vector operation

[ˈvɛktɚ ˌɑpəˈreʃən][ˈvektə ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]


  • Note that the add immediate instruction is a vector operation .

    注意ai指令是个 向量 运算

  • Due to use linear operation instead of vector operation in multi-dimension color image processing the operation speed of this algorithm is faster than that of conventional vector method .

    该算法摒弃了传统上处理多维彩色向量繁杂的 矢量 运算,而采用优化后的线性运算加快了运算速度。

  • It obtains the strategy of dimensional weight calculation by using vector operation to analyze to the evolutionary formula of particle accelerates the convergent speed and improves the global searching ability . ( 3 ) An improved particle swarm optimization algorithm was proposed .

    利用 矢量 运算对粒子进化公式进行分析,得出按维计算惯性权重的策略,加快了粒子收敛速度,提高了全局搜索能力。(3)提出了一种改进粒子群优化算法。

  • Vector operation based calculation method for universal segment selection

    一种基于 矢量 运算的通用管片选型计算方法

  • The principle and method was introduced of identifying cutter offset direction and calculating cutter path according to vector operation .

    介绍了通过 矢量 运算方法对立铣加工刀具偏移方向和刀具轨迹进行快速自动判别和计算的原理和方法。

  • It can be used as a design index for vector rotational operation where the rotational angle is known in advance .

    当所需的旋转角度是事先 预知的情形下,角度 量化的概念可用来当作一个设计的指标。

  • PWM technologies is retrospected simply and the choice mode of switching vectors of the space vector PWM and the formulas which are used to calculate the vector operation time of the space vector PWM are provided .

    简单介绍了PWM技术,给出了连续空间矢量PWM方式开关 矢量选择及 作用时间计算公式。

  • The paper which takes advantage of single-chip computer realizes vector control timing system of the asynchronous motor . Refer to the detection and vector operation link it makes good use of the software and hardware resource and improves the control performance and precision .

    利用单片机实现异步电机滑差频率矢量调速控制系统,抓住检测和 矢量 运算环节充分利用软、硬件资源,提高控制性能和精度。

  • This dissertation presents a modeling method for photoelectric autocollimation system based on vector operation . The model of laser autocollimation system is established and the concept of ideal autocollimation system is put forward .

    论文的主要创新性工作包括:(1)提出了一种基于 矢量 运算的建模方法,建立了激光自准直系统的数学模型,并提出了理想自准直系统概念。

  • The Role of Characteristic Value and Characteristic Vector in Matrix Operation

    特征值与特征 向量在矩阵 运算中的作用

  • Realistic Texture Mapping Using Vector Operation for Image Synthesis

    采用 向量运算进行图像融合的真实感纹理映射

  • Vector operation can be defined by geometric method and its properties can then be rationally demonstrated .

    对于 向量 运算,宜先用几何方法引入,然后推得 向量 坐标运算公式,再证明各种 运算律。

  • Hardware supported vector operation

    硬件支持的 向量 运算

  • The formula of the three physical quantities under the cylindrical and spherical coordinates is inferred by the combination of graphs and vector operation .

    借助 矢量 运算,结合图形,采用直观简捷的方法推导出了3个物理量在柱坐标及球坐标下的公式;

  • Weighted Support Vector Machine for Operation Monitoring of Wastewater Treatment Processes

    监控污水处理过程 运行状态的加权支持 向量机方法

  • This paper does a lot of optimization work on C code according to the hardware circumstance so that complier can make full use of hardware loop software pipelining and vector operation .

    本文还结合具体的硬件环境对代码本身做出了大量优化,使得编译器能够充分的使用硬件循环、软件流水化、 矢量 等技术。

  • Finally according to the definition of difference this article judges the imperceptibility of watermark algorithm for the GIS vector data through the operation of spatial analysis .

    最后,本文从差异性定义出发,通过空间分析 操作,判断面向GIS 矢量数据水印系统的不可感知性。

  • Using vector and its operation to solve the solid geometry reflect the essence of the relative concepts in the solid geometry and we can avoid adding the auxiliary lines or auxiliary planes and make the methods and process simpler .

    利用 向量及其 运算知识解立体几何求值题,进一步反映了立体几何中有关概念的本质,可避免添加辅助线或辅助面等,亦可使方法和过程更为简明。

  • Supercomputer and vector operation on oil exploration and development

    石油勘探开发中的矢量机与 矢量 运算

  • Among this the vector operation module that is the discovery and extraction of change information is the key part of this system .

    其中变化信息的发现与提取这一 矢量 操作模块是该系统的关键步骤,在全国土地详查中,土地利用基础图件大部分是以SHP文件格式存储的。

  • A new algorithm based on vector operation for data mining is displayed in this paper . It applies much to parallel operation besides it needs scanning the database only once which distinguishes from the traditional Apriori algorithm .

    提出一个基于 向量 运算的崭新的挖掘算法,它特别适用于并行运算,并且,在整个挖掘过程中,只需扫描数据库一次,而传统的Apriori算法需要多次扫描数据库。

  • Secondly using the Principles of transformation matrix and vector operation the trajectory equation of cutting edge relative to workpiece is derived .

    然后运用图形矩阵变换原理和 矢量 运算法则,导出刀具切削刃上任意切削点相对于工件实际运动的轨迹方程;

  • Based on the analysis of part CAD design theory and referring to the biology gene knowledge and part multi-feature gene coding knowledge we propose a new part modeling methodology using degree of freedom ( DOF ) analysis and the vector operation principle .

    在分析归纳CAD零件设计理论基础上,结合零件多特征基因编码知识,利用自由度分析法及 矢量 运算法则,提出一种借鉴生物基因思想的零件融合设计建模方法。

  • This paper introduces the principle and the method of using the vector operation to recognize concave or convex vertices of polygon and the recognition speed is very high .

    本文介绍了一种通过运用 矢量 运算方法对平面多边形顶点的凹凸性进行快速自动识别的原理和方法。

  • As to the three-phase dual buck grid-connected inverter the thesis built up the one-cycle control model with vector operation mode and conducted simulative studies to prove the correctness of theoretical analysis .

    对于三相双降压式并网逆变器,建立了 矢量模式单周控制的模型,进行了仿真研究,验证了理论分析的正确性,并与传统的滞环 控制进行了比较分析。

  • Using Vector and Its Operation to Solve the Solid Geometric Problems

    利用 向量及其 运算解立体几何题

  • The system adopts Unified Constant-Frequency with Vector Operation to design 3-phase 3-wire parallel active power filter ( PAPF ) .

    系统采用基于 矢量 运算的恒频积分算法,设计三相三线并联型有源电力滤波器PAPF。

  • Research on the model of photoelectric auto-collimating system based on vector operation

    基于 矢量 运算的光电自准直系统建模研究自准直光波导连接器

  • By introducing the state vector it improves the operation transformation algorithm and enhances the efficiency of run-time system .

    同时引入状态 向量,改进了 操作转换算法,有效地提高了系统的运行效率。