vector optimization

[ˈvɛktɚ ˌɑptəmɪˈzeʃən][ˈvektə ˌɔptimaiˈzeiʃən]


  • In linear topological spaces we study the geometric properties of ε - efficient solutions for general vector optimization problems .

    本文对线性拓扑空间中一般 向量 极值问题的ε-有效解的几何性质进行了研究,得到了几个定理;

  • And finally the optimality conditions are obtained for set-valued vector optimization problems in a sense of weak efficient solutions by applying the theorem .

    运用此定理获得了弱有效解意义下的集值 向量 优化问题的最优性条件。

  • The Properties of Weak Effective Solution of Vector Optimization Problems of Set Valued Mapping

    集值映射 向量 优化问题弱有效解的性质

  • Then we introduce a mixed vector equilibrium problem ( MVEP ) and an equivalent vector optimization problem .

    其次,引入了一种混合向量平衡问题(MVEP),并建立了与该混合向量平衡问题等价的 向量 优化问题。

  • A Property of Generalized Strictly Efficient Solutions for Vector Optimization Problems

    向量 优化问题广义严格有效解的一个性质

  • On Some Aspects of Duality and Stability in Vector Optimization

    向量 优化中的若干对偶和稳定性研究

  • Cone Characterizations about Efficient Points and Efficient Solutions of Vector Optimization Problems with Set-Valued Maps

    集合的有效点和集值 优化问题有效解的锥 刻画

  • The main content of this paper is the research of synergetic neural network model and the prototype vector optimization .

    本文围绕协同神经网络模型、原型 向量 优化等方面进行了研究。

  • Super efficient point in vector optimization problems with set-valued maps characterized by generalized saddle point ;

    本文 研究 优化问题严有效解的广义鞍点刻画问题。

  • Feature Vector Optimization in Face Recognition

    人脸识别中的特征 向量 优化 算法 研究

  • Finally we give some applications of ( IVEP ) to vector variational inequality problems and vector optimization problems .

    最后在第五节里,我们举出了一些隐式向量均衡问题(IVEP)应用到向量变分不等式问题和 向量 优化问题的例子。

  • Essential Solutions and Essential Components of the Solution Set of Infinite Dimensional Vector Optimization Problems

    无穷维 向量 优化问题的本质解及解集的本质连通区

  • ε - Properly Efficient Solutions of Vector Optimization Problems with Set-Valued Maps in Linear Spaces

    线性空间中集值映射 向量 优化问题的ε-真有效解

  • The Mond_Weir duality for generalized vector optimization is dealt with in this paper . This paper proves the theorems on weak duality between primary problem and dual problem direct duality and inverse duality .

    对广义 向量 最优化问题建立了Mond_Weir型对偶,证明了原问题和对偶问题之间的弱对偶定理、直接对偶定理和逆对偶定理。

  • Optimality Conditions for a kind of Set-Valued Vector Optimization of Maps

    一类集值映射 向量 优化问题的最优性条件

  • As an application the dual forms of various superefficient points are given for vector optimization problems .

    作为它的应用,给出了 向量 优化问题多种超有效点的对偶形式。

  • Some characterizations of efficient and strictly efficient solutions of set-valued vector optimization problems

    集值 向量 优化问题有效解和严格有效解的一些刻画

  • In this paper we define the generalized efficient solution and prove the existence of the generalized efficient solution for nondifferentiable vector optimization problems by using set-valued mapping vector quasi-variational inequalities .

    文中定义了广义有效解,并利用集值映射向量似变分不等式证明了不可微 向量 优化问题的广义有效解的存在性。

  • Study of vector optimization with control parameters

    带有控制参量的 向量 优化 问题研究

  • The vector optimization problems with control parameters in topological vector spaces are considered .

    在拓扑向量空间中,考虑了带有控制参量的 向量 优化问题。

  • Benson proper efficiency in vector optimization with set-valued maps

    集值 向量 优化的Benson真有效性

  • Up Semi-continuous of the Ideal Solutions of Vector Optimization Problems with Set-valued Maps

    集值映射 向量 优化问题理想解的上半连续性

  • Under the condition that the objective mapping is cone quasiconvex we prove the connectedness of the set of super efficient solutions to vector optimization .

    证明了目标映射为锥拟凸的 向量 优化 问题的超有效解集是连通的。

  • First we introduced the theory of vector optimization and approach to get noninferior solution .

    首先我们给出了 向量 优化的基础理论和求解非劣集的主要方法。

  • The Characterization of Strong-Efficient Solution of Set-Valued Vector Optimization with Generalized Gradient

    用广义梯度刻画集 优化的强有效解调强放射治疗中强度分布 优化方法的研究

  • Connectivity of the Henig Proper Efficient Point ( Solution ) Set for Vector Optimization

    向量 优化的Henig真有效点(解)集的连通性

  • The vector optimization problems being of set-valued objective and constraint functions are considered .

    讨论了目标函数及约束函数均为集值映射的 向量 最优化问题。

  • Based on the second a direct method of vector optimization for multiobjective dynamic programming is presented .

    在第2个结论的基础上,提出了多目标动态规划 向量 优化直接算法。

  • Variational Models and Set-valued Analysis in Vector Optimization

    向量 优化中的变分模型与集值分析

  • Lagrangian Dual Problem in Linear Vector Optimization of Set-Value Constraint

    集值约束的线性 向量 优化中的拉格朗日对偶问题