vertical plane

[ˈvɚtɪkəl plen][ˈvə:tikəl plein]


  • Attitude Control of Superspeed Underwater Vehicle in Vertical Plane

    超高速水下航行器 平面姿态控制研究

  • In the vertical plane it should be located on the highest point of the real-world object .

    垂直 平面,应设于现实世界对象的最高点。

  • This paper introduces the moving mechanism and analyses gliding dynamics of the glider in vertical plane .

    文章讨论了温差能驱动的滑翔器运动机理及其在 垂直 剖面的运动分析,得到稳态运动的参数解。

  • Submarine combined mathematics model and interference coefficients analyses in the vertical plane

    潜艇 垂直 分离型数学模型及其干扰因子分析

  • Based on this evaluation the survey used binocular stereo vision system to compensate the direction error and located the elevation degree in vertical plane and the distance of sound source .

    在此基础上,利用双目立体视觉系统对听觉系统定位的结果进行误差补偿,并进行 垂直方位的标高 以及距离的评估。

  • A length of aluminum tubing flattened at its tip in a vertical plane serves as a pointer .

    端点 沿 直面压扁的一段细铝管,作为指针之用。

  • And because the equation does not involve theta it 's all the same if I rotate my vertical plane around the z axis .

    由于等式没有包含θ,所以可以任意旋转这个 垂直 平面,绕着z轴。

  • Use of rotational inertia of the definition of calculated rigid oval ring around the ring with the vertical plane through the central axis and the moment of inertia .

    运用转动惯量定义式直接计算出椭圆环刚体绕 垂直与环 平面且通过中心轴的转动惯量。

  • The vertical plane of the dress and the upper arm are both darker than the forearm and the leg of the dress which catch more light because they face more upward .

    裙子的 直面和上臂都比前臂和大腿那个面显得暗,因为前臂和包裹大腿的裙子面朝上吸收更多的光。

  • The azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane containing it and the plane of the meridian .

    天体的方位角是指包括它的 垂直 与子午线平面之间的夹角。

  • Already slight deviations are enough to drive the image into gray and to falsify color fidelity in particular on the vertical plane .

    已经略有偏差,足以驱动图像成灰阶和色彩保真度,以伪造,尤其是在 垂直 平面

  • So if you slice these things by a vertical plane or actually even better a vertical half plane something to delete one half of the picture .

    如果你画个 切面 垂直的,或者是更好的垂直半平面,我们擦掉这半边。

  • Based on Lagrange equations the dynamics is derived for an underactuated translational oscillators with rotating actuator ( TORA ) that actuator motion occurs in a vertical plane .

    针对旋转小球在 垂直 平面 运动的欠驱动的具有旋转激励的平移振荡器(TORA),基于拉格朗日方程,建立其动力学模型。

  • Its main function is to control the rotational movement of Sightseeing Mini-Submarine in the horizontal and vertical plane .

    十字舵系统包括方向舵系统和升降舵系统,其主要功能是控制微型观光潜艇在水平面和 垂直 面的回转运动。

  • The material spread of flame along the surface of a product orientated in a vertical plane is determined by this test method using the apparatus shown below .

    材料的火焰沿着在定位在 垂直 的产品的表面传播,是由使用以下的实验装置的测试方法所确定的。

  • Without the horizontal plane for placement a smoker can very conveniently fix the hanging ashtray to a vertical plane .

    在无水平面放置的情况下,吸烟者可以很方便地将其固定在某一 立面

  • A tennis ball in class like this then the whole trajectory is * the whole trajectory is in one plane in the vertical plane .

    如果我抛出一个网球,这样,那么整个轨。,在一个平面上,一个 垂直 平面上。

  • The projection plane may be the basic projection plane newly-established vertical plane or common place plane and the direction of the projection may slope .

    投影面可为基本投影面也可为新设的 垂直 或一般位置平面。

  • So now similarly the directional derivative means actually we 'll be slicing our graph by the vertical plane .

    类似地,方向导数的意思是,用 垂直 平面切开图像。

  • Steel member measuring techniques of three-point localization method and vertical plane compensation method

    钢构件的三点定位法、 垂直 补偿法测量技术

  • The spatial extent of the assigned land refers to the closed space formed by the above-said boundary points posed by the vertical plane and the upper and lower elevation level .

    出让宗地空间范围是以上述界址点所构成的 垂直 和上、下界限高程平面封闭形成的空间范围。

  • So that gives me a slice of my graph by a vertical plane and the slice has a certain slope .

    那样给出图像的一个 垂直 切面,这个切面上有某个斜率。

  • Lately the work on hand is modelling pituitary in3D here 's a vertical plane section view .

    最近做下丘脑的三维建模,这是 截面的模型。

  • Application in the submarine vertical plane motion control unit design of Kalman filtering

    卡尔曼滤波在潜艇 垂直 运动控制器设计中的应用

  • The winner is the athlete whose torso breaks the vertical plane of the finishing line first .

    第一个用身体躯干冲过终点 垂直 面的人为优胜者。

  • Light can be trusted to curve only in a vertical plane .

    可确信光线仅在 垂直 作曲线传播。

  • And now you should imagine that you have this thing that when you slice it by a vertical plane looks like a downward sparabola .

    现在想象得到的图像,当你 垂直切割它时,它是开口向下的 抛物线

  • That is for example what we do when we look at say a horizontal plane or a vertical plane or a sphere or a cylinder .

    不妨想一想,考虑一个水平面,一个 垂直 ,或是一个球面时的做法。

  • Their neutron lux and neutron angle-distributing of horizontal and vertical plane at the exits of collimator were compared at same input condition .

    比较了这三种不同准直器在输入条件相同的情况下,它们出口处的中子注量率、水平 直面的中子角分布。

  • Simulation of ANFIS Control for the Motion of Submarine in Vertical Plane

    潜艇 垂直 运动自适应神经网络模糊控制仿真