vertical parallax

[ˈvɚtɪkəl ˈpærəˌlæks][ˈvə:tikəl ˈpærəˌlæks]


  • Rainbow holography is a major method in white-light holography which is lack of vertical parallax due to introducing a slit that reduces the view zone of reconstructed images in recording process .

    利用彩虹全息是实现白光全息的常用方法,由于记录过程中引入狭缝使得再现像的视场非常狭小,且只有 水平 视差

  • In three-dimensional displays large vertical parallax in parallax images is disadvantageous to stereo vision due to the presence of visual fatigue .

    立体显示时,视差图像中过大的 竖直 视差将对人眼立体视觉造成干扰,容易使观看者产生视觉疲劳。

  • Based on the error propagation law the theoretical accuracy model of exterior orientation elements to vertical parallax is proposed in this paper firstly .

    结果表明,在影像定向参数精度较高的情况下,该算法能够生成 像素 上下 视差 线 影像,且具有简单、实用性强等特点。

  • Based on the principle that homologous points in different parallax images correspond to the same object point a method is proposed to eliminate the vertical parallax in multi-view parallax images .

    基于各视差图像中同源像点对应同一物点的原理,本文提出了一种消除多视点视差图像 竖直 视差的方法。