vector norm method

[计] 向量范数法

  • Based on the model we simulated the progress of water resources system in the future . And combine with analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ) and the vector norm method .

    并结合层次分析法和 向量 对水资源承载能力进行定量模拟计算。

  • Based on the theories of normal distribution and vector norm a novel method for evaluating the effectiveness and precision of the sensor used in currency recognition is proposed .

    基于正态分布和 向量 范数理论的 方法,提出用于判断货币识别传感器的有效性和精确性 分析方法,并建立了货币识别的性质 模型

  • Residual vector norm method and numerical simulation of structural damage identification

    结构损伤识别的残余 向量 及数值仿真