vest in


  • One might be to vest voting rights in shares whose ownership can be transferred only after a holding period of years not hours . In that way control would be married to commitment .

    比如, 授予人们 带有投票权 股份,而这些股份只有在持有几年、而非几小时之后才可以转让,通过这种方式将控制与承诺绑在一起。

  • But the insurance premium that is sure as a result of person contains deposit element policy-holder pays insurance premium for a long time the cost of money that rise is gathered on the foundation ought to vest in is other the beneficiary beneficiary that enjoys the right .

    但是由于人身保险的保险费带有储蓄因素,投保人长期支付保险费基础上积累起来的现金价值应当 归属 其他享有权利的受益人。

  • Where is the vest ? In my van .

    坎肩在哪里? 我的车里。

  • Do you keep this stuff close to the vest in order to prevent leaks ?

    你是 特意 保密以防泄露消息吗?

  • All of the intellectual property rights in data downloaded to the Contractor using the said communication link ( or any replacement of the same pursuant to warranty ) shall vest in the Contractor .

    供应方使用上述通讯链路(或受保证 约束的替代物)所下载数据的所有知识产权,均属 供应方所有。

  • SEHK Options Clearing House Limited SEOCH w_1233 Title to the state-owned assets in the company shall vest in the State .

    联交所期权结算所有限公司公司 的国有资产所有权 属于国家。

  • Title to the state-owned assets in the company shall vest in the State .

    公司中的国有资产所有权 属于国家。

  • The study is in overall situation of the residence vest in work area be equivalent to the office of household also have illicit close sex more however . building in which diplomats live or work .

    书房在住宅的总体格局 属于工作区域,相当于家居的办公室,却也更具私密性。

  • Article Fourteen : No one shall wear bulletproof vest during sleep in summer .

    第十四条:夏天睡觉不得穿防弹 背心

  • This paper applies the methods of dynamic econometric analysis to analyze performance of investment on science and technology ( VEST ) in China .

    运用时间序列模型的动态计量方法对科研 投入的效果进行分析。

  • On the appointed day the Hong Kong undertaking shall be deemed for the purpose of Hong Kong law to be transferred to and vest in Daiwa to the intent that Daiwa shall succeed to the Hong Kong undertaking .

    在指定日期当日,该等香港业务,就香港法律而言,须当作转让予和 归属 和银行,以使大和银行继承该等香港业务。

  • The awards are due to vest in late March however and because the bank has hit performance and share price targets plan participants could receive about 2.76 shares in Credit Suisse for each unit they were awarded according to financial times estimates .

    不过,这批奖金定于 明年3月下旬 发放,且由于该银行已达到了业绩与股价目标,英国《金融时报》估计,该计划参与者被授予的单位绩效奖可换取约2.76瑞信股票。

  • I stood with a heavy heart . His vest he arranged in the same place .

    我心情沉重地站在那里,他把 背心 那里。

  • Don 't inflate the life vest in the cabin and as soon as you leave the aircraft inflate it by pulling down the red tab .

    请不要 客舱内将 救生 充气!一离开飞机立即拉下小红头充气。

  • The us constitution vest the executive power In the president

    美国宪法将行政权 赋予总统

  • It took one and half an hour to vest the bride in her wedding dress .

    新娘 穿结婚礼服花了一个半小时。

  • The rest was paid in restricted stock and options the first portion of which will start to vest in early 2014 .

    其余是限制性股票和期权,第一批将于2014年初 授予

  • Use of Halo Vest frame in acute injuries of cervical vertebrae


  • One could also vest limited control rights in some groups of workers .

    还可以将有限控制权 授予某些员工群体。

  • Application of special patient vest in long-term internal carotid venous catheterization

    专用病号 背心 长期颈内静脉置管患者中的应用

  • Use of the Halo vest Immobilization in Cervical Spinal Surgery

    头环 背心 颈椎外科的应用

  • Thirdly it will divide department law vest of relevant laws in charities .

    第三,划分慈善事业相关法律的部门法 归属

  • Sleeveless vest in rib-knit-cotton

    纹针织棉纱无袖 衬衫

  • Different countries vest the prosecutorial power in the different state powers : executive power quasi-judicial power and legal supervision power .

    不同国家将检察权 属于不同的国家权力:行政权、准司法权和法律监督权。

  • The applying value of Halo Vest in the treatment of cervical spine injury

    颈椎外伤治疗 Halo-Vest的应用价值探讨

  • In vest in a pocket calculator and let it do the sum for you .

    花钱 一个 袖珍计算器,用它来为你计算。

  • Simply put the battery case inside the pocket of the vest and plug in the heating element .

    只需把电池盒放 背心的口袋里,插上电热 即可。

  • Half of those shares were scheduled to vest in 5 years the other in 10 years .

    按照计划,其中一半股权 5年内 授予,另外一半则在10年 授予

  • His vest he arranged in the same place .

    他把 背心 那里。