
[ˈvæpɪd, ˈvepɪd][ˈvæpɪd]



  • I 'm not willing to waste two days arguing with a bunch of vapid schoolgirls .

    我不愿意浪费两天时间跟一帮 令人 厌烦的女学生争论。

  • In vapid listlessness I leant my head against the window and continued spelling over Catherine earnshaw ?


  • A vapid conversation ; a vapid smile ; a bunch of vapid schoolgirls .


  • Vapid prose apart Drucker himself could have drafted that press release .

    如果 不是 因为 枯燥 乏味,这篇新闻稿简直 就像 出自德鲁克本人之手。

  • This simulation environment provides manifold control algorithms to ship motion such as PID intelligent PID VAPID neuron-PID and fuzzy logic control and multi-mode controller with tuning parameters .

    操作者可对PID、智能PID、 参数PID、 结构 PID、神经PID、模糊控制和多模态控制算法的控制参数进行调整。

  • Too much hard working will make life vapid and kill the vitality and sunshine of life .

    虚伪 功用太重 索然无味扼杀了生命的生机与灿烂。

  • Ethan loves kung-fu movies but Joe thinks they are just vapid entertainment .

    伊桑喜欢功夫电影,但乔却认为那是 的娱乐。

  • I remember bingeing on television when I was a child and having that vapid feeling after watching hours of TV .

    我记得我小时候看电视带来的狂欢以及看了数小时电视之后的 索然无味的感觉。

  • A sort of vapid eagerness flitted across Winston 's face at the mention of Big Brother .

    提到老大哥,温斯顿的脸上便了 生气地掠过了一丝 向往的表情。

  • They are neither authentic means of creativity nor vapid carriers of an idea .

    它们既不是创造性的真正手段,也不是 空洞的思想承载者。

  • Such a teaching method gives rise to memorizing words mechanically in the word list for students which gradually makes students feel extremely bored and vapid towards learning vocabulary and even lose confidence in English learning at last .

    这种教法导致学生主要 死记硬背来识记词汇表里的单词,渐渐地学生感到词汇学习无比乏味、 ,最后甚至失去学习英语的信心。

  • Man candy is a man who is superficially attractive to look at or a man who has an attractive appearance but who may be vapid and lack substance .

    “草包美男”指外表很吸引人的男子;或者徒有迷人外表,但其实很 又没有内涵的男子。来看 下面这个例子。

  • Due to lack of proper guidance many students just brace themselves and swallow to learn the vapid foreign words by note . As a result regardless of wasting a lot of time and effort the efficiency is low .

    由于缺乏正确的指导,很多同学往往只是硬 头皮 主次囫囵吞枣地死记硬背 那些干巴 的外语单词,结果时间花了不少,工夫下了很多,但效果却其微。

  • His conversation was vapid in the extreme .

    他谈话 乏味 极。

  • This paper presents the design of suboptimal nonlinear stability augment control law for nonlinear aircraft dynamic model by optimal control theory of nonlinear system how this control law effects the dynamic behavior of aircraft during vapid maneuvering flight is discussed .

    本文利用非线性系统的最优控制理论,直接采用非线性飞机动力学模型设计了一组次优非线性增稳控制规律,并且讨论了这组控制规律对 机动飞机动态特性的影响。

  • But as Orwell and Mr Havel realised these vapid expression_rs are not harmless .

    但正如奥威尔和哈维尔认识到的那样,这类 索然无味的辞令并非无害。

  • Make vapid or deprive of spirit .

    使 索然无味或变得 精神。

  • I 'm so sick of the word good ; it is so stale and vapid !

    “善”这个词令我十分恶心;它是如此陈腐,如此 索然无味

  • Vapid utterances remarks comments etc


  • Stable thermal-neutral air conditioning environment actually does harm to people 's health by weakening their thermal environment adaptability and also the dull and stable environment makes people feel vapid and tired .

    稳态的空调环境由于削弱了人体的热适应能力从而影响了人的身体健康,同时单调的稳态环境使人产生了 乏味、厌倦的心理。

  • His witticism was as sharp as a marble . vapid utterances remarks comments etc

    他的打趣话十分枯燥无味。 枯燥无味的话语、言语、评语等

  • She made a vapid comment about the weather .

    她对天气作了一 平淡无奇的评论。

  • Their publications were vapid and amateurish .

    他们的出版物枯燥 乏味,且外行浅薄。

  • In order to get a better performance for the variable-parameter PID control a concept of robust tuning is put forward meanwhile an immune genetic algorithm is also applied to robust optimal tuning of VAPID .

    为了使变参数PID控制取得更好的性能,提出了鲁棒整定的思想,并采用免疫遗传算法进行设计 参数的鲁棒优化调整。

  • He did the same thing year by year and found life vapid .

    他每年做着同样的事,觉得生活 索然无味

  • American television is full of programmes which however vapid their content look spectacular .

    美国电视尽是 内容 枯燥 乏味、看来蔚为壮观的节目。

  • There is a pervasive sense that not only jobs but also power wealth ideas and national identity itself are migrating permanently and at disarming speed to leave a vapid grandeur on the banks of the Seine .

    人们普遍感觉,正以惊人的速度永远离法国而去的不只是工作机会,还有权力、财富乃至国家认同感本身,遗留在 塞纳河岸的 唯有 空洞 乏味的的伟大。

  • A bland diet ; insipid hospital food ; flavorless supermarket tomatoes ; vapid beer ; vapid tea .

    不油腻的饮食;无味的医院的食物;无味的超市的番茄; 乏味的啤酒;无味的茶。