


  • Venezuela also condemned the military aggression against Libya saying it violates the country 's sovereignty and self-determination .


  • Argentina and Venezuela in Latin America .

    还有拉美的阿根廷和 委内瑞拉

  • It 's interesting to note that similar measures had already happened in Cuba and Venezuela .

    很有趣的是我注意到古巴和 委内瑞拉都已经推行了这类措施。

  • An island republic in the West Indies off the northeastern coast of Venezuela .

    位于西印度群岛 委内瑞拉海岸东北的一个岛上的共和国。

  • The meeting was called in response to a request from Venezuela .


  • Yet China has invested billions of dollars in Latin American oil mainly in Brazil Argentina and Venezuela .

    但中国已经向拉美石油业投资了数十亿美元,主要集中在巴西、阿根廷和 委内瑞拉

  • Only a handful of countries including Iran North Korea and Venezuela have refused to sign .

    全世界只有包括伊朗、朝鲜和 委内瑞拉在内的几个国家,仍然拒绝签署这个公约。

  • Avoid Using In : Turkey Brazil Venezuela and France .

    在土耳其、巴西、 委内瑞拉、和法国请避免使用。

  • A fractional monetary unit of Venezuela and Costa Rica and Equatorial Guinea and Paraguay and Spain .


  • It has also largely been loaned to only three countries – Venezuela Ecuador and Argentina .

    而且,这些资金基本上只贷给了三个国家: 委内瑞拉、厄瓜多尔和阿根廷。

  • In addition to savings Brazil and Venezuela offer incredible variety in location and talent options .

    除了储蓄,巴西和 委内瑞拉的位置和人才提供令人难以置信的各种选项。

  • Then it was pushed out of the Middle East and Venezuela .

    后来,该行业被逐出了中东和 委内瑞拉

  • We export communications satellites to Venezuela and Pakistan already .

    我们已经向 委内瑞拉和巴基斯坦出口了通信卫星。

  • There were big increases from China Saudi Arabia Vietnam Iran and Venezuela .

    来自中国、沙特、越南、伊朗和 委内瑞拉 留学生数量出现了大幅的增加。

  • The other members are Argentina Venezuela Paraguay and Uruguay .

    这4个国家为阿根廷、 委内瑞拉、巴拉圭和乌拉圭。

  • The essential issue is much different in Russia Egypt and Venezuela .

    俄罗斯、埃及和 委内瑞拉的情况与上述 国家完全不同。

  • He has voyaged through places like Venezuela and Peru .

    他已经航行经过像 委内瑞拉和秘鲁这样的地方。

  • Trinidad and Tobago is actually in the Caribbean a group of islands northeast of Venezuela .

    实际上,特立尼达和多巴哥位于加勒比海地区,是位于 委内瑞拉东北部的一个群岛。

  • So it 's no accident that Venezuela and Nigeria of course both have oil .

    因此,这并非偶然, 委内瑞拉和尼日利亚,当然,都有油。

  • They used two sets of South American countries for this purpose : Colombia Venezuela vs Argentina Chile .

    他们使用了两组南美国家来进行比较,哥伦比业, 委内瑞拉vs阿根廷,智利。

  • This stands in stark contrast to Venezuela 's publicly funded music education program El Sistema .

    这与 委内瑞拉政府资助的音乐教育计划ElSistema形成了鲜明的对比。

  • Many such as Chavez and Venezuela are beginning to catch portion of this dream in the now .

    很多人如查维斯和 委内瑞拉,现在正开始抓住该梦想的一部分。

  • Venezuela and Ecuador broke diplomatic relations and sent troops to their borders with Colombia ;


  • Venezuela the Philippines and Nigeria are no-go markets .


  • Leaders of eight Latin American countries are meeting in Caracas Venezuela today .

    拉美8个国家的领导人今天在 委内瑞拉的加拉加斯会晤。

  • High oil prices empower Venezuela Russia and Iran .

    高油价赋予了 委内瑞拉、俄罗斯和伊朗力量。

  • Trinidad and Tobago : A country of the southeast West Indies in the Atlantic Ocean off northeast Venezuela .

    特立尼达和多巴哥:西印度群岛东南部的一个国家,位于 委内瑞拉东北部的大西洋上。

  • The US found itself outflanked with Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for company .

    美国则发现自己与沙特阿拉伯和 委内瑞拉一道被人“包抄”。

  • Cuba is counting on China and Venezuela to provide fresh development credit in the coming years .

    古巴指望中国和 委内瑞拉今后几年继续为古巴提供发展贷款。