vacuum vessel

[ˈvækjuəm ˈvɛsəl][ˈvækjuəm ˈvesəl]


  • It shows that the major impurities in the vacuum vessel come partly from the fractions of the pump oil Baking at low temperature seems not useful but cleaning discharges are more effective in improving vacuum .

    证实了杂质的主要来源之一是泵油裂片,低温烘烤对提高本 真空基本无效,而清洗放电效果显著。

  • A Study of the Sealing Flange Manufacturing of a Huge Vacuum Vessel

    特大型 真空 容器密封法兰加工工艺研究

  • Vacuum vessel seal structure used in the leak test of a liquid rocket engine turbopump is discussed .

    论述了某型号液体火箭发动机涡轮泵高压低温静密封检漏试验用 真空 密封结构的设计问题。

  • Neutron shielding components design concept and structure features of ITER ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ) vacuum vessel were briefly introduced . Static and thermo-structure coupling analyses were performed based on FEM ( finite element method ) software ANSYS respectively .

    根据ITER(Internationalthermonuclearexperimentalreactor) 真空 中子屏蔽组件的设计概念和结构特点,应用有限元分析软件ANSYS对结构组件进行静力学分析和热&结构耦合分析。

  • Structure dynamic analysis of neutron shielding component for ITER vacuum vessel

    ITER 真空 中子屏蔽组件的结构动力学有限元分析

  • The FEM Deformation Analysis and Design Optimization of a Vacuum Vessel

    特大型 真空 容器密封结构有限元变形分析和设计优化

  • The heat load to the vacuum vessel thermal shield ( VVTS ) is analyzed by FLUENT finite element software in order to demonstrate that the design of cooling tubes is reliable .

    采取有限元法对内冷屏的 受热状况进行了计算分析,以验证内冷屏氦冷却管道设计方案的可靠性。

  • The liquid height in vacuum vessel had been optimized for inclusions removal .

    真空 室内的液面高度也存在一个最佳值。

  • A model study is carried out for welding big flange of vacuum vessel to control distortion during welding .

    利用模拟试验对 真空 容器制造中的大型法兰拼焊变形规律进行了研究.结果表明:法兰拼焊时,前十层的焊接变形量最大,是总变形的90%左右;

  • Preliminary analysis for gravity support and vacuum vessel of different cross-sections on HL-2M tokamak

    HL-2M 真空 截面形式及重力支撑的初步分析

  • Remote Control System of Pressure and Flow on Large Vacuum Vessel

    容积 真空 容器的压强和流量远程监控系统

  • The features of ITER vacuum vessel and the material selection for shielding structures are briefly discussed . A shielding conceptual design and some correlative support structures have been developed . The layout of ferromagnetic inserts was performed .

    介绍了ITER 真空 的结构特点及屏蔽结构料材的选取情况,发展了屏蔽设计思想及相关的支撑结构,对铁磁性材料填充区域进行了布局设计。

  • Requirement and Development of Materials for Nuclear Fusion Device Vacuum Vessel

    核聚变装置 放电 真空 材料的要求和发展

  • The results indicate that the delay time constant of the loop voltage is consistent with the equivalent time constant of the vacuum vessel .

    研究结果表明,环电压延迟的时间常数与 真空 的等效时间常数一致。

  • The induced eddy currents magnetic fields and electromagnetic forces in the vacuum vessel and copper shell are calculated .

    给出了破裂时内 真空 和铜壳的感应涡流、磁场和电动力。

  • Case Study and Judgment on Breakdown Fault of Vacuum Vessel for High Voltage Circuit Breaker

    高压断路 真空 击穿故障的判断与原因分析

  • The oxygen gas supplied from the KTB lance reacts with both CO gas and the molten steel in the vacuum vessel . A part of the oxygen on the steel side is consumed with the decarburization reaction as well as the increasing free-oxygen .

    KTB氧枪所供氧气在 真空 室内与CO气体及钢液发生反应,到达钢液面的一部分氧气被消耗于脱碳反应及增加钢中自由氧。

  • Design of ITER vacuum vessel neutron shielding structure

    ITER 真空 中子屏蔽设计

  • The vacuum vessel reactor is similar to a slug flow reactor .

    RH 真空 反应器类型接近活塞流反应器。

  • The effects of treatment time lift gas flowrate and liquid height in vacuum vessel on inclusion removal in RH degasser were investigated by choosing emulsion drops simulated as inclusions in a water model .

    通过选择乳状液滴模拟夹杂物和RH装置内水模实验,考察了RH处理时间、提升气量、 真空 室内液面高度对夹杂物去除行为的影响规律。

  • The technology of vibratory stress relief ( VSR ) used in energy engineering such as HT-7U nuclear fusion superconducting Tokamak massive base plate and vacuum vessel was introduced .

    介绍了振动时效技术在 HT-7U超导托卡马克核聚变大底板、 真空装置等能源工程中的应用。

  • Iter ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ) - feat vacuum vessel design presentation

    国际热核实验反应堆(ITER) 真空 的设计介绍

  • The plsama modification of powder like material has been carried out by adding rotating cylinder in the vacuum vessel .

    普通的表面处理仪难以处理粉体材料,通过 加装旋转滚筒,实现了粉体材料的表面改性处理。

  • Hydrostatic test Pneumatic test Test pressure Test temperature Vacuum vessel Combination units .

    液压试验,气压试验,试验压力,试验温度, 真空 容器,组合容器。

  • The influences of the existence of the vacuum vessel and the iron - core transformer were studied .

    实验研究了 真空 窗口和变压器铁芯的存在对测量结果的影响,验证了测量结果与 三维 数值 计算的一致性。

  • Numerical structure analysis for the vacuum vessel of HT-7U Superconducting Tokamak device

    HT-7U超导托卡马克装置 真空 结构数值分析

  • It also can be reducing pressure operated if it is put in vacuum vessel .

    若将滚筒干燥机设置在 真空 中,则可在减压 条件下运行。

  • Strength and Stability Analysis of a Super-Large Vacuum Vessel

    超大型 真空 容器的强度分析和稳定性研究

  • The eddy current losses in the toroidal field superconducting magnet of the HT-7U tokamak produced by plasma current and the eddy currents on the vacuum vessel are analyzed .

    文章分析了由等离子体电流和 真空 感应电流在HT-7U装置环向场超导磁体中产生的涡流损耗。

  • Design of Baking System for EAST Vacuum Vessel

    EAST超导托卡马克 真空 烘烤系统设计