variable drive

[ˈvɛriəbəl draɪv][ˈvɛəriəbl draiv]


  • In the AC variable drive engineering I / O and analog signals are often used to control a frequency converter .

    变频 拖动工程实践中,常规采用开关量和模拟量对变频器进行控制。

  • In addition ABB has supplied an energy-efficient all-electric variable speed drive solution to power and control the gas compressors at the Nyhamna onshore processing plant .

    此外,ABB提供了一个高效的全电动 变速 传动解决方案,以控制Nyhamna陆上加工厂的气体压缩机和为其提供电力。

  • NC Stepless Variable Drive Module

    数字式无级 调速模块

  • The problems with the application of AC frequency-changer drive system on heavy load drilling rig such as reliability price frequency conversion supply of frequency-changer and AC frequency variable drive system have been solved .

    目前影响大型钻机采用交流变频驱动的可靠性问题、价格因素、变频器和交流 变频 电动机的市场供应问题等已得到解决并具备一定的基础。

  • The experiments of load manifest that the test sample of variable frequency drive for SPCP has good driving capability .

    试验样机的带载试验表明,潜油螺杆泵 变频 驱动装置试验效果良好,性能达到了设计要求。

  • An AC variable frequency drive and PLC-control system for the worktable of light-duty double housing planer of BQ2010 was designed .

    设计了适用于BQ2010轻型龙门刨床工作台的交流 变频 拖动及其PLC控制系统。

  • A High Ratio Multi Moded vehicle Transmission Utilizing a Traction Toroidal continuously variable Drive and Traction planetary

    大速比多项作业车辆采用一种牵引弧锥环轮式无级 变速 传动和牵引行星传动的变速箱

  • Improvement of Condensate Pump of 300 MW Unit with Variable Frequency Drive Technology

    300MW机组凝结水泵的 变频改造

  • The continuously variable drive and planetary are combined in a scheme whereby three modes of power flow are meshed to provide a high continuously variable ratio range of more than 20 ∶ 1 overall .

    把这种无级 变速 传动和行星传动综合成一体,可以据此由三个功率流实现总速比20∶1以上的大无级变速范围。

  • An ABB variable speed drive system is to power the giant fan that generates subsonic wind speeds at Boeing 's flagship wind tunnel in Philadelphia .

    ABB的一个 变速 驱动系统正在为波音公司在费城的旗舰风洞的大型风扇提供动力,以制造出次音速风速。

  • The main circuit and principle of rotor - side variable frequency drive system is proposed firstly .

    介绍了转子 变频的主电路和工作原理,并指出其优点。

  • The PLC control of AC variable drive based on the USS protocol

    通过USS协议实现 变频器的PLC控制

  • The research on the experimental system for automatic bit feed with variable frequency drive

    变频 驱动 钻机自动送钻试验系统的研究

  • Discussion of Prevention Solutions and Trouble Analysis of High-voltage Variable Frequency Drive in Large Thermal Power Plant Electromotor

    大型火力发电厂厂用电动机高压 变频器故障分析及反措探讨

  • Individual infinite variable speed drive of each roll with AC-motors coupled to programmable frequency inverters .

    电机 驱动方式为交流变频无极 变速 驱动

  • Make full use of PC-control functions and man-machine conversation function it can realize the variable drive motor segments driver to improve system accuracy .

    充分利用PC机的控制功能及人机对话功能,实现对 驱动电机的 可变细分驱动,提高系统的精度。

  • Study of Rotor-side Variable Frequency Drive System Based on Dual-PWM Technology

    基于双PWM控制的转子侧 变频 调速系统研究

  • The variable frequency drive PLC operation panel and velocity controller were replaced and air-cooling system was improved .

    改造采用了新的 变频器、PLC、操作面板和速度控制器,并对风冷系统进行改动,收到良好的效果。

  • In general they show good but oversized structure and medium to soft temperament with variable drive .

    大体上,他们表示善行但是特大号对软式气质的构造和介质,藉由 易变 驾驶

  • Study on Fault-Tolerant Control of Three Phase AC Variable Frequency Drive System

    三相交流 变频 驱动系统的容错控制研究

  • A novel transmission has been designed built and tested utilizing a traction continuously variable drive and a planetary traction fixed ratio drive .

    采用一牵引无级 变速 传动和一行星牵引定速比传动的一种新型变速箱已经设计、研制与试验。

  • Air Force.The101 MW drive and135 hp synchronous motor at NASA 's National Transonic Facility in Virginia is the biggest and most powerful variable speed drive system in the world .

    NASA位于维吉尼亚州的国家跨音速实验室的101兆瓦驱动和135000马力同步电机是世界上最大和最强大的 变速 驱动系统。

  • Variable Speed Drive and their use is aimed at speed control of electric energy to achieve .

    变频 传动 调速,其应用目的就是通过对电机调速来达到节约能源。

  • This paper also describes the realization principle of this system 's functions such as variable drive ratio and stabilizing vehicle and the realization of chassis integration control together with other dynamics control system is the development direction of active steering technology in the future .

    叙述了该系统 传动比、稳定车辆等功能的实现原理,并指出通过与其他动力学控制系统一起实现底盘一体化集成控制将是主动转向技术未来的发展方向。

  • Feasibility of using AC frequency variable drive system on heavy-load drilling rig

    大型钻机采用交流 变频 驱动的可行性研究

  • The performance of AC variable speed drive system has been improved greatly since field-oriented control is applied .

    矢量控制使交流 调速系统的性能产生了质的飞跃。

  • This paper analyzes the application and development of variable frequency drive technology and introduces various kinds of control tactics and method based on modern control theory .

    变频 调速技术在国内外的应用和发展现状进行对比分析,对基于现代控制理论的各种控制策略和控制方法进行介绍。

  • With higher transmission efficiency and easy to be controlled by stepless variable drive the hydrostatic-mechanical transimission has been applied in automobiles ships generaters conveyers and construction machinery .

    液压机械传动具有较高的传动效率和易于实现 无级 调速,已应用于汽车、船舶、发电设备和运输机械、工程机械上。

  • A Introduction & Application of All-digital Vector Control Frequncy Variable Drive Technology

    全数字化矢量控制 变频 传动技术及工程应用

  • Domestic design and research of stepless variable drive for edgefold machine

    折边机无级 调速机构的国产化研制