vein anesthesia

[ven ˌænɪsˈθiʒə][vein ˌænɪsˈθi:ʒə]


  • · AIM : To explore the clinical effects of vein anesthesia of disoprofol matching Nd : YAG laser on cutting children 's after-cataract .

    目的:探讨异丙酚注射液 iv 麻醉配合Nd:YAG激光切除儿童后发障的临床疗效。

  • Clinical application of propofol and fentanyl vein anesthesia in vaginal egg retrieval

    异丙酚加芬太尼 静脉 麻醉在阴道取卵 中的临床应用

  • Results All these cases were performed the opera-tions successively thought compound vein anesthesia in outpatient department and were out of the hospital after the observation of 1 to 4 hours .

    结果本组病例均成功在门诊 静脉复合 麻醉 完成宫腔镜电切 ,且均于 手术当日观察1-4小时后离院。

  • Methods : Under the air vein anesthesia one time operations were performed in 42 patients with complete cleft lip and palate plus cleft alveolar process .

    方法:在气体 - 静脉 复合 麻醉下,对42例婴儿完全性唇腭裂及牙槽突裂施行一次性手术整复。

  • Three different liquids were injected into the patients through vein before and after of the epidural combining spinal anesthesia in the three groups differently . MAP and HR of all the patients were measured and recorded at different times .

    三组液体均于腰硬联合 麻醉前后分段经患者 静脉输入,测定多时段MAP、HR。

  • All patients were removed autogenous blood in a ratio of 10ml / kg via the right internal jugular vein catheter after anesthesia and infused them back following cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) .

    麻醉后均从右颈内 静脉插管放自体血10ml/kg,于体外循环后输回病人。

  • Aim To investigation the influence of propofol and fentanyl vein anesthesia on the result of vaginal egg retrival .

    目的探讨异丙酚、芬太尼 静脉 麻醉 经阴道取卵 的效果及对体外受精胚胎移植(IVFET)结局的影响。

  • The P-VCFs were implanted into the inferior vena cava ( IVC ) through healthy side femoral vein or right internal jugular vein under local anesthesia and DSA .

    手术在DSA室 局麻下进行,经健侧股静脉或右颈内 静脉穿刺植入永久性腔静脉滤器于下腔静脉,捕捉血栓和预防肺血栓栓塞症。

  • Methods : Four patients with internal jugular pulsing tinnitus were treated with ligation of the internal jugular vein under local anesthesia .

    方法:4例搏动性耳鸣患者经 耳镜全身体检,听力学、电生理、超声及影像学检查确诊为颈内 静脉哼鸣性耳鸣,进行了颈内 静脉结扎术。

  • Method : Giving chemotherapeutic drugs through the portal vein intubation under an epidural catheter anesthesia .

    方法:用硬膜外导管 静脉 插管给药。

  • Objective The study is to observe patients ' compliance to gastroscopy after vein anesthesia and the anesthesia 's influence on gastroscopy .

    目的观察 静脉 麻醉后行胃镜检查病人的依从性及对胃镜操作的影响。

  • The system is successfully applied to the development of portable vein anesthesia controller .

    该系统已成功地应用于便携式 静脉 麻醉控制仪的开发。

  • Nursing of child 's congenital heart disease under vein induced anesthesia

    小儿先心病在 静脉诱导 麻醉下介入治疗的护理

  • Arrhythmia of Vein Combined Anesthesia Patients-Attach 84 Cases
