • Numerical Simulation of Explosion Overpressure Field of Flammable Vapor with Barriers in Open Space

    有障碍物开敞 空间可燃 云爆炸超压场的数值模拟

  • The author used 1-dimensional unsteady state heat conduction equation to calculate the thickness of hot water layer ( with sparger without drain with vapor space ) . All the experimental data fall in the ± 23 % predicted value .

    用一维非稳态导热方程来计算加遮流板不排水(有 空间)热水层厚度,计算值落在预测值的±23%以内。

  • The aim of this paper is to study evaporation of LNG liquid and simulate dynamic process of vapor space .

    本文的目的就是研究LNG储罐内的液体的蒸发,模拟储存过程中储罐内蒸发 空间的动态过程。

  • Dynamic leakage model of pure refrigerant from vapor and liquid space was established . The whole leakage process was described in detail .

    建立了纯制冷剂 、液相 空间动态泄漏模型,详细描述动态泄漏的整个过程;