


  • A slashed doublet ; slashed cuffs showing the scarlet lining . a vest-pocket camera

    开叉的 马甲;开叉的袖口显出猩红色的衬里。 袖珍 小型 w_31相机

  • In chapter 3 emphasis are concerned with part designs in the vest-pocket park and the detailed design of soft and hard environment such as water afforest hard ground and trifling environment .

    第三章 针对 袖珍公园的局部设计,从软、硬质环境 入手,详细推敲了水体、绿化、硬地、环境小品设计中的 细节

  • A Vest-Pocket Instrument for the Detection and Treatment of the Onset of Epileptic Seizures

    袖珍 癫痫病预发探测治疗仪

  • You could not take up a newspaper English Scotch or Irish without finding in it one or more references to the vest-pocket million-pounder and his latest doings and saying .

    不管你 翻开哪份报纸, 无论是英格兰的,苏格兰的,还是爱尔兰的,你总会看到一两 有关“ 百万 英镑者”及其最新言行的消息。

  • For written calculation a key board calculating table for using vest-pocket Dalian DS-5 computer made in China is also given hereof .

    对于一般笔算,本文还给出了一个使用 国产大连DS&5 袖珍计算机解题的键盘操作表。

  • In chapter 2 the different characteristics of vest-pocket park with different classification of function space age and art degree are analysed .

    第二章 着重分析了 袖珍公园 使用功能、场所 环境服务 对象年龄结构、艺术层次的 种分类方法和各自特点;