vertical section

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈsɛkʃən][ˈvə:tikəl ˈsekʃən]


  • There is a pair of kidney eddies on the vertical section of the outlet of effusion hole and the kidney eddies will moves into the main flow when the blowing ratio is increased .

    而在发散孔出口与主流 方向 垂直的位置会形成一对旋转 方向相反的肾 涡,且涡的位置随吹风比的增大而移向主流区域。

  • Overheating appeared in the tubes of the outlet section outside the furnace and outlet vertical section of the reheater duo to thermal deviations accompanied by tube explosion .

    由于再热器采用一级布置,热偏差大,在出口段炉外部分和出口 垂直 部分出现较大范围超温,并有爆管现象发生。

  • This paper established the vertical section of the tunnel model based on the actual engineering project survey simulates and analysis the bolt length .

    根据本文依托的实际工程的工程概况,建立和其相对应的隧道 断面模型,分别进行锚杆长度对比工况模拟研究。

  • Experiment showed the relationship of different elevation location and siltation conditions of artificial beach by the same vertical section .

    通过试验得出人工沙滩同一 纵向 断面,不同高程位置的泥沙淤积情况和高程的关系。

  • The example of the application system measurement of horizontal and vertical section is also given .

    并给出了电子经纬仪在公路勘测中的实例:电子经纬仪在公路 纵横 断面测量中的应用。

  • According to the relative data of typical sections the relationship between traffic accidents and road vertical section parameters was studied based on statistics and regression methods .

    结合典型长大下坡路段的交通事故数据,运用数理统计与回归分析方法,研究了交通事故与道路 断面参数之间的关系。

  • Assemble with other Wave Section 2 shapes to create a page frame or border . Rotate to make a vertical section .

    与其他波形饰段2组合可创建页面框架或边框。旋转可制作 垂直

  • Finite Element Numerical Simulation of the Casting Stress Field on the 2 D Vertical Section of the Lathe Bed

    机床床身二维 纵向 截面的铸造应力场有限元数值模拟

  • Fractal dimension of impact fracture surface of08F steel was measured by vertical section method .

    利用 垂直 截面法测量了08F钢经不同形变氮化复合后冲击断裂表面的分形维数。

  • The outcomes show that the deposit on vertical section distributes coarse alternating with fine and with a certain lamination ;

    结果表明: 垂直 剖面上淤积物粗细相间分布,具有一定层理;

  • Vertical section characteristics of aerosol in winter of 2007 over Dalian Liaoning province

    2007年冬季大连市区气溶胶 垂直 剖面特征

  • This article mainly discusses the feasibility of integrative surveying which combine the vertical section and transect with topographic survey .

    主要探讨了道路工程中的 纵横断面和地形一体化测量的可行性及几种作业方法的比较。

  • The results show that the range and extension height of strong reflectivity area on vertical section are important to hailstorm development .

    分析结果表明, 垂直 剖面上强反射率区的范围及伸展高度对雹云的发展有重要作用。

  • A vertical section of the Earth 's crust showing the different horizons or layers .

    地球外壳的 垂直 切面,显示出不同层次的区别。

  • Creating city road modeling is calculated by uniform centerline modeling integrating vertical section and transect modeling .

    提出了基于图形的建模方法。采用统一中心线模型、跟 断面模型和横断面模型相结合的方法对城市道路进行建模。

  • The vertical section LaAl_2-LaCu_5 of the ternary system Al-Cu-La was studied by differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction method .

    用微差热分析和x-射线衍射法研究了Al-Cu-La系的LaAl2-LaCu5 垂直 截面

  • And gaining the across vertical section and inclined section .

    并通过插值,得到横、 剖面及斜截面。

  • Cervical length multiplied by width was the biggest vertical section area of cervix ( cervical area ) .

    宫颈长度和宽度的乘积为宫颈最大 切面面积(简称宫颈面积)。

  • Lastly the paper discusses the precautions in the repair of circuit design in vertical section and cross-sectional design .

    最后对修复线路设计时 断面和横断面设计的注意事项进行了讨论。

  • This rule of slag samples is reflected in the element distribution of the vertical section .

    这一规律也在渣样 剖面的元素分布上得到体现。

  • It is a flower structure system which has a self-similar texture on the vertical section .


  • The velocity profile in vertical section cross section and side section is given .

    画出了涡流室 截面、横截面和侧截面上的速度矢量图。

  • Enclosed vertical busbars serving all modules in the vertical section .


  • The porous structure is not found on the vertical section .


  • These internal-tide deposits possessed five types of vertical successions and formed rhythmic deposit combinations with cyclicity in the vertical section .

    它们具有5种垂向沈积层序,在 剖面上常形成多旋回韵律性沈积组合。

  • An ordinary horizontal well consists of vertical section curve section and horizontal section .

    普通水平井轨迹由三部分组成: ,造斜段,水平段。

  • A vertical section of soil from the ground surface to the parent rock .

    从地表到母岩的土壤的 剖面

  • For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan .

    有些建筑的 立面 能比平面图提供更多的信息。

  • The Vertical Section Design of the Channel under the AutoCAD VBA Project and the Cross Drawing Environment of VBA

    AUTOCADVBA在渠道 断面设计中的应用

  • In this paper the application of CAD technology on the tunnel vertical section design is studied .

    本文分析了铁路山岭隧道 断面的设计过程,研究了 断面设计过程中的CAD应用方法。