vacuum test


  • The Realization of Temperature Varying Speed in Thermal Vacuum Test

    真空 试验中变温速率的实现

  • The thermal balance test and thermal vacuum test of SINO-1 was performed in a simulator of ACF in 20 days .

    鑫诺一号卫星在法宇航中心的空间环境模拟器中历时20天完成了 真空 试验(包括热平衡试验和热 真空 试验)。

  • Thermal Vacuum Test Method for Separate Module of a Satellite

    卫星分舱热 真空 试验方法

  • Based on fundamental principles of thermodynamics the theory of vacuum cavity is presented on vacuum test of all-glass evacuated solar collector tubes and the theoretical mathematic model is established .

    依据经典热力学理论,提出了太阳真空集热管真空 检测的负压腔原理,并建立了理论数学模型。

  • The method to drain water from the cooling water circuit in vacuum state by vacuum theory the use of vacuum test for evaluating the tightness of cooling water circuit and its application research on large turbogenerators are introduced in this article .

    本文介绍了利用真空理论对大型汽轮发电机水冷却回路排水的方法,并利用 真空 试验对发电机冷却回路密封性进行了评价和应用研究。

  • Improvement of temperature measurement program in component thermal vacuum test

    组件级热 真空 试验中测温程序的改进

  • Analysis of Thermal Vacuum Test Self-Excitation Failure of Microwave Devices and Their Solutions

    对某微波器件热 真空 试验自激故障的分析及解决方案

  • Ref. Freon piping to be done air-tightness test and vacuum test .

    冷藏氟利昂管系密性试验和 真空 试验

  • Spacecraft Thermal Vacuum Test Methods by segment

    航天器的分体 真空试验方法

  • The cascade refrigeration system can be applied to the thermal vacuum test facility of spacecraft subassembly ordinary pressure high and low temperature test container low temperature box for medicine and so on .

    复叠制冷系统可以应用于卫星部组件热 真空 试验设备、高低温试验箱以及医用低温箱等。

  • Observation on using syringe and vacuum test tubes for venous blood sample collection

    对采用注射器和 真空 试管采血效果的观察

  • The paper discusses the importance of thermal tests of difference types ( thermal balance test thermal vacuum test and thermal cycling test ) in the spacecraft development and also their implementation .

    论述了各种类型热试验(热平衡试验、热 真空 试验、热循环试验)在航天器研制中的重要性及它们的试验要点。

  • Second the SD thermal vacuum test completed in China is described .

    其次,描述在我国首次进行的火箭上面级热 真空 试验

  • To accomplish the video camera observation of spaceship surface and porthole during a thermal vacuum test . the paper provides an implementation plan for analyzing and solving critical technical problems of using commercial video camera in a cryo-vacuum environment to meet test requirements .

    为完成在大型 真空试验中对飞船表面及舷窗的摄像观察提出了实施方案,分析并解决了普通摄像设备在真空&低温下使用的关键的技术问题,满足了试验要求。

  • Then this thesis has developed a Vacuum Test Human-Computer Interaction System .

    然后,研制了 真空 测试人机交互系统。

  • Though comparing the performances in the orbit and the thermal vacuum test the analysis method and the measure for improving is reasonable .

    通过在轨性能和地面热 模拟 试验的对比, 验证了理论分析是合理的,解决措施是有效可行的。

  • Thermal vacuum test provides an important reference for the thermal design of satellite-borne microwave module and for the optimal design of aerospace products .

    真空 试验为星载微波组件的工程设计和优化航天产品提供了一条重要参考依据。

  • Thermal control method for thermal vacuum test

    真空 试验中的热控方法

  • Based on fundamental principles of thermodynamics this article presents theory of vacuum cavity on vacuum test of all glass evacuated solar collector tubes establishes theoretical mathematics model and researches its feasibility initially .

    依据热力学基本定律,提出了太阳能全玻璃真空集热管 真空 检测的负压腔原理,并建立理论数学模型,同时还对其实际可行性及检测手段进行了初步探讨。

  • Combining the results of the thermal analysis and the thermal vacuum test the thermal control design of CZ-2C / SD is completed satisfactorily .

    热分析和热 真空 试验相结合,圆满完成了CZ-2C/SD火箭的热环境设计任务。

  • Thermal model based on method of system identification in spacecraft thermal vacuum test

    基于系统辨识方法的航天器热 真空 试验热传递模型

  • Application and Research on Draining Water from the Cooling Water Circuit in Vacuum State and Vacuum Test for Large Turbogenerators

    大型汽轮发电机水冷回路真空排水 真空 试验的应用与研究

  • A thermal couple analysis method and a thermal vacuum test method for CZ-2C / SD during launching Iridium satellite are described in detail .

    介绍了火箭发射卫星过程中星箭热耦合分析和热 真空 试验两种设计方法,具体介绍了综合应用计算和 试验两种方法完成CZ-2C/SD火箭发射铱星任务的热环境和热控设计工作。

  • The technology of camera observation in the large thermal vacuum test

    大型 真空试验中的摄像观察技术

  • Simulated all kinds of experiments about outer space environment is primary role of the vacuum test silo and its intelligent control terminal carries on the parameters of the warehouse for real-time monitoring .

    真空 试验仓主要是用来完成在模拟外太空环境下进行的各种实验,而其智能控制终端主要对仓内的各项参数进行实时监控。

  • Both the solvent recovery column and the solvent regenerator should be subjected to a thorough vacuum test prior to placing in operation to locate any present leakage .

    溶剂回收塔和溶剂再生塔在投运前均须进行彻底的 真空 试验,以查找任何泄漏。

  • Then computed results are validated in heat vacuum test .

    并对计算结果进行地面热 真空 试验验证。

  • Cascade Refrigeration System in the Thermal Vacuum Test Facility

    真空 试验设备复叠制冷系统