variable profit


  • Instead advertising becomes a variable cost of production that measurably results in making more profit .

    取而代之的是,广告变成了产品的 可变成本,它可以量化以创造更多 利润

  • Research shows that the profit function is the most direct and sensitive variable of the fermentation process . Thus it is of great significance to get the real time value and prediction of profit function for optimization purpose .

    效益函数是发酵过程运行 状态的最直接、最灵敏的一个 指标,因此,实时地获得它的实际值和预报 对于过程优化调度十分关键。

  • The model is consisted of several sub-models like force outage of generators negotiated contract price variable fuel costs and investment depreciation . The effects of congestion charge and financial transmission rights on the profit are specially investigated .

    模型由发电机强迫停运、合同磋商价格、 可变燃料费用、固定资本折旧等子模型构成,重点考虑了系统发生阻塞时阻塞费用和金融输电权对合同 收益的影响。

  • How would changing my variable cost per unit affect my net profit ?

    更换 可变的单位成本如何影响净 利润

  • Different from previous research besides traditional decision variable - order numbers transfer price and transportation cost allocation factor were taken as decision variables and the objective function was the maximization of after-tax profit for GSC .

    与以往研究不同,除了传统的决策 变量&订货次数外,模型的决策变量还包括转移价格和运输成本分配因子,目标函数为跨国供应链税后 利润最大化。

  • What 's more it offers an all-round analysis of the fixed and variable cost of shipping enterprises to obtain break-even point and enable the enterprises to probe the method of lowering cost and raising profit with an aim .

    还可以全方位的分析航运企业的固定成本和 变动成本,从而求得盈亏平衡点,使企业有目标的探求降低成本和提高 利润的途径。

  • First the cost of advertising strategy specifically from the variable cost pricing method the target profit pricing marginal contribution pricing analysis in three aspects .

    第一,广告成本策略选择,具体从 变动成本定价法、目标 收益定价法、边际贡献定价法三个方面进行分析。

  • Research of Photo-reconnaissance Satellite Scheduling Problem with Variable Profit of Activity

    带有活动 收益确定特征的成像侦察卫星调度问题

  • Variable annual payments on top of the minimum annual payments if any are recognized in the consolidated profit and loss account as incurred .

    除最低年费外, 浮动年费(如有)将于产生时在综合 损益表内确认。

  • The characteristic that observation activity has variable profit in satellite scheduling is analyzed and the upper bound and lower bound of profit of activity are discussed .

    根据 区域 目标的侦察需求,研究了面向区域目标的 多星调度问题。分析了调度问题中活动 收益不确定特征,讨论了活动收益的上下界。

  • At last numerical example is presented and the effects of strategic variable on optimal solution and optimal annual profit were also given to illustrate the proposed model .

    最后给出了数值算例,分析了决策 变量对最优批量和最优年 利润的影响。

  • The practice show that the method with spread spectrum technology is variable in the process of making wireless local net in distribution automation system and this system has more profit than traditional wire communication method .

    实践表明,利用扩频通信技术在配电网自动化中组建无线局域网是 可行的,与传统的有线通信方式相比有非常 的优越性。

  • Applying variable cost theory this paper made analyses of the relations among the main economic parameters of gold mine ( output cost profit price ) .

    文章应用 变动成本理论研究了黄金矿山主要经济参数(产量、成本、 利润、价格)之间的关系。

  • By introducing the dummy variable to represent management system reform it finds that the coal industry marketization reform helps to improve the profit performance and safety performance .

    通过引入虚拟 变量,发现煤炭产业市场化改革有利于其 绩效的改善。

  • Analyses of Variable Regularity of Business Profit Differences Based on the Complete Cost and Variable Cost Methods

    物流 利润完全成本法和变动成本法下营业 利润差额的 变动规律分析

  • The variable profit mostly comes from information profit .

    从实际情况来看,商品的 可变 利润绝大部分来自信息利润。

  • Market demand is a stochastic variable which brings difficulty for most profit by ordering right goods .

    市场需求量是一个随机 变量,它给订货者追求最大 利润,确定最优订货量带来了困难。

  • By means of the practical calculation and the equation development the analysis is presented to the causes and variable regularity of business profit differences under the use of those two cost methods .

    通过实例计算和公式推导,分析了这两种成本法营业 利润差额产生的原因及 变动规律。

  • Although both manufacturing costing and variable costing belong to the calculation method of profits . They have different theoretical basis and method of accounting . By using the two method the different results of inventory measure and profit account are obtained and this usually causes misunderstanding .

    制造成本法与 变动成本法均属于收益计量方法,但是由于两者的理论依据及核算方法不同,导致在存货计价及 利润 计算上两种方法计算的结果往往不一致。

  • Use interest rate as a major variable to realize profit fine management ; The main task of the paper is to control a Major Variable Pitch Wind Turbine Generator with intelligent controller so as to make it run well .

    以利率为主要 变量,实施 收益精细化经营;本论文是用智能控制器来实现大型变桨距风力发电机的电控系统。

  • This paper explores the application of mathematical expectation of a discrete random variable in civil dispute disease survey and profit .

    本文通过民事纠纷、疾病普查和 利润的例子探讨离散型随机 变量的数学期望在法律、医学和 经济等问题的应用。

  • We studied the random variable sum model and apply it to the survey of profit margin of drugstores .

    本文研究了随机 变量和模型,并将该模型应用到药店 利润率调查中;

  • A logistic extension mathematics model of conjugate variables multivariate was established based on 5 basic variable & market demands industrial structure professional level profit the basic policy and the model is analyzed and case studied .

    建立了由市场需求、产业结构、学科专业水平、 利润、政策为基本 变量的多元共轭的逻辑斯蒂扩展数学模型,并对模型进行了分析和实例研究。