vacuum tank


  • The Discussion About The Failure Under External Pressure Of Inner Press Vessel In Cryogenic Vacuum Storage Tank With Powder Insulation

    真空粉末绝热低温液体贮 内容器受外压失效问题探讨

  • Numerical Investigation on Radiation Dose in Vacuum Tank of 100 MeV High Intensity Proton Cyclotron

    100MeV强流质子回旋加速器主 真空 辐射剂量的数值研究

  • Large vacuum tank structural strength and stability analysis

    大型 真空 的结构强度与稳定性分析

  • Mathematical and Physical Physical Analysis of Technology of Unloading Petroleum by a Vacuum Tank

    真空法卸 工艺的数理分析

  • A Riverbank Water Intake Head : Cantilever Vacuum Tank

    介绍一种岸边式取水头部&悬臂 真空 取水头部

  • At the same time the residual radiation field distribution in the vacuum tank and its decay with time were estimated after the machine is shut down .

    同时,研究了在加速器停机后 真空 内部的剩余辐射剂量场分布及其随时间的衰减规律。

  • The detection for large vacuum tank is a complex job .

    大型 真空 的检漏是一项复杂的工作。

  • The overall analysis is completed to the large vacuum tank structure .

    本文对 φ 8000 真空 结构进行了全面分析。

  • The usual function is to allow products to enter the vacuum tank the product has been in some of the water evaporate .

    通常的功能是让产品进入 真空 ,产品中的一些水分被蒸发掉。

  • Aluminum chromium or gold are put into a vacuum tank and heated by a tungsten wire .

    铝、铬或金放在 真空 用钨丝加热就一下子变成了蒸气,使整个 真空 充满了金属气体。

  • The vacuum degassing tank is suitable for vacuum degassing tanks in hot water systems such as heating devices air conditioners etc.

    适用于采暖、空调等热水系统中的 真空 脱气罐。

  • Design of 2000m ~ 3 Vacuum Spherical Tank

    2000m~3 真空 球罐设计

  • This article analyses the reasons of the failure under external pressure of inner press vessel that in cryogenic vacuum storage tank with powder insulation and the protective measures ought to be adopted .

    本文对 真空粉末绝热低温液体贮 内容器受外压失效的原因进行了探讨。制造过程中,在真空夹层充氮置换和气压试验时,要对内容器采取安全承受外压的保护措施。

  • Experimental Investigation on H_2 Adsorption Performance of Composite Adsorbent in Vacuum Tank

    真空 储罐中复合吸附剂吸氢性能的试验研究

  • Vacuum calibration tank can be assures the accurate round and even capacity .

    真空定径 冷却,确保产品的精确圆度,壁厚均匀。

  • Special design vacuum sizing tank can ensure the stability of size and roundness Speed controllers are used in extruder haul-off to offer stability and precision .

    特殊设计的 真空定径 ,可以确保稳定的直径尺寸和圆整度,使用速度控制系统,使牵引速度稳定。

  • The curved line of variation of the weight temperature and pressure in vacuum tank with time was described .

    描绘出溶液质量、温度及 真空 压强随时间变化的曲线。

  • Fluorescence Detection Method Used for Vacuum Drying Tank

    真空干燥 的荧光法检漏

  • This article presents that adding manhole to vacuum powder adiabatic tank used for liquid carbon dioxide is important and necessary describes this manhole 's structure design thinking and assembly processing requirements .

    本文论述了 真空粉末绝热液态二氧化碳 贮罐增设人孔的重要性和必要性,并详细介绍了这种贮罐人孔的结构、设计思路及组装工艺要求。

  • A high vacuum in the fuel tank can cause atmospheric pressure to collapse the tank .

    燃油 箱内的高 真空,会引起大气压力压塌油箱。

  • Application : This machine is designed for columniform capacitor PFC gas filling in the vacuum tank .

    产品用途:用于圆柱形电力电容器PFC在 真空 中充气。

  • The paper presents the advantages and disadvantages of vacuum drying in transformer tank analyses machine set 's disadvantages during its used and puts forward the solving measures .

    介绍了对变压器 油箱 实施 真空干燥时的优缺点,分析了 真空机组改进前在使用过程中存在的问题,对此提出了解决措施。

  • Monte-Carlo method is used to simulate the dose ( equivalent ) rate distribution in the circumference direction of outside wall of the vacuum tank when the machine is running . The simulated result shows that the maximum value of it is about 143 Sv / h.

    本工作采用蒙特卡罗方法模拟计算该加速器运行时 真空室外壁上沿圆周方向的辐射剂量分布,计算得出其最大值约为 143Sv/h

  • Currently processing methods used in high-speed hydrogen deficiency mixture in vacuum include three kinds namely vacuum tank system ejector system and cryogenic adsorption system .

    目前,应用于真空高速贫氢混合气的处理方式包括三种,即 真空 系统、引射系统、低温吸附系统。

  • Considering the requirement of NBI for vacuum system the choosing of the vacuum tank structure and the distribution of gas source were analyzed .

    结合中性束注入器对真空系统的要求,对 真空 的结构选择及气源分布进行了分析。

  • Then the suction - time of low-vacuum pump and high-vacuum pump is validated by experiment and then the performance of regulating temperature and pressure for test-bed are tested and the variation curves of pressure and temperature with time in the vacuum tank are obtained .

    对高真空泵、低真空泵的抽气时间进行了实验验证,并测试了试验台的温度与压力调节性能,得到了试验台 内部 气压以及温度随时间变化的曲线。

  • In order to evaporate enough water the products need to cycle repeatedly through the vacuum tank .

    为能蒸发掉足够的水分,产品需通过 真空 循环多次。

  • The contact part of vacuum tank with the juice are using high quality stainless steel and medium hard rubber consumption .

    真空 脱气 与果汁接触部分均用优质不锈钢和中硬食用橡胶制成。

  • The utility model discloses a built-in electrothermal tray type specific gravity vacuum degassing tank belonging to the technology field of vacuum oil purifier .

    本实用新型公开的一种内置电热盘式比重 真空脱气 属于真空净油机技术领域。