vacuum tower

[ˈvækjuəm ˈtaʊɚ][ˈvækjuəm ˈtauə]


  • Some measures to improve extraction ratio of combustible vacuum tower were introduced in this paper which included the renovation on the traditional practice of wet vacuum distillation the reduction of the pressure drop of the tower the stablization and improvement of the vacuity .

    本文讨论了通过改变传统的湿式减压蒸馏操作、降低塔的压力降、稳定和提高真空度等提高燃料型 减压 拔出率的措施。

  • As the bottom pumps of the vacuum tower mainly suffers from high-temperature corrosion and naphthenic acid corrosion the materials of the equipment should be upgraded .

    高温硫和环烷酸的腐蚀主要表现在 减压 底油泵的腐蚀,应提高设备材质等级。

  • Deep vacuum distillation being restricted by operating conditions such as the heat stability of crude and the vacuity of vacuum tower etc. is a complicated system engineering .

    减压蒸馏深拔受原油热稳定性和 减压 真空 等操作条件的制约,是个复杂的系统工程。

  • Technical reform of vacuum tower of the atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit

    250万t/a常减压装置 减压 技术改造

  • Application of regular packing in vacuum tower

    规整填料在 减压 的应用

  • AH 90 high grade road asphalt was produced from American North Slope crude by vacuum distillation at Guangzhou Petrochemical Complex . The outlet temperature of the furnace was controlled at 392 ℃ while the vacuum of the vacuum tower was around 100 kPa .

    以美国北坡原油为原料,利用减压蒸馏的方法,在广州石化总厂蒸馏装置上,在 减压 塔顶 真空 为100kPa左右时,控制减压炉出口温度在392℃,生产出AH90号高等级道路沥青。

  • Applying of Cascade - control to Vacuum Tower of Distillation and Vacuum Unit

    串级控制在常减压装置 减压 上的应用研究

  • Design of new type internal component for large scale vacuum tower

    大型 减压 新型内构件的设计

  • Long-period Operating Measures and Analysis of Residuum Pump at the Bottom of Vacuum Tower of Distillation Unit

    蒸馏装置 减压 底渣油泵长周期运行措施与分析

  • Using the result obtained above the reliability of a cylinder body of a vacuum tower is calculated .

    利用所得结果计算了一座 减压 筒体的可靠度。

  • The Application of Regular Packing in Vacuum Tower Reformation

    规整填料在 减压 改造中的应用

  • Analysis of Corrosion of Vacuum Tower of No. 1 Distillation Unit and Countermeasures

    Ⅰ套蒸馏 减压 腐蚀原因分析及对策

  • A mathematic model for heat transfer in the semi-cylindrical furnace for the vacuum tower of the crude unit in Yumen refinery has been established .

    本文对 玉门炼油厂 减压炉辐射室建立了半圆形圆筒炉传热的数学模型。

  • The Technological Transformation and Simulation Analysis of Fuel-type Vacuum Tower

    燃料型 减压 的技术改造及模拟分析

  • The causes of corrosion of vacuum tower processing high-sulfur and high-acid-value Gudao crude and protection were discussed .

    文章叙述了炼制商硫、高酸值孤岛原油 减压 的腐蚀原因及防护措施。

  • Improving column internals to raise vacuum tower capacity and upgrade product quality

    改进塔内件提升 减压 处理能力及产品质量

  • Equipment such as hydrofining reactor high pressure water injecting pump feeding pump for reboiler at the bottom of vacuum tower and jet fuel pump etc. were added .

    新增了加氢精制反应器、高压注水泵、 减压 底重沸炉进料泵、喷气燃料油泵等设备;

  • The quality of vacuum distillates is closely related to the configuration of feeding part of the vacuum tower for crude distillation .

    原油蒸馏装置 减压 进料段结构与减压馏分油的质量密切相关。

  • The development of cold wall transfer line of vacuum tower and its successful application in a 500 kt / a atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit are introduced .

    详细介绍了冷壁 减压 转油线技术的开发以及成功地用于500kt/a常减压蒸馏装置的情况。

  • Revamping of the vacuum tower of a crude distillation unit

    原油蒸馏装置 减压 的技术改造

  • Reason analysis on inlet valve failure for vacuum tower bottom pump

    减压 底泵入口阀失效原因分析

  • Vacuum tower design of plastic solid woven belt product line based on Marc

    基于Marc的塑料整芯输送带生产线 真空 的设计

  • The result showed that the concentration of ferric ion in the units including primary tower atmospheric tower and vacuum tower was obviously decreased by 57 % 65 % and 55 % respectively with LY-1 oil soluble corrosion inhibitors instead of conventional water soluble ones .

    应用结果表明, LY-1油溶性缓蚀剂与常规水溶性缓蚀剂相比,初顶、常顶和减顶铁离子含量可分别降低57%,65%和55%;

  • Research of chain-control-system to vacuum tower in distillation and vacuum unit

    常减压装置 减压 的链控制系统研究

  • Application of aluminium permeated carbon steel packing in crude vacuum tower

    碳钢渗铝填料在 减压 蒸馏 上的应用

  • Vacuum tower can be divided into two kinds on the basis of different production tasks which are lubricating oil-type vacuum tower and fuel-type vacuum tower .

    减压 视其生产任务的不同,可分为润滑油减压塔和燃料型减压塔两种类型。

  • After analyzing the working characteristics and fault forms of residuum pump at the bottom of vacuum tower of distillation unit some technical measures are gradually found and used in practice .

    分析了 减压 底渣油泵工作特点和故障表现,针对渣油泵的工作特点和频繁出现的故障表现,逐步摸索出一些技术措施并在实际工作中实施。

  • The problems of traditional hot wall transfer line of vacuum tower such as more heat displacement of the horizontal pipe at low velocity large pushing force on the tower support and severe sulfur corrosion etc. are analyzed .

    剖析了传统的热壁 减压 转油线存在的低速段水平直管热位移量大,对 减压 蒸馏塔和支架的推力大,硫腐蚀严重等问题。

  • The design and operation of cold wall vacuum tower transfer line

    冷壁 减压 转油线的设计和运行

  • Technological Remoulding to Improve Diesel Yield by Using No.4 Normal Line as Back Flow of the Vacuum Tower

    常四线油作为 减压 回流增产柴油技术改造