vessel flange

[ˈvɛsəl flændʒ][ˈvesəl flændʒ]


  • One of the basic failures of reactor pressure vessel is the failure of flange sealing system so it is very important to study the performance of its sealing system .

    法兰密封失效是核压力 容器的最基本失效形式之一,研究其密封性能具有十分重要的意义。

  • Several Proposals on Pressure Vessel Flange Standard

    关于压力 容器 法兰标准若干问题的建议

  • The Points Which Should be Taken into Account when Utilizing the Standard of JB4700 ~ 4707-92 《 Pressure Vessel Flange 》 in Chemical Equipment Design

    在化工设备设计中选用JB4700~4707-92《压力 容器 法兰》标准应注意的问题

  • The Leakage and Prevention of PWR Pressure Vessel Flange

    水堆压力 容器 法兰的泄漏与防止

  • Pressure vessel shell manufacture process flange welding edge with the shell wall thickness increasing processing brought about by a serious processing problem .

    压力 容器筒体在制造过程中, 遇到 法兰焊接坡口随着筒体壁厚的不断增加,带来了严重的加工问题。

  • Head is mainly confined part of pressure vessel . Not only the size is increasingly large but also the shape is complex day and day . The large head with flange which used in hydrogenation reaction is a typical case .

    封头是压力 容器的主要承压部件,不仅其尺寸超大,而且形状也越来越复杂,加氢反应器用大型带 法兰封头就是其中典型一例。

  • The application of this software has shown that it is simple and easy to apply . The intelligent pressure vessel and pipeline flange clamp design was achieved preliminarily .

    应用实例证明了该软件的实用性和易用性,初步实现了压力 容器和管道 法兰夹具设计的智能化。

  • If the large-scale flange of pressure vessel is designed as per the Chinese national code GB150 the stress of the flange obtained based on the code is always lower than the actual value .

    压力 容器大型 法兰设计,如采用国家标准GB150做强度计算,得到的应力值往往偏小。

  • Taken the containment vessel of5 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor as an example which was designed by Tsinghua University the shortage of the large-scale flange design based on GB150 is introduced .

    本文以清华大学5MW低温核供热试验堆工程安全壳设计为例,说明采用 GB150进行大 法兰设计的局限性。

  • The common methods and points taken into account of the standard of JB4700 ~ JB4707-92 《 Pressure Vessel Flange 》 were introduced .

    介绍了JB4700~4707-92《压力 容器 法兰》标准在设计选用中的一般常规方法和应注意的问题。

  • The Stress Analysis of Vessel Flange with Definite Element

    容器 法兰应力分析

  • Nozzle projections are from the vessel centerline to the gasket face of flange .

    喷嘴设计是从 容器中心线到 法兰密封面。

  • In this article the treatment for the leakage occurred in the vessel flange of the heat exchanging equipment due to the variation of the pressure and temperature was introduced .

    本文简要介绍了换热设备大 法兰在温度及压力变化情况下发生泄漏后的不同补救措施,对于不停车等情况下的消除设备隐患的良好效果。

  • The hoisting of thick wall heavy - duty vessel is suitable to install hang cover and big flange specially .

    高压厚壁重型 容器的吊装,宜直接设置专门吊益与大 法兰螺栓把紧起吊;

  • TheC - type sealing ring is designed to pressure vessel flange seal .

    C形环是一种用于压力 容器 法兰密封的密封环,目前国内使用的为进口C形环。

  • Dynamic Disposal Skill of the Local Leaking on the Vessel Flange

    容器 法兰局部泄漏的动态处理方法