velocity level

[vəˈlɑsɪti ˈlɛvəl][viˈlɔsiti ˈlevl]


  • This paper analyses the laws of drawdown velocity of subsurface water level in the drainage area under the double actions of evaporation and drainage and then suggests a calculation method of the distance between drainage ditches in farmland applicable to any index of evaporation .

    本文分析了排水地段的地下 水位在蒸发及排水双重作用下的回降 速度规律,提出一种适用于蒸发指数为任意值的农田排水沟(管)间距的计算方法。

  • The results from the three connections of rolling velocity and film strength rolling velocity and surface gloss level film strength and surface gloss level are very identical .

    由轧制速度与油膜厚度、轧制 速度与铝箔表面粗糙 以及油膜厚度与表面粗糙度的关系等三方面得出的结果具有良好的一致性。

  • Based on review of former research a finite difference model ( FDM ) based on MacCormack scheme for structural grids was established for calculating velocity water level and shock waves .

    本论文在总结前人的研究成果上,建立了结构网格上采用MacCormack格式的有限差分(FDM)的数学模型,计算出弯道急流的 流速水位和激波。

  • Film profiles featuring a dimple can be formed in the contact zone when the entrainment velocity exceeds a certain level ;

    当卷吸 速度 变化到一定 时,在接触区会产生油膜的凹陷;

  • Its magnitude is determined by the grid average roughness and average wind velocity on the reference level . The maximum relative error is above 40 % .

    在特殊情况下相对误差可达40%以上,而其中平均 风速 大小具有更重要的作用。

  • Based on hydraulics open ditch uniform flow theory this paper builds up the formula to calculate the velocity gaging section water level current .

    从水力学明渠均匀流理论出发,建立了计算测流断面 水位 流量的公式。

  • It can see the distance bearing heading velocity and energy level of other robots .

    它可以知道其它机器人的距离、方位、方向、 速度和能量 等级

  • Adopting roof air supply and sidewall air return setting backflow on both sides or one side has fewer influence in indoor temperature distribution velocity distribution and comfort level ;

    采用顶送风侧回风方式时,回风口布置在一侧或布置在两侧对室内温度分布、 速度分布、舒适 影响不大;

  • The fatigue elastic modulus attenuation velocity under high stress level was more than that under low stress level .

    低温钢纤维混凝土梁在高应力下的抗折疲劳弹性模量衰减 速率大于低应力下的衰减速率。

  • Moving object detection and velocity estimation based on level set

    基于 水平集的运动目标检测和 速度估算

  • Determination of wind velocity in predicting ground level concentration of pollutants dispersed continuously down from high stack

    高架连续点源落地 浓度预测中 风速的确定

  • The study results show as follows : water level drawdown appears before support crushing and water inrush ; and the velocity of water level drawdown basically keeps constant .

    结果表明:松散承压含水层水位下降超前于工作面压架突水,且 水位下降 速度基本保持不变。

  • The curved channel in laboratory is selected to validate the depth-averaged 2D model . The velocity and water level at all sections are presented and are compared with the data of experiment .

    以实验室弯道为例,对深度平均的二维水动力模型进行了验证,给出了各实测断面的 流速水位,并同实验结果进行对比,验证了水动力模型的可靠性。

  • The repair velocity and the possible level of functional recovery of sphincter pupillae muscle were better than those of extraocular muscles .

    瞳孔括约肌的功能恢复 速度与最终的恢复 水平明显优于眼外肌。

  • Through improving cross-correlation algorithm commonly used for analysis of flow field and curved surface fitting and error correction the magnitude and direction of blood flow velocity with sub-pixel level is obtained . Vorticity distribution and stress rate distribution of blood flow field are further calculated .

    对流场分析常用的互相关算法进行改进,辅以曲面拟合和误差修正,获得了亚像素 的全流场 速度的大小和方向,并进一步计算出血流场的涡量分布和剪切率分布。

  • The effects of flow velocity turbulence level and flow direction in the cell on hydrodynamics of flotation deinking were also discussed in this paper .

    论述了浮选槽的结构特征以及浮选槽中浆流 速度、湍流 强度和流动方向等特征对浮选脱墨流体动力学的影响。

  • Finally in order to decrease the computing expenses of level set formulation by finite difference method an extension of the classical fast marching method ( FMM ) was applied to build appropriate extension velocity for the neighboring level set .

    为减小对水平集进行有限差分计算的开销,采用改进快速行进算法(FMM)确定适宜的相邻 水平集扩张 速度

  • In order to solve the real-time control problem of kinematics for redundant robots an analytical solution at joint velocity level for redundant robots is described .

    为解决冗余自由度机器人的运动学实时控制问题,给出了冗余自由度机器人运动学 速度 的解析解。

  • After mask oxygen inhalation the blood flow velocity returned to preoperative level .

    面罩吸氧后脑血流 速度又恢复至手术前 状态

  • Analytical Design About Instantaneous Center of Velocity in the n Level Planar Mechanism

    平面Ⅱ 机构 速度瞬心的解析解

  • This paper introduces the complex system for water level automatic control and for data acquisition and processing of velocity and level in river model tests . The Apple ⅱ or IBM PC microcomputer is used as the core part of tire system .

    本文介绍了以APPLE-Ⅱ微机和以IBM-PC微机为核心部件的水位自动控制和 流速水位数据采集与处理系统以及该系统在河工模型试验中的应用。

  • The radiation sound pressure level the mean vibration velocity level radiation efficiency reduce with reducing of the complex stiffness .

    辐射声功率级、表面振动均方 速度 和辐射效率级都随着复刚度值Z的减小而减小。

  • Introduction was given to the principle of auto-control system for constant filtration velocity and constant water level in No.

    介绍了东莞第三水厂恒滤 、恒 水位过滤自控系统的原理,探讨了 水位控制精度低的原因及改进方法。

  • Relation between the Velocity of Water Level Drawdown in a Reservoir and the Slope Stability of Earth Dam

    水库 水位降落 速度和土坝坝坡的稳定性

  • The control velocity over liquid level face velocity and vapour extraction efficiency have been measured respectively in condition of different hood heights and fan speeds for both the complex and ordinary vapour hoods .

    对复合式和普通式排风罩,在不同罩口高度和风机转速条件下,分别测定了 液面控制 速度、罩口吸气速度和排雾效率。

  • We describe and discuss the criteria to measure the comfort of wind environment at pedestrian level around buildings . By numerical methods we achieve good curves of average wind velocity at pedestrian level .

    对建筑物周围行人高度风环境舒适性的评价标准进行了阐述和讨论,并采用数值方法得到了行人 高度的平均 速度等值曲线,取得较好的结果。

  • The radiation sound pressure level and the mean vibration velocity level reduced Significantly for being covered the damping layer .

    敷设自由阻尼层后壳体辐射声功率级和表面振动均方 速度 都有明显的降低。

  • Numerical Simulation in a 90 ° Curved Duct with Low Velocity and High Turbulence Level

    低速高湍 流度90°弯管流动数值模拟

  • After solving the coupling equation several parameters which indicate the general characteristics of the shell vibration and sound radiation are calculated . The parameters are the acoustic radiated power level the radial quadratic velocity level and the radiation efficiency .

    通过求解流固耦合振动方程,计算了壳体在径向简谐激励下的表征壳体总体振动与声辐射的几个物理量:辐射声功率级、振动均方 速度 和辐射效率。